Plants vs. Zombies 2 Summer Nights Out Now Trailer!

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Enjoy new Pinata Party levels, and fully-themed plants and zombies until August 13.
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I like how the imp at 0:19 was still dancing mid air


Only now I noticed that Rap music here apered sooner than NMT


Read the description.
Someone wrote Summer Nights Part 1.


Who knows maybe it will come back this 2022 summer as a special event with levels


I am very exited for the Phatbeet. I think it will damage zombies in an area like the gloom-shroom. I hope it does. One of the better pun names they have come up with.


I really love The neon mixtape music !!! I want it on every tour days haha


Dazey Chain, Strawberry Burst, Explode O Nut, Repeater, Winter Melon, Pepper Pult, Lightning Reed, Tall-Nut, Imp Pear, Explode O Vine, Pokra and Primal Potato Mine.


The new lightning reed costume reminds me of the plantern.
You do realize the 4th of July already passed, right? That would've been a perfect time to release part 2.


Hey Popcap! Here's my updated list! 7-28-15
New Plants:

   En-durian: (100 sun /recharge: sluggish /damage: normal /toughness: elevated /AoE: on contact 1×1) Gives a 1 NDT worth of damage back to the zombie for each bite it receives.<accepted as Endurian>

   Sundewm: (125 sun /recharge: mediocre /damage: insta-kill /range: on contact 2×1) Produces single suns and will slowly eat the zombie once in range; must recharge before eating again; stops producing sun when eating.<same principles as Toadstool>

   Artichoke: (200 sun /recharge: mediocre /damage: heavy /range: 3×1) Holds a single zombie in place once it gets close enough and gives it damage until it's head pops off.

   Poison Ivy: (150 sun /recharge: fast /AoE: 1×1) Ground plant that can't be eaten and poisons zombies that walk on it; can be smashed; doesn't break barrels.(poisoned status)

   Poison Mushroom: (25 sun /recharge: sluggish /range: upon eating) Poisons zombie that eats it.(poisoned status)

   Platano Macho: (200 sun /recharge: slow /damage: massive /range: anywhere on lawn /AoE: 1×1)

   Corn on the Mob: (same as Banana Launcher) Looks similar to Cob Cannon but takes up only one spot.

   Tormado: (150 sun /recharge: fast /damage: normal /range: full lane /AoE: 1x1)Deals damage to a single zombie and pushes it back a tile; also blows fog back a bit with each blow.

   Nukkhini: (100 sun /recharge: very slow /damage: all the damage /range: entire lawn) Takes out all zombies and plants; plants become sun as if dug up.

   Pomegrenade: (100 sun /recharge: sluggish /damage: massive /toughness: elevated /range: 1x1 and spash damage) One bite before being eaten, explodes in massive damage in it's tile as well as deals splash damage to surrounding tiles..

   Lychee Leech: (25 sun /recharge: mediocre /damage: moderate /range: on contact) Plant on ground, zombie gets too close, it hops up, and latches on dealing damage; double damage if it has any armor.

   Grapeling Hook: (50 sun /recharge: mediocre /range: anywhere on lawn) Plant under the chosen plant, touch and drag to where plant's new location is desired; can be eaten, single use and disappears after use.

   Mortango: (300 sun /recharge: mediocre /damage: huge /range: -3 tiles lane) Fires only long range explosive mangos that deal higher damage than Melon-pults but cannot hit zombies within 3 tiles in front of itself.

   Kwikiwi: (200 sun /recharge: fast /damage: very light /range: full lane) Steady stream of a seeds that are a third of light damage.

   Tumbleweed: (75 sun /recharge: mediocre /damage: moderate /range: full lane) Place it will on and off the screen continuously causing a pea's worth of damage to each zombie it touches; goes off screen and rolls back on and through the lane on intrevals.
   Glow-shroom: (25 sun /recharge: fast /range: 3×3<) Glows green and illuminates a large area around it;or Plantern I guess.

