TS-890 VS IC-7610 First Impressions

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My first impressions after sitting with the TS-890 for about an hour.

While this is not an in depth review I wanted to share what my first thoughts are on this radio without thinking on it too long, as it's easy to loose your first impressions after using something for a while.
I am still not sure which one will win a spot in the hamshack.

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Thank you. I’m a few short months away from upgrading my 7300 to probably a 7610 Dual Receive is a feature that I really want but I like hearing the difference in the radios.


Incredible that with such a short time it achieves a very good review. Of the best I have heard. Straight to the point. With many doubts as usual for so little time. But fantastic review thanks for that. Everything good for you. 73 & DX


I like the 890 scope as far as showing the carrier point and then the sideband offset from it. It is what is actually happening frequency-wise on the band. The Icom distorts reality by centering the sideband on its display.
To my ear, the side by side receive switching was inconclusive. Your experience probably depends on what frequency ranges your ears respond to. I generally avoid "rig A versus rig B" videos because all the weak, noisy signals sound alike to me. Compared to what I had in the '80s, both of these rigs are absolute dreams.


Thanks for an excellent review and comparison. I have the 7610 but seems that the 890 sounds little better by the weak signals. Happy New Year Jack! 73, Paul.


I have a Kenwood 990S and absolutely love it. Even more buttons and knobs and covers everything I need. I use the touchscreen to quickly move through the band. I use the mouse with Kenwood’s PC app and 2 monitors to have full mouse control.


Thank you for your video, I had the TS-890 and end up getting the Ic-7610 but I had my doubts, this video made my mama mind.


Its over a year ago since this review I wonder which one you kept, I have just taken delivery of my new IC 7610 to replace my old MP1000 MK5. The variable pass band on the ssb filter and audio is great makes a big difference.
I dont use the mouse prefer touch screen to jump frequency .
The hidden filters be hind each appropriate key button has been logical lay out some thing I have got used to.
Having played with the IC7610 I like it better than the MP 1000 MK5 old school radio.


Hey jack great video, just the type i wanted to see. the rest all seem to be between, the 101d, and 7610, to me the 890 seems to be a real solid radio...probably one of the last big super hets. 73


11:30 Why would you want it centered? it is Side Band, so Kenwood representation is correct, icom is not.. ( you can change it in the menus). I remember that when i bought 7300, it was the first parameter i changed, because it was obviously a wrong representation. Thanks for video


By using the ARCP-890 program you can control everything by mouse and keyboard. I did find in your video that the 890s has a clearer and brighter screen. It looks like the 7610 has a washed out look. It might be the closeness of the 890s to the camera.


The ts-890s DSP noise reduction is awful. The 7610 is good and the 101d is superior hands down.


It has been three weeks and the gang here is getting restless awaiting your decision on which one stays and which one goes. Personally, my K3/P3 combo is moving out of the main position in my shack so it will always be ready to run /P, /M, /R, take to FD or guest op at a MM etc. What a pain to disconnect and reconnect everything 10x/year. And the reason I mention that is because that main spot will be filled with either a TS-890s or IC-7610. I've been trying to decide since before Black Friday. And yes, I could do a K4. I even had a prepaid preorder in for a couple months but the delays were too much to take. So, all I'm asking is that you PICK ONE. I have no idea how that will help ME out, but what the heck. Might as well ask :-) 73, K2QO


Thanks for that video, but!
How a transciever A/B comparison becomes more usefull?
- Use external, equal loudspeaker, on each transceiver.
- Switch each 5 second, between A and B transceiver.
- Switch during the same station is talking.!
- Don't talk yourself during the test.

May be you find some more facts?
Best Regards


The 890 just as the 990 you set up three presets for the filtering


my christmas present will surely be a kenwood 890


Hey Jack. Great video. Hope you guys had a nice Christmas. All our snow is just about melted which is about normal for here. Jan and feb is more our snow getting time of year. Thanks for the video.


I have them both and the Kenwood is far ahead of the Icom. In my opinion. ICOM must be made by MFJ.


I have the 7610 and I do like the ability to record with, in my case, an SDHC card. I don’t know about the 890 but that feature is kinda cool that I have used multiple times to figure out a weak signals call sign. Thx for the vid.


The menu system in the Icom may be a bit easier to use but lets face it how often do you go into the menu unless you have to once its set its set. But the Icom is designed so that a lot of important functions are in the menu so you have to go into it a lot where I think the Kenwood a lot of those functions are located on the front panel.

I like the display better on the Kenwood a bit better than the Icom to me its a little easier on the eyes also I am not much for touch screen it's ok I guess but how much effort really does it take to push a button or turn a knob not to mention it is one less thing that can malfunction. If your touch screen quits working your dead in the water.

I know that the 890 is simply a better built radio it is almost like military grade what I mean by that is the controls switches and knobs this has been commented on all over the net many times in reviews and I don't know for me I want a radio not a radio that is half a computer. I am not knocking the Icom but I think the Kenwood in this case is a better radio what is important to me may not be to someone else so it's apples and oranges I guess.

For the record I am a big Yaesu fan had them all through the years and I have had a few Kenwoods as well I am getting ready to buy a new radio and in this case I am going to pick the 890 over the new Yaesu FT-101DX. Yes it cost a little more but I like the layout better among other things frankly I don't like the screen on the new Yaesu.

They are all very good radios but I want a radio for a radio not half a computer and half radio i guess I am just old fashioned.


I have the TS990S but some of the features are the same on the 890;
I am fine with the menu setup for the 890/990 but I do have to agree with you that the menu in the 7610 sure looks easier to use. As for the mouse, "Boy do I agree !" When I received my 990 I wandered why no mouse feature? Dumb to leave it out.
I do like that I can dial through a desired bandwidth and would not want to give that up. On the 990 there is an IF button and i can step through three preset bandwidths. I see to the right hand side of the 890's VFO there is a button titled, "IF FIL". I think this is the same as what's on the 990S. So you two choice on the Kenwood, step through three preset filter bandwidths or dial through.
Both good radios but my vote is for the TS890S. Not that my vote matters. Hi Hi

Barry, KU3X
