Greenland 2014 Clark on Dennett / Гренландия 2014. Выступление Кларка о Деннете

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We are continuing to publish the sessions which we videotaped during the conference “The problems of consciousness and free will” that the Center for Consciousness Studies organized in Greenland. Below you will find a video of session with Andy Clark, a prominent proponent of very interesting concept of extended mind, and with “The Boston zombie” Daniel Dennett.
Мы продолжаем публиковать уникальные научные сессии конференции «Проблемы сознания и свободы воли в аналитической философии», которую Центр организовал у берегов Гренландии в июне этого года с участием учёных и философов с мировым именем. Ниже вы найдете запись сессии Энди Кларка, известного сторонника концепции расширенного сознания (extended mind), и «бостонского зомби» Дениела Деннета, имя которого связано не только с дискуссиями о природе сознания. Отрицая существования особого рода сущности внутри человека, Деннет идёт дальше и объявляет крестовый поход против религии.
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I'm grateful for the publication of these videos - it's great to hear these eminent thinkers talk about their own ideas, and about each other's. However, I'm slightly disappointed by the discourse on perception. Can we really carry on conflating the perception of actual sense data (the realm of qualia 'surprise') with the qualia that populate the conceptual realm and do the cognitive work such as thinking and conditioning of expectations? Introspective techniques, known for millennia by hindu and buddhist practitioners, have been used to explore this obvious distinction, and reveal that the human mind has an overwhelming preference for the latter form of experience. This state of affairs has produced the explosion of human thought, but also suffers a lack of objectivity and is the source of our countless errors of judgement. A hugely complicated area, which I think needs to be considered separately from the primary level of qualia, by which I mean the inner feel, early in perception, before any articulation of meaning.


From "Punk: No Future" to "Punk: No Double Transduction".
