Top‌ ‌10‌ ‌Medical‌ ‌Technologies‌ ‌of‌ ‌the‌ ‌Future: ‌Ranked‌! / Episode 7 - The Medical Futurist

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Future of Medicine: Which medical technologies and digital health innovations can expect the brightest future in the next decade? Now The Medical Futurist ranks the top 10 most promising technologies in medicine along 3 factors:

1. How close is the given medical technology from becoming real
2. The potential impact it can have on healthcare
3. Accessibility to the masses

The 10 nominees:
- Health sensors and telehealth
- Mixed reality
- Surgical and medical robotics
- Brain-computer interfaces
- Nanotechnology
- 5G
- Direct-to-consumer genetic testing
- 3D printing
- Artificial intelligence
- Quantum computing

Let's see which one will win, and I look forward to the 2020s together!

Read our magazine for further updates and analyses on the future of medicine:

#digitalhealth #medicaltechnology #top10
Рекомендации по теме

I love this doctor because he had an Intuitive Conviction with his knowledge of the traditional medicine for primary care with the possibility of technology of telemedicine for telehealth care. Agree that technology will become the alternative care for some.


Very informative I love your vids, keep up the great work!


Can't wait for your next video. Happy New Year!


This video has been incredibly informative and gives me hope for the future.


Why did I only find this channel now? I feel like it could’ve been a lot better if I had found it a couple years ago


With regard to 5G and remote surgery, it is unlikely that a wireless network or any kind would be involved in a remote surgery performed by a clinician at a center-of-excellence location and a remote hospital with robotic surgical tools. The connections would be over broadband fiber (wired) end-to-end. There may be applications for remote surgeries using innovative robotics (yet to be invented) in mobile settings such as ambulances and perhaps military use cases. Delighted to discuss this with you in more depth.


Hey, this is the first video I'm watching. I like the information you're providing. But, I feel there needs to be some Research/Numbers/Statistics behind the reasoning of you to select the Parameters of Rating and what does 24/30 mean, so on and so forth. What I mean is, if the same video would've had a better scientific approach towards the data, it would've been really awesome!


very informative and futuristic. Most of what you have discussed here are mostly diagnostic. How about finding a way to reduce and minimise the onset of diseases? Have you considered and looked into the future of Stem cells therapy.


I was directed to this video via my school studies. Right now we are studying the impact of technology in healthcare. Being someone that works in the healthcare system, it is amazing seeing the application of technology so far in healthcare. Looking into the impact of technology in healthcare is exciting. Consider the help healthcare professionals derive from the use and application of EHR(Electronic Health Records), 5G is making transfer of data from one point to another faster, Robotic surgery is already happening, and a host of other technological applications in healthcare. While some of the mentioned techs are futuristic, and may not even happen in our life time. The 3D printing tech, which may help in printing 3D tissues and organs for replacement in human body will help save lives. However I'm concerned about the ethical applications of some these upcoming tech applications in healthcare. Over all, thanks for projecting our minds to the future of medicine and technology application.


this was really an informative piece
Great job Dr Bertalan


Great video as ever

if being picky the mixed reality transition doesn't have the text at about 3.03.


It's funny. This video predicted telehealth spot on. He had no idea it would happen so fast lol.


We shouldn't be using robotics to replace body parts and brain chips this should be the job of genetic engineering


Hello, sorry to interrupt Im having a crisis.I am lost, I don't know which path to go. I either want to help people or work on technology such as building a robot or what ever but work with tech.However, I don't know which career would be best to know about health, helping people and technology.


Thank you good work but where is suspended animation / advanced :-(


How are devices being expensive and not on the market a 7/10 for accessibility?


Hey, i just watched the video and i found almost all of theses future medical technologies amazing and really can help to bring helthcare closer to people, but i still like find AI very unfair for doctors as like i am a studious medical studdnt . And i'm afraid that it will take the task of doctors of clinical reasoning .even if as you say the medical research in AI is like very focused on narrow artificial intelligence. It's very frightening for doctors. I hope your feedback soon


About Chronic pancreatitis latest technology


Very informational, and informative video; but the major reason we haven't finished the essential equipments and procedures is because one we as scientists and scientific minds have some far fetch ideas as it relates to hypothesises and logical thinking; then there is a filtration system that is needed in place to get the most important projects and researches from the concept stage to the finishing or ready product/ procedure stage.
I know that year we gonna find what we need🙈🙉🙊
😁😁😁😈😁😁😁🙈🙉🙊# long live the Queens


I feel like subscribing to this channel like 50 times, very powerful information
