Top 10 Ugliest Dogs and Dog Breeds in the World

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Top Ten Ugliest Breeds Dogs in the World
There are many ugly dog breeds out there, but which are the ugliest dogs ever? Some of the ugliest dogs in this list have the face that well, I guess only a mother can love since he mother is probably just as hideous. Here's the countdown of the top 10 ugliest dog breeds!
#10 - Caucasian Mountain Dog
Big hairy and if you arent in his "pack" You may want to stay away, These are the Russians versions of A guard Dog. And have just made their way to the U.S. Certainly not the ugliest Dog on this lists but at 6 feet tall on their hind legs definelty one of the tallest.
#9 - Bedlington Terrier
Nope that isnt the owners choice of a hair do, The Bedlington Terrier's hair grows just like that, making an easy pic for this list. While ugly they do like to have fun as Barry, A Bedlington Terrier in the Uk has taken up skateboarding, and riding a there wheel trike all on his own. He cant pedal yet, but he sure will let you push him.
#8 - Borzoi
These shaggy lanky dogs due to their apparent odd proportions, A tiny head and what looks like a large body seems to give this canine an odd appearance. They are actually just really hairy and have a body more resembling a Grey hound. Great hunters and very agile, no doubt they are good dogs. Albeit a little odd looking.
#7 - The Komondor
This Dog could really trade places with our next one they look very similar. But the komondor Is a very old Dog breed going back 3000 years, actually receiving a mention in Hammurabi's Code in 1780 BCE. They are primarily sheep dogs and are very protective of Children.
#6 - Pulik
The Pulik Is a little smaller than the komondor is but has a bit more in the way of that crazy hair, Like the komondor the coat alone will take a commitment of hours a week to maintain, maybe a day depending on how active the little mop er dog is going to be.
#5 - Irish Wolf Hound.
Big, this dog is Big it is by the far the tallest dog in the world and one of the very first breeds of Dog domesticated by man, But they are rather ugly, a shaggy course grey coat is normal for this breed. They certainly wont win any beauty contests.
#4 - Neopolitan mastiffs
Another Gentle Giant fiercely loyal to their "pack" These dogs look like chocolate bunnies left out in the sun for too long. All that loose floppy skin does serve a purpose tho. In conflicts with wolves and other dogs the loose skin allows the Neo Mastiff to take a bite from their enemy and whip around and get a good grip with their teeth. The skin just sliding away giving the neo mastiff much more agility in a fight.
#3 - English Bull Terrier
These short stocky sometime aggressive dogs. Clearly deserve a spot on our list. While they are popular dogs For advertising campaigns Like Spuds Mckenzie Of Budweiser fame, or the current Target mascot.I would guess it is due to their Odd appearance and egg Shaped head more than their acting abilities.
#2 - Chinese Crested
If you like your dogs small with mottled hairless skin and only Hair on top of its head and tail and feet..Then this is the dog for you. Most other people would consider it ugly however, and that hair do again, is all natural. The "freaks" In this breed actually have full coats and better teeth than preffered version of this tiny weird looking dog.
#1 - Mexican Hairless
Take number two and take away what little hair that is left, and you have the Mexican Hairless Dog. Another small, mottled skinned canine that can’t seem to keep its tongue in its mouth. They do actually have hair, this does not help them in the looks category as whatever hair they do have grows in scraggly short patches usually unevenly. With its Blotchy Skin bat like ears and scraggly tufts of hair, this puts the Mexican Hairless at the top of our Ugliest Dog breeds.
Voice Over by Christopher Hudspeth
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
There are many ugly dog breeds out there, but which are the ugliest dogs ever? Some of the ugliest dogs in this list have the face that well, I guess only a mother can love since he mother is probably just as hideous. Here's the countdown of the top 10 ugliest dog breeds!
#10 - Caucasian Mountain Dog
Big hairy and if you arent in his "pack" You may want to stay away, These are the Russians versions of A guard Dog. And have just made their way to the U.S. Certainly not the ugliest Dog on this lists but at 6 feet tall on their hind legs definelty one of the tallest.
#9 - Bedlington Terrier
Nope that isnt the owners choice of a hair do, The Bedlington Terrier's hair grows just like that, making an easy pic for this list. While ugly they do like to have fun as Barry, A Bedlington Terrier in the Uk has taken up skateboarding, and riding a there wheel trike all on his own. He cant pedal yet, but he sure will let you push him.
#8 - Borzoi
These shaggy lanky dogs due to their apparent odd proportions, A tiny head and what looks like a large body seems to give this canine an odd appearance. They are actually just really hairy and have a body more resembling a Grey hound. Great hunters and very agile, no doubt they are good dogs. Albeit a little odd looking.
#7 - The Komondor
This Dog could really trade places with our next one they look very similar. But the komondor Is a very old Dog breed going back 3000 years, actually receiving a mention in Hammurabi's Code in 1780 BCE. They are primarily sheep dogs and are very protective of Children.
#6 - Pulik
The Pulik Is a little smaller than the komondor is but has a bit more in the way of that crazy hair, Like the komondor the coat alone will take a commitment of hours a week to maintain, maybe a day depending on how active the little mop er dog is going to be.
#5 - Irish Wolf Hound.
Big, this dog is Big it is by the far the tallest dog in the world and one of the very first breeds of Dog domesticated by man, But they are rather ugly, a shaggy course grey coat is normal for this breed. They certainly wont win any beauty contests.
#4 - Neopolitan mastiffs
Another Gentle Giant fiercely loyal to their "pack" These dogs look like chocolate bunnies left out in the sun for too long. All that loose floppy skin does serve a purpose tho. In conflicts with wolves and other dogs the loose skin allows the Neo Mastiff to take a bite from their enemy and whip around and get a good grip with their teeth. The skin just sliding away giving the neo mastiff much more agility in a fight.
#3 - English Bull Terrier
These short stocky sometime aggressive dogs. Clearly deserve a spot on our list. While they are popular dogs For advertising campaigns Like Spuds Mckenzie Of Budweiser fame, or the current Target mascot.I would guess it is due to their Odd appearance and egg Shaped head more than their acting abilities.
#2 - Chinese Crested
If you like your dogs small with mottled hairless skin and only Hair on top of its head and tail and feet..Then this is the dog for you. Most other people would consider it ugly however, and that hair do again, is all natural. The "freaks" In this breed actually have full coats and better teeth than preffered version of this tiny weird looking dog.
#1 - Mexican Hairless
Take number two and take away what little hair that is left, and you have the Mexican Hairless Dog. Another small, mottled skinned canine that can’t seem to keep its tongue in its mouth. They do actually have hair, this does not help them in the looks category as whatever hair they do have grows in scraggly short patches usually unevenly. With its Blotchy Skin bat like ears and scraggly tufts of hair, this puts the Mexican Hairless at the top of our Ugliest Dog breeds.
Voice Over by Christopher Hudspeth
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0