Intent Based Networking Market

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Intent Based Networks capture business intent, and in so doing, bridge the gap between business operations and information technology. The benefits of intent based networking are many and varied, but arguably all improvements stem from the ability for IBN to automate network management and orchestration in a proactive and intelligent manner. Accordingly, intent based networking represents a solution set that is at the confluence of a few key technologies including machine learning (and other forms of artificial intelligence), Software Defined Networking (SDN), and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies.

One of the key capabilities of intent based networking is the ability to monitor, identify and react in real time to changing network conditions. This pertains to network (and related apps and services) provisioning and administration as well as proactively and autonomously managing change in operational conditions. As a core concept, intent based networking is not completely new, as SDN capabilities have been evolving for many years. However, a much more timely development for intent based networking is the advent of machine learning algorithms capable of providing network automation.

More specifically, the intent based networking market is defined largely by the extent to which network orchestration is automated, including software that may implement changes autonomously. Networks are increasingly becoming more self-aware and capable of dynamic optimization, often in real-time. In some cases changes are made to enhance a current state. In other cases, remediation is required to adjust a sub-optimal condition or situation that has gone awry. Mind Commerce sees this as an area in which machine learning will become extremely valuable for IBN as AI will provide networks the ability to identify and learn from patterns and behaviors, leading to autonomous decision making, reducing human errors and costs while improving efficiency.

SDN is an important technology for intent based networking as software defined everything (SDX) and virtualization are transforming network and service architecture thanks to improvements in technologies that offer improved performance, lower costs, improved flexibility and control. As the border between Cloud Computing and network infrastructure continues to blur, so does the demarcation between the network as a whole and those network elements (servers, terminals, etc.) that comprise the network. SDX (e.g. control of networks, apps, services, systems) has historically enabled more efficient provisioning and administration. Within the intent based networking ecosystem, it does those same things, but is part of a bigger chain of interdependent, self-aware, autonomous solutions.

One of the major goals of SDX has been to simplify and consolidate network functions. This enables networks leverage commodity switches, and servers rather than rely upon specialized, often proprietary hardware and software. Instead of managing intent based network components separately (e.g. separate interfaces), they are controlled collectively and in software, via unified and open solutions, often via an open API. SDX facilitates simplified and more efficient network administration by way of decoupling the system that makes decisions about where traffic is sent (the control plane) from the underlying systems that forward traffic to the selected destination (the data plane).

This report builds on Mind Commerce research in the area of network management and automation. This includes cognitive network management and the trend towards networks becoming increasing more self-aware, self-configuring, self-optimizing, self-healing, and self-protecting. See the Mind Commerce report entitled, Next Generation Networking for Artificial Intelligence (AI): Market Outlook for AI driven SDN, 5G, IoT, and Network Analytics 2018 – 2023.

This report evaluates intent based networking including comparison of IBN with traditional networking in terms of architecture, capabilities, and benefits for carrier and enterprise networks. The report analyzes technologies, infrastructure, and the impact of implementing intent based networking in conjunction with other emerging technologies such as Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC), 5G, AI, and IoT. The report also evaluates leading vendors, strategies, and solutions.
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