Introduction to the World of My Big TOE (MBT Theory) by Thomas Campbell
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This is a two-hour introduction to the basics of the My Big Theory Of Everything, approaching the theory from the direction of quantum physics double-slit experiments. This talk explains the basic model and implications for our lives, and addresses elementary questions of how and why we are here, what we are, and the meaning behind it all. This video was already published on Matrixwissen by our friend Oliver Sass, but it was clear that for the sake of completeness we will publish it here on this channel as well. We have added German and English subtitles to the video, so that hearing impaired are also able to follow the content. The sheets are in German language but the content of the sheets is mentioned in the subtitles completely. This video is an original German video and does not exist in English therefore and because of the reason mentioned above we did the English subtitles for people interested in this.
Have fun with the video!
Meaningful external contributions for a foundation (German language):
„Das Geistige ist die treibende Kraft" - Hans Peter Dürr (0:32 Stunden)
Paper with the double-slit experiments of Thomas Campbell:
My Big TOE for free on Google Books
We look forward to lively discussions, praise and criticism.
Your Matrixwissen e.V.
List of acronyms used in the video:
AUM: Absolutely Unbounded Manifold - the source of all being, primordial consciousness, encompasses all that exists.
AUO: Absolutely Unbounded Oneness - AUM to an early stage of development
IUOC: Individuated Unit Of Consciousness - individual unit of consciousness with free will as a spin-off of AUM
LCS: Larger Consciousness System - synonymous with AUM with focus on simulation of NPMR and PMR
NPMR: Non Physical Matter Reality - non-physical reality, derivation (more rules) of AUM in which IUOCs can interact
PMR: Physical Matter Reality - physical reality, one of many environments as a derivative of NPMR (more rules) in which IUOCs can interact. The universe we know is a PMR.
TBC: The Big Computer - component of AUM or the LCS that probabilistically calculates and provides the PMR and exists outside the PMR.
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Have fun with the video!
Meaningful external contributions for a foundation (German language):
„Das Geistige ist die treibende Kraft" - Hans Peter Dürr (0:32 Stunden)
Paper with the double-slit experiments of Thomas Campbell:
My Big TOE for free on Google Books
We look forward to lively discussions, praise and criticism.
Your Matrixwissen e.V.
List of acronyms used in the video:
AUM: Absolutely Unbounded Manifold - the source of all being, primordial consciousness, encompasses all that exists.
AUO: Absolutely Unbounded Oneness - AUM to an early stage of development
IUOC: Individuated Unit Of Consciousness - individual unit of consciousness with free will as a spin-off of AUM
LCS: Larger Consciousness System - synonymous with AUM with focus on simulation of NPMR and PMR
NPMR: Non Physical Matter Reality - non-physical reality, derivation (more rules) of AUM in which IUOCs can interact
PMR: Physical Matter Reality - physical reality, one of many environments as a derivative of NPMR (more rules) in which IUOCs can interact. The universe we know is a PMR.
TBC: The Big Computer - component of AUM or the LCS that probabilistically calculates and provides the PMR and exists outside the PMR.
Matrixwissen on YouTube:
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Die drei Bücher der Trilogie sind in deutscher Sprache bei Amazon wie folgt erhältlich:
Wer Tom´s Arbeit und Cusac unterstützen möchte, kann dies über Patreon tun: