I Wore Modern Clothing for a Week

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A big thanks to Surfshark for sponsoring this video.

I decided to experiment with wearing modern fashion for an entire week! I've been wearing historical fashion every day for quite a while now, so wearing modern fashion feels very unfamiliar and strange to me. That's why I thought making this video would be the perfect opportunity to step a bit outside of my comfort zone.

Metropolitan Museum of Art, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
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So, do you think I'm recognisable in modern clothing? 😅 Thanks so much for watching. See you in two weeks for the next video!


The 2010s hipster is historic in its own way lol


You just seem like a time traveler trying to fit in. I love it!


My great aunt died in around the time that I was born in 1957. I am told by my older cousin that she used to wear her Victorian dark dress. It hadn't torn in 57 years and so she could see no reason to update her fashion.


Closet tour of historical clothes? It would be SO cool to see your collection!


Admittedly it also takes work to curate a "modern" wardrobe that one feels comfortable in: I'd also feel a bit off wearing all recently-thrifted clothes for a week! It would be a bit like losing your luggage and having to wear a friend's clothes. Really does show how clothes are like a second skin! I wear a combo of modern and "weird" stuff (retro style, dirndls) but have never really matched a trend 100%, I think that pretty much everyone who rocks their look (vintage, historical or contemporary) has put in lots of effort and time. It's great you've found yours!


this video kinda reminded me of an alien trying to look natural amongst humans lol


I am convinced that a meaningful existence with digital tools and pre-industrial things would make sense. A kind of steampunk. More sufficiency in some areas and digital in other areas. A balance.


day 5 is literally so perfect… from the hair to the makeup to the outfit, it’s so cute 🥺


I think one of my favorite things about this video is that you have shown the possibilities for unique fashion in second-hand shopping. The only recognizeably "modern" outfit you have here is the classic jeans and t-shirt, but you've even managed to give that your own flair without realizing it. If I saw you walking down the street in any of these outfits, I would think, wow, what a gorgeous, interesting woman. I honestly have never seen anyone pair things in the way you have with some of these outfits, and it's actually very inspiring. I love that you have found confidence in your style, but I think you should also give yourself credit for being a unique, interesting, and inspiring person even when you're out of your comfort zone.


I had similar feelings when my car that I had wrapped pink myself was in the shop and I had to drive a *normal* car. I felt so sad and dull. If anything it makes us extra happy to be ourselves again! Great video as usual!


I love the idea of trying the "normal" thing every now and then just to validate that one's current preferences really are ones one.
In my opinion, however, I don't think most people would feel good in these outfits... they're not cohesive enough to really represent the experience of dressing in modern clothing 😬

I have an idea for a future video (or video series) that I think would be super fascinating to a large audience. 🤗

I think it would be really cool if you partnered with another Fashion YouTuber (maybe someone the same size as you?) who focuses on modern clothing or just has a completely different style than you, and do a closet exchange for two weeks. Each of you could build instructions for ~10 unique outfits, so that the other person could choose from those cohesive outfits for the first week, and then experiment with their own outfits after having learned from the first week. I think it would be particularly interesting to see which pieces each of you chose to re-wear, which you might have never chosen to wear, and why. The project could also be extended such that you each hold on to 7 pieces (your choice) of the other person's clothing for an additional week, and mix it with your own wardrobe.

Doing such a trade would eliminate the need to buy anything (2 points for sustainability!) and expose each of your audiences to each other's platform. I think discussing your experiences with someone else (in comparison to just talking to the camera yourself) would also be really interesting as a viewer ☺ Having someone who is an expert in the other type of dressing to give you tips or advice would also be soooo helpful for troubleshooting outfits if you're struggling with negative feelings along the way as they could point you towards other options that you might feel more comfortable in, or help you see unique ways to style items that could make them feel more like you ☺


Its funny to hear you say you don't feel "authentic", considering a LOT of people feel like inauthentic a LOT (all?) of the time. I hope you understand that you're living the dream because a lot of us are forced to dress for the workplace or other socially-accepted standards. I'm not an avid follower of your channel but I like to check in sometimes because you look cute in whatever you're wearing, so keep it up!


It's really interesting how to a person who is not into historical fashion the outfits feel very early 2010s and we wouldn't call it modern, but rather dated or behind the trend. But then to you who usually wear garments from decades/hundreds of years ago this does seem indeed modern haha anyways great video!


Seeing this is strange, it’s like the personification of putting ranch on a pizza in Italy, like drinking tea with pistachio milk or like unironically liking surströmming.

(Day three fits you well though, something about the denim’s color suits you marvelously!)


You looked sooo cute in that jean dress/undershirt one with the high ponytail braid, I would love to see you recreate that in historical fashion!


As someone who needs sound and no light to get to sleep, I love how you go into detail about exactly what you’re wearing so I can still understand the video without looking. I admittedly never thought about it before, but it must also be very helpful for visually impaired people which is awesome. Love your work, have a great day!


Don't worry about "not feeling like yourself" during this experiment, Vasi. If I dressed up like a pirate or a samurai for a week, I wouldn't "feel like myself" either. 😊


I didn’t realise until listening to this that complex ptsd is why I feel so distressed when my clothes don’t fit or my outfit isn’t cohesive. Physically it feels like being forced to cover up at church events even though I’d followed the arbitrary dress code to a T! It triggered the emotions but not the memories so I hadn’t realised. I’m glad you’ve got the support you need to do this!!! It’s not easy! Thank you for talking about it and helping me realise, I think c-ptsd could also be why I feel compelled to follow certain trends. I don’t mind doing things differently to an extent but being forced to follow a religious dress code was very alienating!

It’s strange to see you in modern clothes but how you styled them felt unique to you 💕 Day 2 is definitely something I’d wear, just with sneakers and most likely no makeup. I used to wear high ponytails a lot but I’d probably wear a claw clip these days 😊


Really loved the braided ponytail look.
