Are Emily and Victoria Sisters? How did Emily Die? The Corpse Bride Theory - The Fangirl

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Ever wonder how long it's been since Emily died? Or why Lord Barkis really killed her? Has it ever crossed your mind that Emily and Victoria might be sister? Let's take a look!

Also, side note on Barkis - some people are trying their best to twist what I'm trying to say in the second half of the video. I don't accept boring villains who do evil things just for evil's sake. Everyone has a backstory, and this video includes my thoughts on Lord Barkis and his unspoken history. Anyone who is treated poorly due to who they are is going to have a higher risk of snapping or lashing out against social demands. Who Barkis is as a person is not to blame here, so much as society itself. Please also keep in mind that The Corpse Bride was released in 2005, when we had a very different, unaccepting social climate, which could have also influenced certain elements of this movie.

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Wait wait wait. Mrs everglot 'won't let Victoria near the piano. It's improper for a lady. Too passionate.' Emily plays piano, maybe mr and mrs everglot don't want Victoria to become like Emily, passionate, and willing to elope with her one true


When she said “Emily wasn’t dead when he buried her” I dropped my phone


She was buried alive? Tim Burton you are a dark man but like I still love you XD


I feel like Emily and Victoria aren’t sibling but cousins. I read a comment that said “Victoria’s mother didn’t let her near the piano because it’s improper and it’s too passionate” maybe Victoria’s mother heard from Emily’s mother that she found a lover from playing the piano beautifully but tragically died. Which caused Victoria’s parents to be over protective of Victoria so she wouldn’t be a disappointment to them as Emily was to her entire family. Idkidk I’m probably read wrong about this!!


Me at 10 PM: I'm going to go to bed.


"Emily wasn't dead when he buried her"


Theory: Are these two main characters related or even siblings?
Conclusion: The villian is


She was probably knocked out because she has that mark dent thing on her for head


"When her daddy said no, she just couldn't cope
So our lovers came up with a plan to elope"
Emily's parents have seen him before. Plus, the silhouette matches, his appearance didn't change. This means that Victoria's parents not recognizing him meant that they've genuinely never seen him before. Also, Emily didn't recognize Victoria (or ever give any hint that she knew her, nicknamed Victoria "little miss living") and neither did Victoria recognize Emily. If you look at how Barkis's outward appearance has changed very little, if at all, (Emily recognized him immediately and he's still using his "dashing good looks" to con people) that reveals that it hasn't been that long since he killed Emily. At most, it's been a few years or just long enough for anyone who knew about what happened to no longer be an issue. (Forgot, moved away, otherwise moved on with their lives, etc.) Therefore, if Victoria and Emily were sisters, then they would have had more than enough time together to have formed some kind of relationship/bond and have been able to recognize each other upon being reunited as Emily did Barkis. But, they never did. To Emily, Victoria was simply: "the other woman". That is, until the end of the movie of course when she realized that what she was doing was wrong. (Letting him drink the poison and marry her rather than staying alive and marrying Victoria, the woman he loved.) Thus, Emily and Victoria are not sisters, they never were. Emily was from some other rich family.

"Now, her mother's wedding dress fit like a glove...the family jewels and a satchel of gold"
Victoria's mother doesn't exactly have the same build as Emily, so the dress Emily was wearing couldn't possibly have been hers. Plus, Victoria's mother doesn't exactly strike me as the kind of person who would wear a dress like that. She wouldn't choose or wear that dress for any reason. Her dress in the movie was also rather conservative so Emily's would've been too revealing for her tastes. And, Victoria's parents didn't marry out of love, they were not at all happy about their marriage. They only married because it was what their families decided. So, she wouldn't wear a dress like that for her husband-to-be either. (or his family for that matter.) If you look at their house, their mannerisms, and all the portraits on the walls, both she and her husband are deeply rooted in family traditions and aren't ones for change so Victoria's mother couldn't and wouldn't have changed her style after her marriage. Now, if that dress had been in the family and was an heirloom of some sort, then you have to look at the fact that Emily's dress doesn't match the style or preferences of either parent or their respective families (the portraits on the walls, the relatives that come to Victoria and Barkis's wedding, or the corpses that come in later), but Victoria's does.
Plus, Lord Barkis couldn't possibly have been stupid enough to come back and con the same family that he'd robbed blind the first time around.
In the movie it's pretty clear that he had no idea that Victoria's family was broke, hence the shock when she told him that she had no dowry and he (his "money") was supposed to be the one to keep them from the poor house. If Emily and Victoria were sisters, he would've known.

You could say that he only targeted this wedding and this couple because he knew that Victor's family had money but, bear in mind that his victim was Victoria, not Victor.

