Joe Bonamassa - 'Why Does It Take So Long To Say Goodbye' - Official Music Video

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Joe I’m 69 years old and have heard and seen many musicians play many hit songs. I have to say this is one of the best I’ve heard in a long long time! Your mastery of the music and guitar is amazing! Looking forward to seeing you in Indianapolis in the future!


You can just really tell when an artist pours a ton of personal emotion into a piece. This is one of those masterpieces.


One of the most beautiful arrangements I've heard in a long, long time. Haunting melody.


It's called Classical blues people. A genius style of blues and that he owns.


I’m a pro songwriter guitarist and I’m scratching my head wondering why people would show their jealousy by giving this a thumbs down? Keep your problems to yourself!


On September 24th I lost a friend at the age of 74. He had Parkinson's I took care of him.Even thou he was my boss he treated me like I was the boss. Before he retired, he was a professor at UW and Doctor. He loved racing. boats cars etc. I believe the only thing he did not race that had a motor was an aircraft. English is not my first language nor my second or third, yet he understood me perfectly. He loved Joe bonamassa like he loved his Porsches. He had got Joe tickets for Seattle so that we could go but then Covid happened. Every morning i would play just got paid to wake him up. Then I would play the train that dont stop for nobody. After all the extreme electrifying music I would play Carnegie hall as I helped him get ready for the day. He got me hooked up with Joe music. The music made tremendous difference. If you know anyone with Parkinson's or alzheimers then you know what I am talking about. To summarize My friend was a humble, kind, detailed oriented, and very brilliant. Rest in peace Dr G。


Where has Joe been all my life?? I just found him on PBS---guess I need to broaden my horizons from Rock and Roll, Classical, etc.
That said, I just think this is a beautiful melody. Feeling a little nostalgic tonight--I recently lost my "first love", and also my husband in August. Always faithful, but these words sting just a little bit. We don't get "do-overs" in this life. Don't waste a precious moment of it.


This is one of my absolute favourite songs of Joe from all time. I don't know why it touches me so much but it does and everytime I listen to it I am completely on standby for everything that happens around me. It's the guitar in this song that absolutely takes me over and makes me cry because it's so damn beautiful. I love this so much. THANK YOU, Joe! For making my world so much richer with your music.


Up there with Sloe Gin as one of Joe's best - he's always been one of the best blues/rock guitarists of the last 20 years, he's the whole package now, great songwriting and outstanding vocals.


A little over 20 years ago, back around the year 1999/2000 or thereabouts, my then 13/14 year old son and I flew from Tucson Arizona to Denver Colorado to attend an open-air concert at a venue just south of Denver which was co-headlined by “Bad Company” with Paul Rogers fronting the band again, and “Foreigner” who had Lou Gramm back at vocals. The opening act was a then relatively unknown kid who was touted as being a rising star with a gifted blues guitar hand. Before the concert I was thinking, well he’s got a cool name which seems to fit—I guess we’ll see how the kid does. His “does” did! I was really impressed and very much enjoyed the kid’s opening act that night. Through the ensuing years Joe Bonamassa’s talent has matured as he steadily perfected his craft, and it’s been great to see him so heartily embraced by fans of the blues, and his name - that so cool name - become known worldwide. Joe Bonamassa is indeed a worldclass gifted bluesman whose music will be greatly appreciated for a long time.


I'm so glad he's on this planet! I'm always amazed at how much he moves me.


I love this album! I’m 64 years old . I love the song savanna. And this one . Well there’s 4 that are my favorites ! What a class act! I saw him in Columbia. My wife is 65 and we discovered years ago and he’s never disappointed us .


To be this good at anything is a gift. Many have squandered theirs, not Joe.


After some 20 albums or so, JB has blossomed into a top notch blues singer. The grit, passion, and pitch! He delivers completely on this track. Throw in the best band in the business and you have gold. I can't wait to see this team live.


This song is straight from the heart...


This Man Never Fails on making Some of the Best Music Ever Created! Truly Awesome Guitarist . He has an Awesome Band and his Backup Singers are Beyond Phenomenal… Beauty’s & The Beast


Another masterpiece Mr. Bonamassa. Nothing more to say.


And thàt, kiddies, is how you do it!!! Smokin' Joe-style!! Goosebumps!! 😊


Joe Bonamassa is the BOSS!!! I just love this song. Hopefully we'll be seeing him in Sacramento, California in November this year. I can't wait.


his vocals are really improving, , , , his guitar is left mans the best, , , ,