    Bassil: (50 sun /recharge: slow /damage: normal /range: entire lawn) Drops the bass and vibration materials break(glass using zombies) as well as blowing the fog back four columns; disappears after use.

   Horseradish: (-Tile Turnip Mechanics- sun /recharge: fast /range: 1×1) Creates a tile that doubles the plant's action rate.

   Cilatrio: (200 sun /recharge: mediocre /damage: normal /range: 3×3) Fires in a three by three circular area around it with three branches simultaneously. If not, I'd be fine with Gloom-shroom coming back.<cancelled>

Lemonator: (250 sun /recharge: slow /damage: moderate /range: full lane+splash) Fires acidic liquid that splashes the front row of three tiles; corrodes metal users quicker.

   Cashrew: (75 sun /reacharge: slow /damage: massive /range: anywhere on lawn) Plant that instakills an underground zombie.

   Spearmint: (250 sun /reacharge: mediocre /damage: moderate /range: full lane) Targets, damages, and chills zombies that remain in the back.


   Cactus: (150 sun /recharge: mediocre /damage: moderate /range: full lane) Targets zombies that remain in the back.

   Thymewatch: (75 sun /recharge: very slow /range: entire lawn) Slows down all zombies for15 secs.

  Cocoa Bean: (50 sun /recharge: slow /range: 1×1) Restores life of plant that Cocoa Bean is planted on; dissolves and disappears after use.

   Hot Cider: (250 sun /recharge: mediocre /damage: moderate /range: entire lane+splash) Deals splash damage and quickly melts through meltable objects.

   Hoard Spore: (100 sun /recharge: very slow /range: on contact) Fungus that spreads through hoards on contact and makes them stop. die, and infect another zombie if the zombie touches it;requires time for it to grow before infecting its first zombie.(effect cancels out if hit by ice or fire) Will infect plants if zombie touches it!!!

   Succulent Stone: (150 sun / recharge: mediocre /damage: normal /range: full lane) Fires projectiles worth 1 NDT damage; zombies simply walk over it since it just looks like a rock; can be crushed, immune to fire.

   Throwing Chives: (175 sun /recharge: mediocre /damage: light /range: 3×1) Medium range plant that's added under a plant and throws chives forwards and back a single in quick succession.

   Pineapple-pult: (250 sun /recharge: mediocre /damage: moderate /range: lobbed full lane) Splash damage as well as pops objects.

  Chestnut: (75 sun /recharge: sluggish /toughness: elevated /AoE: 1x1)Projectiles bounce back but also takes half the damage(great against mafia!)

   Spinner Spinach: (same as Umbrella Leaf) Spins and wards off incoming projectiles.(would replace Umbrella Leaf)<cancelled>

   Catnip: (100 sun /recharge: mediocre /AoE: 3×3) Zombie cats jump off zombies and disappear into the catnip.

   Flax Capacitor: (50 sun / recharge: very slow /AoE: entire lawn)Reverses time for zombies and plants by 15 secs.(now you know what is coming in what lane)

   Mosses: (100 sun / recharge: mediocre /AoE: entire board) Pushes all zombies to the either the top or bottom most row.

   Flortal: (75 sun /recharge: slow /AoE: 1×1) Orchid that creates a portal from one tile to another; must plant two in order to work (could be game mechanic).

   Icy Mint: (25 sun / recharge: slow /range: on contact /AoE: 1x1) Zombie that eats it is permanently chilled; unless hit by heat. OR (25 sun /recharge: mediocre /range: 3×3) Creates a 3×3 area that makes plants immune to fire.

   Primerose: (75 sun /recharge: mediocre /damage: heavy /AoE: 3×3<)Remains a small bud that can't be eaten that zombies simply walk past; after time that it takes for a potato mine to be primed, the primerose blooms and fires several shots in all directions. Disappears after use.

