Our Role In Evolution | Neale Donald Walsch

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Why are we here on this planet? This is a beautiful question addressed by the one and only, Neale Donald Walsch, author of the Conversations with God book series.

It's easy to become confused about our life's purpose by all the negative and disheartening news from around the world. It's also easy to mistake on the idea that we've reached our peak evolution through humanity's rapid technological advancements.

Believe it or not, we are still in our infancy and there's still room to grow and evolve.

This talk delivered by Neale Donald Walsch at Mindvalley Reunion San Diego 2018, dives deep into the fundamental questions of life. Let's begin to accelerate not only our personal evolution but also change the world for the better by taking the time to understand our role in evolution.

If you're looking to understand your role here on earth, give this talk a listen. It will shift your entire paradigm.

Because we are all much more than we think.
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How has this talk enlightened thoughts and feelings within you? Share with us in the comments below 😍


A pet cat saved my home from certain fire. I was getting ready to leave grocery shopping after my niece left in a hurry to school. Bunny the white cat demanded I follow her to my niece's room by meowing as in pain, stomping, and turning around to see if I was following. My niece had left a burning candle lit on a self. One of her school papers was dangling within one inch of the candle flame from the above shelf. Thank you Bunny.


I was there LIVE in 2018. What a golden moment in time! I’m grateful to be able to watch the replay


My soul resonated with everything that was written in Conversations with God and all the others. It brought together everything I knew from my own life as well as everything I have learnt by so many masters (both old and new and from all realms including scientific). Since then I have recommended your book to everyone I come in contact with, and I mean everyone! I listen to it daily, not because I need to understand it or because I don’t believe it but because I love it. I love every word and I know it’s true. I feel empowered and I want everyone to feel as empowered as I do to. And in case nobody has told you ( who ever You are) I love you, and thank you too


I Am that I Am. Neale reminded me of the gift of being at one with God. Conversation with God was reaffirming of my existence . Neale is wonderful in that he can verbalize it with great balance of wisdom, humor and Love. Bless him.


In my meditations recently, this phrase came out: what you want, what you need, and who you are are the same thing...it resonates with what you are saying about offering to others as opposed to needing something from others.


I prayed for answers last night and today source brought me this. Truly thankful. I was in tears several times. Thank you!


****54:20** **

This statement left me floored, right down to my soul! Just amazing. The answer to all life's questions, folks ... begins here.


As I read his books, I found myself saying, "I knew this, but had forgotten, " all the way through them.


Blessed is this man by God. When I read his books it's God literally talking to me Through Neale.


Blown away by Neale.. this is probably the best talk i've ever heard. Such wisdom. So funny! Blessed to have stumbled across him. <3


This is excellent . It's also comforting, because my father who recently passed away deeply loved to listen to Neale Donald Walsch .


Thank you father Lord for sending me this great teacher when I’ve been feeling so broke Thank you my brother in Christ


He reminds me so much of Dr. Wayne Dyer 💗 So grateful God continues to remind me who I am through these great teachers until I fully unpack and understand my place beside them one day


I enjoy Neale's humor...so grateful for this man. ❤️


Neale has helped me see the purpose of my life more clearly. I am here for you. We are ONE.


I'm reminded; " ignorance is the cause of all suffering " I hope our world grows up fast, start educating our children in our new findings of science today and the age old truths of this spiritual world called life. Yes, I know what I hope to give my grand children...
Thank you Neil for all you do.


Reading the first book I was breathless, couldn't believe level of intimacy, I believed finally l know God. It is astonishing simplicity and comprehension. And even now, anything Neill saying has that exceptional, deep connection that only God knows and has compaction. This man is Jesus, God's blessings to us.


My mom was constantly judging others my whole life. To such an extreme point, I inherited it from her and can hear her voice still from time to time


Thank you Neil for being our source of wisdom and wonder. Thank you for being our true mirror of Grace, Goodness and Enlightenment.
