What's in the Shipping Containers? Last Tour | OFF-GRID Abandoned Airport

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I found this abandoned air-ranch listed on Zillow while we were walking around a used auto part flea market. I showed the listing to the wife but the wife wasn't hearing it! How could she be so mean? I had just bought her a hot dog. She calmly explained: "We don't have the money and it's in the middle of nowhere!" I said: "It just dropped to $399K from $1M!" It was a Sunday afternoon and I was feeling impulsive so I told her I would buy her Mexican food if she just rode along with me to look at it. I said let's just look at it from the road, just for fun, and we we definitely wont buy it. She reluctantly agreed while she looked up Mexican food restaurant reviews on her phone and I drove in silence to avoid messing up the deal.

Four hours later we were on a dirt road in front of a barbed-wire fence. I opened the door of her little black Jeep and let the wife out to get a feel for the area. We didn't dare cross the fence for fear of being shot (you don't do that in the desert!). So we walked the perimeter and she made no expression of happiness or dismay at me. I kept my mouth shut and we drove to get her a Chimi and me some tacos. We drove home and I didn't push the issue.... much.

The next morning she woke up and said "I want that house!" I called my realtor (my brother's wife) and asked about a showing. The news was bad, the selling agent was booked-up since the price-cut and didn't have a showing for at least a week! She mentioned that it would most likely sell this week since her phone was ringing off the hook. The wife and I looked though the listing photos again and I picked up the phone and asked Liz (my realtor) to make a cash offer. I knew the property was in disrepair by the photos and no bank would want to finance it. The selling agent called Liz and said she had an opening for a showing later the same day. It was noon on Monday and the showing was at 3. A quick check of maps showed the drive-time to be just under 4 hours.

The Uniden R3 (Link in the description) showed no Smokey Bears as it hung in the windshield of the Jeep by it's freshly spit-wet suction cup. We were flying at exactly the speed limit towards the ranch. I had a 3 hour drive and that was good, I needed the time to think. See, I knew that a cash offer gave us an advantage in the offer pile. The only problem was we didn't have the cash! It was just the wife and I in the Jeep, the wind noise was terrible as was the hum of the KO2s threatening to send their tread into orbit.

We got to the front gate, my agent couldn't make it to the showing (stupid Liz, she had 45 min notice) so we were going to meet with the selling agent. Already at the gate was another black Jeep, in the ugly Jeep was a guy and gal waiting for their showing. It turns out we had made good time. We drove a quarter mile down the road to wait our turn while the two crooks wandered around my house! I hated them! The wife told me to calm down, I picked up a handful of sand and let it run through my fingers.

When we saw the stupid black Jeep pulled out of the drive way it was our turn. I thought about selling my Jeep because they just aren't cool as I drove up to the house. The realtor was great, we walked the property and we saw it needed ton's of repairs. Well, this should probably be a video of it's own. Long story short we sold our Jet-skis, my Pathfinder, cashed in retirement, and used whatever money I had from selling my business and we closed... this is that story, enjoy!

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First!, This is the last tour video! I just wanted to lay the entire project out before I started messing with it!


You do want to stay on the good side of ravens or crows. They are very smart and have an extremely good memory . If you piss them off, they do remember, will hold a grudge, and literally will tell their friends. One would be well advised not to piss off a murder of crows... Feed them some peanuts or whatnot, and they will be your friends and protect you, warn you of intruders, etc. At this point you are not quite invaders, but they are watching you closely. Give them a hand out... It's worth it.


You're shipping container search was 10x more successful than Geraldo's search of Al Capone's vaults. Lot quicker, too.


That Bonanza is a treat. Going through it and putting it back in the air would be a great series.


This has got something for everybody: solar panels, airplane restoration, grader restoration, home improvements. This will keep me plenty occupied. Thanks!


I am loving the added commentary on screen. "Sometimes the wings fall off"


That shipping container gets me excited. I spent a few years living in those while deployed, good times and happy memories!


The change over time will be fun to watch.


You bought a dream! I'm 70 years old! Been around a while. I believe you could make this a destination stop over for the growing aviation enthused people. Have a nice restaurant, fuel availability and it grows from there. Chuck Yeager would fly in, if he was still with us! Just found you, been following Bus Grease Monkey Garage, and Eve Zubek in her world tour with her Land Rover.


At least you have storage in the containers, it is to often that similar containers are totally filled with old junk


Enjoying this latest story arc in the Herb-O-Matic saga. I was able to find the ranch on Google Maps, and was glad to see it's already carrying the Herb-O-Matic branding. That ranch will definitely give you plenty of content for years to come.


thats a GM 2 stroke diesel. You have to make sure the fuel rack is free before you try and start it. Otherwise it can "run away" and grenade itself. Be careful with it!


That old grader will come in handy. Back on the ranch in Montana, we called those "root beer trucks" from the name Austin-Western (A&W). The one we had was beat up, rusty, on it's 4th engine, and still putted along every year. Get it running and you got yourselves a good machine...and a new vocabulary of 4 letter words when Murphy's law peeks it's head out 🤣


Go buy a black light flashlight. Then go scorpion hunting at night. Then you’ll get an idea of how many scorpions are really out there.


Thanks for showing. Get a black light to see all of the scorpions - fun. I'm fan.


Love the airplane info im the appreciative amateur diggin all those plane tidbits. Im so glad you two have taken this adventure and we get to go along. Ive seen blue collar men lose their tempers trying to open those shipping containers and mrs Herbo you figured it out perty fast!


You both have a sense of humour that cracks me up hard 😂😂


'Honey! Get out the snacks. We got a new Herb-O-Matic video!'

Oh yeah... we gonna have a lovely evening 😏


You both seem happy and in love with each other. That is by far the best life anyone could ever hope for. I'm going to be watching, thanks for sharing.


Enjoying watching the videos. As for the solar panel that is busted, I have two panels that are similar. As long as the leads within the panel are not impacted you can seal the panel with UV hardened flex seal clear for cheap. It will buy you some time before needing to exchange them as they will still generate power, but at a reduced rate. Some of mine are going on six years.

Going forward it would be neat to isolate the video topics to an activity. For example, this playlist has the solar plant. This playlist has the water pump. This playlist has the home updates. Breaking things down that way will help appeal to the widest range of viewers.

Again, looking forward to get in my comments before you all get to 300, 000 subscribers and my voice is lost in the crowd.
