Top 10 Easiest Rank 30s In Brawl Stars (New Meta)

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Top 10 Easiest Rank 30s In Brawl Stars (New Meta) Pro brawl stars guide for rank 30/35 including Berry, Clancy, Draco, Frank, Mortis etc. (Season 29) 🥸🥸🥸 🥸🥸🥸

►Rank 30/35 Bull Guide:
►Rank 30/35 SHELLY Guide:
►Rank 30/35 Buzz Guide:

In this video I will be showing you how to get/push rank 35/30 in brawl stars pro solo showdown after the new update season 21 in brawl stars! In this video / guide i showed you the top 10 best brawlers to push to rank 30 or even rank 35 after the new brawl stars update in solo showdown brawl stars. Make sure to push these brawlers to rank 30 or rank 35 before they go out of the solo showdown meta for an easy rank 30 in brawl stars! Which guide would you like to see next? Top 5 easiest rank 35s in solo showdown brawl stars? Top 10 easiest rank 30s in solo showdown brawl stars? Let me know! Im also planning on making a rank 30 or rank 35 colt guide in solo showdown brawl stars so expect that vid coming soon! Any other rank 30 or rank 35 guides with pro tips and tricks you wanna see? Make sure to comment them down below! Also would you like to see a top 5 rank 30 in duo showdown version, i'd be interested in making one because i pushed rank 30 and rank 35 leon in duo showdown. A brawler i forgot to mention thats also in the current solo showdown brawl stars meta is Spike! He's a great and easy brawler to push to rank 30 and rank 35 right now so i'd really recommend pushing him aswell. Some youtubers im inspired by are: Superlab, Z replays - brawl stars, Hyra brawl stars, STG brawl stars, BenTimm1, Tom - Brawl stars, GuilleVGX, eend brawl stars, Cryingman, pongdalong, moneycapital, KairosTime, HYDRA KHAYATT BRAWL STARS, Eqwaak, Rey - Brawl Stars, CarnageGame And Mago21. Also Should I make a guide on other gamemodes like brawl ball, siege, heist, duo showdown, knockout, duels, payload, gem grab, bounty showdown+ and wipeout? This video isn't only meant for people with star powers and gadget but also lower power brawlers like power 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 1 etc without gears or gems. Shelly is your safest pick for an easy rank 30 or rank 35 in solo showdown brawl stars, her gadget and star power helps her a lot aswell, same goes for darryl, great brawler to push to rank 30 or rank 35 in solo showdown brawl stars. Also an eve guide is on the way! I hope you enjoyed the video! 2022 march. The brawlers included in this video are: Surge, Fang, Shelly, Colette, and Gale. The brawlers included in the previous video were: Shelly, Gale, Surge, Darryl, El Primo and Pam 9

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#rank30 #rank35 #newupdate #showdown
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60k Trophies
I'm thinking about tilting all my r30s to 0 trophies then push new r30s then tilt them and go on and on till i'm at all r30s then i'm gonna tilt to 0 trophies to then push a 2007 win streak...


5:25 bro died here so did not show the rest of the gameplay lololol (love this music at the beggining of the video) 100/80


Bro, why did u post that random videos?!
Oh mabye to make voice reveal


i’m gonna push mico r30 (ik no skill brawler but who cares)
i actually planned to push L&L r30 but i can’t get past 855 and throwers can’t do crap against assasins so i gave up
mico is currently at 905 trophies, gonna take a little break because i mess up after winning for so long


Great, I have 7 of these maxed or very close to beeing maxed out👍


Yeah I’m struggling a little rank 30 push. 950 with Lily titled to 810 taking a break


Great video (as always 👀) but imo the other sp for piper is better, I like to spam cuz my aim is incredible 😎 U never let your viewers down, keep it up


Piper is not top 10, if you play in actual 900+ lobbies and ur account elo is halfway decent u will just get 3v1d every game, I have piper rank 31 but had to do duo, she is not playable in solo against real players bc she is too easy to kill, should be replaced by Angelo who is an easy r32+ in solo


I think surge should be on this list too its a pretty good brawler if u ask me


Nice vid🎉 i pushed meg rank 35 in this meta


Hey I am a big fan and want to ask if you could carry my r27 shelly to r30


Piper is not showdown meta in 950+ matches cuz teaming and 3v1


Mortis 1:53 with 8 cubes in church caven💀💀💀


piper is bad brawler and meg also shouldnt be top 2 she was the best brawlers after balance but now u will get outplayed especially on open maps by angelos or in mid range maps by brawlers like gale colette or lou


Bro forgot chester, he shoud be on the 1st place


Did you just say that Bull is comfortably one of the easiest brawlers to push to rank 30??? I've been trying for like 5 months now and I'm stuck at 820 trophies💀💀💀
Idk bro would you mind giving me a hand????


I’m sorry bro but you’re just a washed showdown player now and shouldn’t be making these lists because u don’t play on high trophy lobbies anymore


@TheRealFreeze Could you help me get to rank 30?