   Pear Pair: (150 sun /recharge: mediocre /damage: normal /range: Straight forward and sideways) One shoots forward while the other shoots either shoots up or down.<cancelled>

   Sunflower Trio: (175 sun /recharge: slow) Makes 3 suns.(hope they don't make it)<cancelled>

   Rewheater: (75 sun /recharge: slow /AoE: 1×1) Revives plant that got eaten last on that tile.

   Cantaloop: (100 sun /recharge: slow /toughness: high /range: anywhere on lawn) Rounds up thrown imps, and throws them back to the front.

   Dragonfruit: (175 sun / recharge: slow /damage: massive /range: full column) Sets fire to a column.

   Okrage: (225 sun /recharge: mediocre /damage: normal-heavy /range: 90 angle) Sprays the front lines with high speed seeds in a triangular formation. (Pomegranate Machine Gun)

   Twirllip: (75 sun /recharge: slow /range: 2 full lanes) Switches the zombies (and plants?) in the lane Twirllip is in with the above lane.<cancelled>

   Pollenator: (25 sun /recharge: mediocre range: 3×3 +) Creates a large area in which plants can survive the smog.

   Aguava: (50 sun /recharge: mediocre /range: 1×1) Creates a temporal puddle of water; also puts out a fire and disappears afterwards.<cancelled: Fruit taken by Lava Guava>

   Hate-zelnut: (75 sun /recharge: sluggish /toughness: high) Acts as a defensive plant and is immuneto love arrows.

   Machiaberry: (200 sun /recharge: mediocre /range: lobbed anywhere on lawn) Targets most dangerous zombies; stackable up to five per bush.

   Berry Bush: (175 sun /recharge: fast /damage: normal /range: full lane+) Fires a different berry into each lane for each Berry Bush added on; stackable up to five.

   Sticky Pickle: (100 sun / recharge: sluggish /toughness: elevated/range: on contact) Weapons get stuck in Sticky Pickle when it is struck by a weapon of any kind(loses health when struck)(great against Surfers!).

     Almounter: (75 sun /recharge: sluggish/ toughness: low+) Starts at elevated and builds up by ones for each second it isn't bitten. Stops building up in health once it receives its first bite from a zombie. Can goa bit past very high toughness.

   Sweet Pea: (175 sun /recharge: fast /damage: normal /range: full lane 2×1) Zombies hit by a sweet pea becomes "sweet" and all others zombies in it's tile will copy that zombie's condition; pea loses effect when lit by Torchwood.

   Plasma Pea:(250 sun /recharge: fast /damage: normal /range: full lane) Shoots blue fire peas and illuminates a 3×3+ area.

   Crabgrass: (125 sun /recharge: fast /damage: normal /range: 1x1) Damages zombies that walk or swim over it; can still damage zombies even when there's water over it.

   Cotten Cloud: (50 sun /recharge: sluggish /range: 1×1) When zombie steps on it, Cotton Cloud envelops it, floats back to start, and disappears.
   Sugar Cane: (50 sun /recharge: sluggish /range: 1x1) Zombies that eats it gets a speed boost and receives 5 NDT every second; effect upon consumption.

   Black Bean: (100 sun /recharge: slow /range: 1x1) Creates a black hole that instantly drags in zombies that too close; can pull in zombies from the lane directly above or below it; last for 5 secs before disappearing.

   Acorn: (25 sun /recharge: sluggish /damage: massive /toughness: elevated / range: 3×3) Explodes in massive damage when heated or hit by fire.

    Poppy: (75 sun /recharge: sluggish /damage: heavy /range: 1×1 to entire lawn) Planted and explodes in heavy damage when stepped on; spreads to surrounding tiles that aren't occupied by a plant; spreads in a ripple effect pattern.

   Rafflesia: (350 sun/ recharge: sluggish /damage: moderate /range: anywhere on lawn /AoE: anywhere on lawn) Puffs nasty green clouds at the nearest zombie and the cloud continues in that direction damaging zombies in it; momentarily stops the zombies in the cloud.

