The Yugioh World Championship Was Ruined By A Yugituber...

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Untapped sponsored some of these players.

Some of those same players mad Dkayed’s site posted Untapped’s data. Obviously no one will admit to scouting at Worlds but Dkayed admits it happens.

Untapped backpedaling saying it was never meant to be used that way.

Me on the sidelines watching: 👀 🍿


Isn’t Dkayed known for leaking things before Konami does?


Apparently he was able to leak the deck list using the program Untapped, which usually tells you stats wnd ehatever is left in your deck, but it does the same thing for replays too. Untapped got really pissed about this and had to put an entire blog about it and how their program is in no way a way to cheat


I'm very confused here. Didn't dkayed get the decklist from untapped
Why is he getting all the blame when the decks were already public knowledge to begin with


Damn, this dude is Bandit Keith in reverse.


I'm subscribed to both capG and Dkayed. I think it's disingenuous to not talk about HOW Dkayed got the deck lists and whether that information was already public. This very much frames it as Dkayed is some sort of master hacker spy man who obtained the deck lists mysteriously and posted them. If a guy with a popular website posts already public information for money and attention, I don't see the problem. Everyone crying about morality and integrity can go interview the participants and see how many of them admit to looking through the deck-lists leaks.

If all the participants are playing fairly like they say they are, then the "leaks" had no affect on the participants.


Konami provided replays : CHECK.
untapped is a legal app: CHECK.
Players are able to use it to get decklists legally: CHECK.
Dkayed doing what everyone else could be doing already: Suddenly an issue? HUH?
Clearly a case of Paper players wanting MD to be as garbage as Physical....


Yet Cimoooo gets 0 love from Konami because he called out bad business practices years ago.


if data is available, then everyone should have it. maybe Konami should do a better job hiding the deck lists


Soooo its cool when top players know but when everyone knows its bad? Thats some bitch shit right there.


This was unironically a win. Had some people but not everyone known there was a data leak there would have been some real questions about the integrity of the event. Giving everyone access to avoid only a few having illicit access is great. This is why most games have open lists for their highest competitive events.


This whole situation feels like we're placing the play all the blame on one person and letting the other big problems get away. Also, when it comes to the situation, i don't see how this effect the competition unless there was already a cheater among them, but also knowing the deck list can only help so much in this competition when alot of them had a big gap in skill between players.


Why’s there so many people screaming at Dkayed for essentially exposing Untapped for being a way to cheat? From what I’m reading in other comments and all it even sounds like some of the big players who were sponsored had highlighted the ability to see that stuff on their channel before and nobody said anything. Is Dkayed just…hated for other reasons and people are just screaming at him cause they have some salt or anger about something else he’s said or done? Cause not only is it a stupid double standard, if Untapped didn’t mean for people getting to see the decklists of others, it wouldn’t be information left on their site. It wouldn’t be available until after the event, so it sounds to me like they sponsor cheaters actively and get a cut of the rewards or get more site traffic due to sponsoring a big winning player. Now they’re angry they were caught out and were trying to cover their asses, and Dkayed is a convenient scapegoat so they can’t be accused as a way to cheat or have their sponsored players called into question


This argument is disingenious because it's not ruining shit. You can watch all the match starting from day 1 to see the decks being used, let alone all decks in it were tier 0 which requires the same synergistic cards that all netdecks of the same deck would carry. Snake Eyes is Snakes Eyes and running optimal cards regardless if he throws in one or two card that are different. Every tournament deck ran 3 Maxx C's, 3 Ashes, 2 Called By the Grave, and Effect veilers. That's not even talking about Imperm, callout, and other cards mandatory for meta. That's almost half the main deck. Once your put creatures in you already know what the rest is. The only downside is the extra deck which even then most of that shit is same. You aren't surprised when Snake Eyes puts out Princess, or a Baronne. Nothing was harmed in this. This is just tradition of YGO online tournaments having non-sense controversy because it's what the scene is known for.

If you're going to say it hurt the tournament, you need to show specific games were people did different plays that they otherwise wouldn't have because of the knowledge of their opponents deck. You can't because that's not how YGO works at a tier 0 format. You play the same end game and dare your opponent to stop you.


This is a "you can't see the forest for the trees" argument.

1) Neither Dkayed nor any single individual should dictate how a tournament goes, it was 100% incorrect action.

2) Judeo is sponsored by Untapped, so it's really hard to believe they didn't already use it before the leaks. Even still, just the knowledge of the app would incentivize every team to look for it so they are not the only ones at a disadvantage. There is no way to prove which players used it and this shouldn't be the point anyway.

3) The Pokemon solution is "open team sheets" with every decklist given to the opponents. It would be great if it had been known beforehand, altering the deckbuilding process entirely. Leaks would become obsolete, however, we are missing the excitement of unknown interactions (as viewers), while the players aren't rewarded for playing around potential interruptions. Prime examples here are Gamma, Nibiru, and Talent which are by far the most affected cards where a player would perform an entirely different sequence if they weren't informed of the full decklists.

4) The "bad" solution would be to monitor player contact during Day 1, so players won't be informed of potential leaks. It is a bit drastic compared to the previous solution, but at least it guarantees everyone will be on the same playfield. Informing your teammates on tech choices is perfectly fine. But even without Untapped, you and I could have written down as much of the decklists as possible and then dm them to our favorite player, so in the end we face the same issue that shouldn't exist in the first place.

5) This is an issue that happens IRL as well, with scouting being extremely prevalent during the later rounds of Regis/Nats/YCSs. There have been countless times people looking over during siding, where they practically see the entire decklist and then can inform their friends. Ignoring this and putting all the blame on Dkayed is hiding our heads in the sand.

6) Again, I consider this a horrible action because Konami through the replay system hid the decklists so they were never intended to be public during the event. And NONE party has the right to decide whether to publish them or not. But since this already happened, instead of focusing on the morality of said action (it was outright bad, no question here) we should focus on protecting those players and their efforts by preventing this situation entirely.


Wasn't the information already public? Dkayed just made it more public like I don't think he leaked it first.


I think one thing that can help the game is if the winner of the game’s biggest official tournaments had the option to have their own custom card be made an official release for the actual TCG/OCG (Similar to what MTG does). It would be both an AMAZING reward AND those cards could end up being staples for the game in ways Konami would never make their cards to be by themselves.


Can someone tell me how is it unfair to leak the decks if they were already leaked then? If he was the only reason the decks leaked I could understand, but aparently the decks already were leaked?


I remember listening to a podcast talking to one of the top participants, and they put it pretty succinctly. If the players knew their decks would be public knowledge, they would have done their deck building differently.

If players choose not to run, say, Gamma, on a general basis, people outside their team would know that. They’d constantly be wondering “when are they gonna drop Gamma on me? I have to play around it until I’m sure they don’t have it”


There are 3 parties at fault here.
Dkayde, the team that made the system used to get the lists and Konami for having all lists in replays and unencrypted
