Fake SSD from AliExpress | How to recognize a fake

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Is there magic outside of Hogwarts? The Chinese boldly answer - yes, offering a couple of thousand fast SSDs for a dozen terabytes with any stickers to choose from. But what lies behind the fake Samsung and Kingston? How to determine that the capacities of such drives are overestimated by an order of magnitude? How to explain to AliExpress correctly that Xiaomi and WD never released these SSDs? We tell the whole ins and outs of Chinese rice and flash.

#mycomputer #ssd #aliexpress
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i saw one of those "factories" in China few years ago. A friend working there said that apparently only about 10-30% of customers ask for a refund and since they are selling garbage(bought from major manufacturers the cheapest (grade c or worse = garbage) in wholesale) they would still make profit even if 90% of customers had to be refunded. biggest problem is that platforms(like ali mentioned in this video) keep shutting them down and they have to keep reopening new sellers accounts. There is a minimal risk of being busted by authorities but from his experience hes only ever heard of a few of these busts/raids in over a dozen years. So unless something changes i would not expect this problem to go away anytime soon - so just use your common sense(too good to be true rule) and make sure to buy wherever you can ask for a refund from a platform itself and not only from a seller(they might be gone by then with new name/account open)


Probably the best and most explicit/honest video on fake products (in this case storage) from Chinese resellers I´ve seen on Youtube. No fuss, just how it is and works with the dispute process and all. Thumbs up!


Have had one of those 2TB 2.5" SATA SSD's. Complained to seller who did not listen. Opened dispute with Aliexpress and after some forth and back I got my money back, but Aliexpress did NOT acknowlegde the drive was fake. SHAME ON YOU ALIEXPRESS!


Thank you for sharing the video with the helpful information. Unfortunately, I fell victim to a scam last year when I purchased a solid-state drive that was supposed to be 1 TB. After installing it, my computer kept crashing, and I initially thought it was a software problem. However, after some time, I realized that the SSD was the root cause of the problem. I replaced it with a genuine SSD, and my computer has been working smoothly ever since.


Thank you for exposing these scams. Looks like avoiding Ali Express might be advisable!


Many thanks for very descriptive video.
I almost fell for a ssd, as there are many reviews with five stars. Either the reviewers are ignorant OR fake.
You saved me good 30-40 USD and most of all, saved from the embarrassment.


You should never cheap out on storage. If you cannot afford an ssd from a good source, wait a little more or buy a good quality HDD, if you have this option.


I was going to buy a suspicious 1tb sata ssd on Ebay from a Chinese seller and I asked the seller if it was fake and he straight up told me they were. Some sellers will only tell you the truth if you pry for it, and even then they speak in a sort of riddle to avoid directly answering the question but they answer it non the less.


One of the most useful videos I've seen, thanks a lot.


I wouldn’t have a problem if they sold it at the genuine storage amount new or used if it was priced accordingly


I'm a regular buyer on Aliexpress and, on balance, very happy with what I get, which is sometimes surprisingly good quality. However I got sucked in with the blue and white SSD that is being used as a reference. Yet I had purchased another (same capacity) brand that cost about 15 bucks more only a few months before and have had no problems with it. Well I won't get fooled again (till the next time)


Most important: Check reviews(and filter)


Im old enough to have paid $300 (on sale at Fry's) for a 1gb hard drive to add to my screaming fast Pentium 90 running Windows 95.
Actually, I'm even older. I learned to program in Basic on on a Tandy 8088 and how to write to & read data from punch cards. And how torroid memory coils were wound, assembled in a course in college.


He said that he would leave the link in the description but ofc he never did lmao.


If buying for SSD's on AliExpress buy from brands you can only find there, it's more likely the little unknown rando is more real than the supposed known brand


Im so happy i saw your video and i can say that this sounds so right by the way the chinese sellers deal with sales and disputes being a buyer from AliE for more than 10 years, now i only buy low value stuff (cases, stickers, screen protectors) its not worth buying anything of value from AliE


Dear Russian friend, we are very sorry that fake Samsung ssd is circulating.😢😢bad China


Always contact the seller first. Tell them you are going to use h2testw software to test speed and capacity and ask them if it's fake you will get a refund without returning item. If you get a clear response agreeing they will refund without return then its most likely ok. If they give polite but not agreeing response like don't worry friend is good. Then it's fake.


LOL, once again nice demonstration. Thanks for the info.


I picked up a Beelink S12 Mini, which has pretty much identical specs to yours, in the after Christmas sales, and it's very impressive for what it is. I haven't tried gaming on it, but I installed Linux Mint LMDE and Plex on it and i swear it's doing a better job than the i5-3450 with Quadro P620 it'll be replacing when streaming 4K videos on Plex. It's not a huge upgrade, but the power draw should be considerably less.