"she made a vow lying under that tree
That she'd wait for her true love to come set her free"
Wording and context are key here: "her true love" not simply "true love". Just "true love" doesn't specify what kind, therefore it wouldn't matter. Think of what happened in Frozen, "An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart." It does not specify what kind of love, what kind of action was required, or who needed to perform said action. (the person with the frozen heart or someone who loved them.) Thus, sisterly love and Anna saving Elsa worked perfectly. Plus the wording of these lyrics implies that she was waiting for someone else to do something for her, not the other way around. Emily was only in her particular situation because she got royally screwed over by a man who didn't love her. However, even after what happened she still believed in love, specifically, romantic love. This then implies that the person she was waiting for was not someone who truly loved her or whom she truly loved, but rather a man who was truly IN love with her, a prince charming to her damsel in distress. (Ergo, in this instance "true love"=soulmate/love of her life) So Emily helping her so called "sister", even out of love or compassion, however great, would have accomplished nothing. It had to have been Victor (the prince charming she thought she needed in order to find peace) that helped set her free.




You lost me when you said Lord Barcus was gay. He acts stuck up because, like Victor's mother, he's superficial and only wants the finer things in life. And also like Victor's mother, will selfishly put someone in a bad situation to receive it. I mean look at that town. They're all so miserable. Why is it so out of the ordinary for some citizens to want riches and wealth at all costs? The song "Remains of the Day" says "She wore her mom's wedding dress, fit like a glove. You don't need much when you're really in love. Except for a few things (or so I'm told) Like the family jewels and a satchel of gold" He's just a selfish jerk who only wants the riches of pretty girls who have it. That's why when he found out Victoria was poor, he threw her to the ground. And to debunk the whole gay thing, he crashed Victor and Victoria's union at the end to say "I always cry at weddings. But there's one thing you seem to forget. She's still my wife!" If he was mad at "society" he wouldn't try to JUST kill Victor. What would be the point? Not to mention he shows no respect to his fellow man in general, let alone sexual attraction. It's all. Pure. Greed.


I don't really think Lord Barcas is gay. He shows more signs of psychopath/sociopath, here is what I've noticed.

• over inflated ego.
• puts on a charming and intelligent persona in front of others.
• manipulative.
• implosive.
• lack of empathy or remorse for his actions.
• fixation on wealth and status.
• quickly becomes violent when things don't go according to his plan.

So I personally think he probably was a sociopathic conman, perhaps he didn't intend to kill Emily but chose to do so spur of the moment. After doing so he decided he liked it and became a serial killer as well.


as much as I hate to say this lord barcas is most likely not doing this cause of sexuality but I do believe he is not an actual lord. stay with me here:lord barcas is an actor and because of this he is dramatic and manipulative and because being an actor was actually a job that didn't pay well and at some time was looked at as a bad profession (think of how strippers are looked at today ) he pretended to be a lord to woo Emily who he targeted because he found she was wealthy and in a family of power but unable to convince her parents to approve of the marriage he conned Emily into sneaking her parents fortune and eloping and killing her as a way to move up in the social ladder and keep up an appearance as a Lord. eventually emilys fortune ran out so he came back to seek another family with wealth to do the same.


They're not sisters. When Emily enters Victoria's room she says to victor; "Darling who is this"? Indicating she does not know who Victoria is. Plus the parents didn't recognise Lord Barkis.


Says that Lord Barkis is gay.

“They had us in the first half not gonna lie.”


I think Lord Barcus killed Emily in the same place he stabbed her in the fight scene. You know, the scene where she pulls out the sword? I think he left her on the ground to die and over time snow and mud buried her body.


Wait a second they can still be sisters! Let's look at the ages we're dealing with. Both Emily and Victoria are 19 and Doofus... I mean Barcus is 41 (eww but not something uncommon in their era). So when Barcus met and seduced Emily he would be around 22. Perfect ages that set up a reason why the parents would reject Barcus (whom they never met) and disown Emily for running away (which is why they never bothered to look for a daughter they want to disappear). Because Barcus has no status and no money with his young age. This would further explain why they are so over protective of Victoria refusing her to play the piano ( partially in fear of being reminded of her talented older sister because seriously who buys a piano just for decoration). While we can't know for sure because Emily never confronts Victoria's parents why would Emily finally find peace at the conclusion of this movie? Sure her killer was brought to justice but it's sort of suggested that Emily wasn't Barcus first victim. So why don't you we see the other corpse brides also seeking closure? Because it isn't closure from the killer that Emily needs...I think she was finally brought to peace because she was able to protect the sister that she never knew.


somewhere in the world, tim burton sits at his computer, sipping some tea, watching this video.

his eyebrows furrow with thought, before he states, simply,

“damn, that shit crazy as hell”


A few seconds in: "Are Victoria and Emily sisters?"
A few minutes later: "LORD BARCUS IS GAY"
Well that escalated quickly


okay hold on Maybe she's Victoria's mothers sister? because remember when he said that Emily was always the bride's maid but never the bride?