   Groji Berry: (225 sun/ recharge: mediocre /damage: 1-2-3 NDT /range: straight) Starts at 1 NDT, then 2 NDT, then ends at 3 NDT.

   Fighting Fig: (325 sun /recharge: sluggish /damage: moderate /range: 2x3) It sprays seeds in small bursts in a "V" formation; the closer the zombie is, the more damage it receives.

   Leek: (25 sun / recharge: mediocre /AoE: 3x3) Hydrates plants in that area.

   Gold Carat: (50 sun /recharge: very slow /sun production: normal /AoE: 1×1) Creates a sun tile that produces sun.

   Celery Sticks: (50 sun /recharge: mediocre /AoE: 1×1) Creates a track tile that when adjacent to other track tiles it allows to move; similar to minecarts.

   Palpaya: (350 sun /recharge: sluggish /damage: light-heavy /range: straight/AoE: 3×3 ) Fires more seeds the more plants that are adjacent to it.

   Golden Apple: (150 sun /recharge: sluggish /toughness: elevated /AoE: 1×1) The longer a zombie bites, the more likely it is to begin biting one of its own kind.

   Vanilla Ice: (200 sun /recharge: mediocre /AoE: 3×3) Blows a chilly breeze in the area in front of it.

   Pitcher Plant: (400 sun /recharge: sluggish /range: 3×1) Zombies get slurped up and it can hold up to three zombies at a time; slowly digests the zombies.

   Ground Pepper: (200 sun /recharge: mediocre /range: full lane) Upon planting, it sprays pepper on it lane which glow white hot on intervals; Similar to Laser Bean, but it damages underground zombies too; does no damage to aerial zombies.

   Candle-nut: (75 sun /recharge: sluggish /toughness: elevated /AoE: 3x3) Glows which allows player to see through the fog.

   Violet: (200 sun /recharge: mediocre /damage: heavy /AoE: 1×1) When zombies fly above it, it burns violet colored fire above it immediately burning the zombie.

   Toxic Pea: (175 sub /recharge: sluggish /damage: moderate /range: straight) Slightly damages zombies on either side of the pea's path of travel.


The Imp zombie of this event was reused in the game Rarey Adventures in the levels: So Hot(Level 3) and Explosive Foot Barbecue(Level 4), and the boss of level 4 was a Gargantuar with a barbecue maker.


Pvz 2 is my favorite game (it's true):-)


Summer nights really should've been an event on new year




I kinda like the summer night vibe the event gives, I mean it's night time and it's modern day in summer, very likable


Come on PopCap! Sure you could have made Toadstool cost money. But at least you could make the next special plant cost gems!


At first I thought that hot dog imp got blown up but nope


Thank yo so much popcap and I also like the animation you guys did


Thnak you PvZ 2 for making this uptade.I love your game and uptades . Keep the good and awsome work.:-)


I just realized the background music for this is the MC Zombie's Jam in Neon Mixtape Tour.


here are the plants i want to see:
Tomato-pult:damage/normal cost:125- recharge/fast it can stun zombies but its a lower chance than kernel-pult

Dartichoke:damage/normal- cost:175- recharge:fast- range:anywere on lawn/ projectiles/lobbed
basically homing thisle but cheaper and does lower damage(its free)

special:can be planted on another plant
weakness:can be hit or eaten by aerial zombies
it spews out puddle of hot coffe than can damage zombies

Blackberry bomb:damage/gigantic(bigger than slow
one blackberry equals 1 cherry bomb when it explodes it releases little parts of berrys
and they each cover 1x1 space and they are lined like a 3x3 space so they are also equvilant of a cherry bomb so 1 blackberry bomb=2 cherry bombs

it consumes the smell of defeated zombies and transformes it  into toxic
so the more zombies you kill the more area it covers the maximum is 3x3 space
the toxic lasts 30 seconds

Solanum quitoense
covers itself with its leaves to protect himself
special:has spikes on the back of those leaves to damage zombies(deals damage faster than endurian) also it dosent attack the zombies eating it or touching it take damage
