Ой, кумушки / Oh, My Friends (OST Black Book)

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Русская народная песня (OST Чёрная книга / Black Book).
Russian folk song (OST Black Book).

Исполнитель: Студенческий хор Пермского краевого колледжа искусств и культуры.
Performer: Student Choir of Perm State College of Arts and Culture.

Текст / Lyrics:

Ой, кумушки-голубушки мои,
Вы придите, посидите у меня,
Ох, вы придите, посидите у меня,
Подумайте, погадайте
Обо мне, обо мне
О девичьей красоте
О моей о девичьей красоте
Ох, досталась она мужу-старику.

Ох, вы кумушки мои.

#BlackBook #чернаякнига #русскиенародныепесни #russianfolksong

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they really just HAD to go ahead and put the very best collectable song first. I love it so much. I was DROWNING in goosebumps the first time I heard it. Ha. Drowning.


Я думала, это из Гнесинки так выводят. Хорошо у вас получается, девушки-пермячки!


Интересно, это часть обряда "прощания с красотой", описанного в игре? Ритуалтные действия во время свадьбы до отъезда свадебного поезда?


Bonjour! est-il possible d'avoir la partition ? merci beaucoup :) !


Hmmmm I know this is an Ancient Russian folksong
So the lyrics aren't Modern Russian(because the yandex translation didn't feel right to me).
From my understanding every new leader of Russia since Stalin changes the language up.

I did like a little digging, and I found what the translation for this folksong is supposed to be(I THINK).
Btw any ACTUAL Russians with historical background, please feel free to correct me.
Because I'm just an American, and I'm totally ignorant, my comment is based off the information I got from Professor in Russian 1 class along with the closest match on google

Anyway here:

Oh, my sisters(girlfriends), be sweet;
be sweet and love one another,
be sweet and love one another,
Love me too.

You will go to the green garden,
take me with you.
You will pick flowers,
Pick some for me too.

You will weave garlands,
take me with you.

You will go to the Donau,
take me with you.
You will offer your wreaths to the river,
offer mine too.

Your wreaths will float on the water,
but mine will sink to the bottom.
Your boyfriends came back from the war!
Mine didn’t return.
