CHIP: the Complete Health Improvement Program

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A community-based education program educating physicians and patients alike about the power of nutrition as medicine.

I’m looking forward to writing a whole book on evidence-based dietary approaches to mental illness. Stay tuned!

Here’s a few videos I have so far:

Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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My experience with the CHIP program was wonderful! I continue to go to meetings. and am starting it again, this time with my husband who has more time to attend now that he is retired. We did our starting blood work yesterday and have our first meeting Monday. I have learned so much, and continue to practice the whole food plant-based lifestyle, eating food as grown. It is amazing how much better I feel, so I want my husband to enjoy the same benefits. Learning the facts and learning how to prepare food in the healthiest way, with minimal processing and fussing will be a new beginning for him. He is excited about it too! I am so grateful for Dr. Diehl bringing the program into our communities so we can learn and change our lives right in our own town.


I've been following this channel for 7 years, and been vegan for seven years. The more I watch the channel the more I get sad that other people are so blind for this informations


Seriously, who dislikes a video like this? It’s one of those moments where I’d want to sit down with them have a cup of coffee and just listen to what’s going on.


Thank you for sharing this wonderful information video. I went through the CHIP program. This is a wonderful program for anyone who want to change their lifestyle.


Just sign up for a CHIP program. Looking forward to get going in a couple weeks. Ready to work on my choric pains issue and other areas. Thanks for this posting.


Hi Dr. Greger! suggested that this is the best way to get in touch with you for personal questions. Hope it works.

For ethical and health reasons, I would love to go completely vegan; however, I have a hereditary low protein absorption problem. Plant protein seems to be the hardest protein for me to absorb. The three times I went entirely vegan while weight lifting, I rapidly emaciated and acquired a prolonged and vicious upper respiratory infection by the end of a month. At the time, I ate six meals a day with each one primarily consisting of either black beans, vegan protein powder, edamame, lentils, or quinoa. Without waxing on more about it, I really did my research and really tried to make an all plant diet work.

Currently, I have at least one serving from each category of your Daily Dozen every day, and I feel great. Whole plants are the way to go. For my protein--in addition to eating black beans, red lentils, edamame, and vegan protein powder--I have two servings of greek yogurt. Greek yogurt is about the only animal product I consume (less a situation such as a client makes me something or traveling...). So for my question:

If I am going to eat one non-flesh animal product for protein, which one do you think will be the least harmful to my health and longevity?

By the way, my overall health and physical fitness are currently good. For example, the last report I received put my total cholesterol at 126...

Thank you so much! I am a huge fan!



I really like dr. Greger. I deeply admire his work. I wish all doctors were like him and his collegues.


Thank you Markus Rothkranz for introducing this Dr. to me


What effect does a whole food plant based diet have on anxiety disorders such as OCD? Is their research on that


Let's make America healthy again! -Guess one could still eat like a patriot, just not one that eats at fast food chains.


Dr Gregor: could you please do a video on SIBO?


Outstanding truth, thanks again all, we are; Herbivores!


Good morning, can you comment the link of the study shown in the beginning of the video? I am very interested in reading the orignial literature! Thankful, Hanna


Hi can I find the CHIP videos in Spanish or are they in English only ?


I wish there was an app that can track all nutrition vitamins and minerals not just calories to make sure I'm doing wfpb right. Any suggestions?


I know this sounds stupid but the rise of carnivore diets is making me feel depressed.

eating nothing but suffering and death and destroying the environment and not caring for every meal and promoting vegetables as unhealthy is seriously making me feel depressed man


So how can we bring this to our own communities?


The CHIP program seems pretty pricey. What’s a good source for determining the most healthy and effective exercise?


If this is a life changing solution, than why does it not free? At least the documents, that help in it?
Anybody could read it even if they can not afford or do not have a program near them.
Or anybody could watch the recorded program.
Or more people world be able to learn how to represent the content and make free training for helping others.


Could we be frugivores? Im not trolling im hoping for responses, what if Dr. Gregor is wrong about vegtables? Could it be? Thoughts on this please
