Kingdom Fully Committed

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Kingdom - Amazing - Fully Committed

I do not own the copyrights to this song. No infringement intended.
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My mother passed away and this was one of her favorite song as she was dying with cancer I started playing this song and a smile came across her face as I listen to it now I know why she was smiling she was at peace cause she became totally committed and was going home to be with God 🙏I pray one day to be fully committed to the Lord and stop letting the devil use me


I was 17 yrs old when I first heard this song. When I heard it I began to cry not knowing the reason why. After all the heartbreaks, trials, and tribulations my beautiful magnificent Savior brought me from and blessed me with many victories, I can only say yes to You my dear and precious Lord because You have let me know, without any doubt, that You are the lover and keeper of my soul. I say to You Holy One, lead me and I will follow because I am nothing nor can do nothing without You . I’m so grateful unto You my Majestic King of Kings. Thank You so very much that I can ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS lean, depend, and trust in You!!!❤❤❤❤


This is my Daddy song. I remember as young child my oldest sister used to sing this song. My Dad Nathan Polite said he wanted her to sing this song when he pass away. Sure enough me and my oldest sister Na’shelle sung it. Rip Daddy, we Love you and can’t wait to see you again.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I’m fully committed to following Jesus He’s my Lord & Savior


one of Me and my sister fav!!! with tears flowing off my face, i confess im fully committed to u Jesus!!!


I love and Miss you Daddy. I wouldn't have known this without you loving Gospel music so much. I'm living the life of pleasing God as you told me to. Thank you for praying for my soul to be saved. It worked just as you said it would. Jesus is worth giving my life to...He paid for it, He created it, He is my everything.


God is so good!! I remember this song as a child growing up this was played in my house on Sundays. 😢😊


Sang Children of God! I grew up with this song too


This song is so powerful. More than anything, God knows I just want to be fully committed and belong to him and him only. Thank you heavenly Father for opening up my heart to hear this song that I fell in love with after hearing it on the radio for the first time over 4 decades ago. This kind of gospel music, you don't hear anymore. Now the olden ways of worshipping in the churches are gone now. In this generation here are all about playing church.


The girl who sings the first verse of this song has the most beautiful, prettiest piercing voice. The man who sings the second verse brings it home church strong.


When you are fully committed to God, the devil makes it his purpose to be fully committed to hinder you. When the devil is always around, you know for sure that you are fully committed.


I listen to this every day! Simply the best! When the young man starts sanging, Lawd A Mercy 🙌🏽🔥
Hallelujah 💜


I love this song! These words are so powerful. All believers should strive to be fully committed to Christ.


This song cemented me into the grace of God! While serving in the USAF, in Turkey, I rededicated my life to the service of God. I pkayed it as least five times a day!


I am fully committed to the Lord! I have had to lose much, but it's alright. I could never repay Jesus for giving His life for me. For the rest of my life, I promise that I will always tell of what you've done and who you are. Having you Lord is better than anything that I thought was important. I say YES!!!


I love this song, I remember when the older teens used to sing it in the youth choir when I was a little girl💕 I miss gospel songs like this


Wow, I have this song and the other songs on a record cassette tape😅…when I was about 7 or 8 my older sister played entire ALL the time, back in the 80s…I’m 43 still brings back good memories👍🏿


This song right here will always be remembered as my first emotional experience with gospel music ... I was 12 yrs old experiencing the power of God through this song .... 🙌🏾🙌🏾


This song literally carried me when my mother passed! I listened to it over and over and over till my shirt was tear soaked! That was 27 years ago, I still cannot listen to it only once!! Thank you KINGDOM, I love you all!!


such a powerful like this never die. they live on because of the hate to say this but gospel music has fallen by the don't not make them like this anymore.
