Virgo 2024 Horoscope ♍ Year Ahead Astrology

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A year ahead horoscope and astrology forecast for the zodiac sign Virgo for 2024, with predictions about some of the major themes in the coming year, with astrologer Chris Brennan of The Astrology Podcast.

The main themes for Virgo in 2024 are: Finances, relationships, beliefs, career, friends, enemies, health.

I would recommend watching the horoscope video that matches your rising sign, although you can also watch your Sun sign and Moon sign as well.

🪐 2024 Electional Astrology Report:

Timestamps for Virgo

00:00:00 Virgo Main Themes for 2024
00:00:38 Eclipses in Aries & Libra
00:02:13 Saturn conjunct Neptune in Pisces
00:04:22 Jupiter in Taurus: January–May
00:05:48 Jupiter in Gemini: May–December
00:06:50 Mars retrograde in Cancer & Leo
00:09:02 Pluto moves into Aquarius
00:10:45 Closing Remarks
00:12:03 Acknowledgments & Recommendations

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Hey Virgo, let me know in the comments if you can already see how some of the themes I mentioned are going to come up in your life in specific ways this year in 2024! As always, I would recommend watching the horoscope video that matches your rising sign, although you can also watch your Sun sign and Moon sign as well.


Hardly any good news for Virgo and relationships seems to be the highlight this year. Taurus sun, Virgo rising and Horse Year. Sounds like a v challenging year ahead.


Really great presenter, full of information and no waffle, thank you 💮


Virgo Rising here as well. Super helpful, Chris. Thank you! Update July 2024: re-listening to this and wowza--spot on the the finance section for me. Husband's career is in flux as of early this month--so the section about finances affected by partner's finances showing up now. So interesting to re-watch/listen again part way through the year. Awesome work, Chris.


Virgo rising here! Thank you so much for this video!


I like the way you explain the horoscope.


Thank you, Chris 😊🙏 Virgo rising here. 7 months into the year, I can say this explanation is pretty accurate 💚


Virgo Sun and Virgo Mercury and I have to write my bachelor thesis this year 😭🥲


I am a Virgo rising and I like what you did for the forecast of this year. It will be easy to go back next year and see what change according to the forecast. Thanks.


hey, I just came across this 5/2024 and it is SPOT ON for me Virgo Sun, Taurus Moon, Scorpio Rising and my husband is a Taurus Sun. The financial part is EXACTLY what's transpiring right now. The financial shift started in Dec 2023. I'm having to completely restructure our finances due to my husband's coming off Worker's Comp and finding a new job, fewer hours, less stress, and WAY less money. Challenging for sure! We've been living high off the hog way too long lol. Not anymore 😳. I'm going to have to look up your other forecasts now.


Ty for this. When pluto dipped into aqua last spring, I got covid, so I'm watching that one!


Virgo is my moon sign and rising sign, as well as having a few planets in it, and this video really resonates with me. Thank you.


Virgo sun and venus, aries moon, gemini rising ❤️👍🙏


Watching when the video has 444 likes. My ascendant is 4deg44min Virgo ♍️


Thanks a lot, Chris! Happy New Year💫🌈🐉


See...! U know Magic!! Keep it up! Make sure you eat your veggies! That will help your long days! Tips 4 tips young Sage TY..!!


Im looking forward in my finances work and carrere sector 2-8, 10, 6 house sounds powerful

I have positive trine in 2, 6, 10 house in natal chart

And in my relationships I'll be ready for fights and endings

Its okay I need boundaries and longevity in friendships
Thats saturn in 7th house is having me writing down on paper in my partnerships pros and cons and all the things i feel during my partnerships


virgo rising with my saturn exact this yearr. (one time on the pisces eclipse)! Curious to see what comes of this year


Hi Chris Brennan where can I have reading Thank you


I am graduating in May 2024 with my BA in Transformative Advocacy- I am set to work on an MA part time and work part time after that... I am not sure if I should go for the MA or not though... I might simply work instead. I need a surgery on my foot this year- I have a painful broken sesamoid and it will be removed some time after March- but I am avoiding scheduling it in April because of the Mercury Rx that's going to happen around then (I'll be on foot-scooter for some time). Maybe in June? I aspire to be a niche astrologer such as yourself but very particular - I am currently scribing a book that you will be quoted in (and currently reading a book you are quoted in by Alice Sparkly Kat called Post-Colonial Astrology) and I created new sigils for the cusp signs as well as lore... It's an activist jab at astrology while promoting it at the same time, and along with it I want to do humanitarian work here in Denver. My Saturn is conjunct Denver's NN (Denver being "born" 11/22/1858), and Denver's Saturn is conjunct my Moon- It's Sun is conjunct my Sun/Juno/Pluto/Jupiter (I was born in Denver on 11/24/1994), and it's Mars is conjunct my Vertex. I know there will be arguments against my book b/cuz I am for Indigenous reparations (Cheyenne/Arapaho/Ute) and I was born on thee Thursday of that day of taking we give thanks for... The sabian symbols for my 26-29 degree Scorpio Stellium of Jupiter/Pluto/Juno and my 1 degree Sagittarius Sun is literally "American Indians Making Camp After Moving Into A New Territory-A Military Band Marches Noisily On Through The City Streets-The King Of The Fairies Approaching His Domain-An Indian Squaw Pleading To The Chief For The Lives Of Her Children-Children In Halloween Costumes Indulge In Various Pranks-Retired Army Veterans Gather To Reawaken Old Memories..." My mother was married on Halloween (she's goth/punk) and the trick of treatise is a thing... My Dad was in the military and a descendent of a captain of the revolutionary war on the american side... I had a child with a descendent of the Sand Creek Massacre as well, they were born 1/2/21 (a Captain). You once did a part of Eros reading for me back in 2017ish- my natal Eros is conjunct my Sun, natal Aphrodite is conjunct my Moon, and I have Pi(sces) on the DC; I am polyamorous, which is non-traditional & speaks to your realism VS idealism issues in my 7th house... I am bisexual so I cannot help it... plus I live in a country where as a woman, I DON"T HAVE TO MARRY- and that's a freedom I want to exercise to the fullest extent. In my book I plan to write my astro-autobiography, including some of these connections but using CUSPS to describe it all in a transrevolutionary way. I have a ridiculous amount of student debt that's affected my credit score, and I hope to fix it this year and beyond. The Denver/Saturn conjunctions I have scare me- and it's Mars on Vertex is so legit cuz the defense advanced research projects agency totally messed with me during the trumf administration (and I was hacked the day CO kicked him off the ballot, because I am notorious for hating him). Denver's Pallas is conjunct it's Venus, so war-contractors and the defense industry contracts are totally it's thang in some respect- not to mention yourself of course... My Sun trines the 1degree Aries cusp of fame- so I hope I became locally famous hehehe<3 Love You & TYSM! <3 oh and P.S. Denver's natal asteroid 881 Athene is conjunct it's NN ;) and my birthname is Athena Rose Landy muwhahaha LandBackFROMTHEDEAD! (My soul is anyway; a different shade of whyt)!
