Dark Matter 😮 (EXPLAINED!) #shorts

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#space #darkmatter #science #history #universe
Learn about dark matter!
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IMO it's easier to think of Dark Matter as a placeholder until we can figure out what the heck it is.


Alternative Explanation of the two Dark Ghosts

Einstein’s theory of General Relativity states that spacetime is curved by the presence of mass. This curvature influences the motion other objects with mass and gives rise to gravitation. Thus, gravity is a result of geometric features in spacetime.

However, we also observe gravitational effects – curvature of spacetime – in areas without any detectable mass. This has given rise to the concept of dark matter, which is matter that does not interact in any detectable way with normal matter, except through gravity. So, there is some large quantity of dark matter scattered throughout the universe, which curves spacetime and causes gravitational effects just like normal matter, but we cannot see or detect it with any known method.

An alternative theory to the identity of dark matter is proposed – it is not matter at all, but rather an intrinsic curvature of spacetime. In other words, spacetime is not naturally flat. Even in the absence of matter, we observe some inherent curvature of spacetime.

So, the question is now – why is spacetime naturally curved? Why is it not flat in the absence of mass?

The universe is 4-dimensional, with 3 spatial dimensions and one dimension in time. Rather than consider time as a linear dimension, we can consider it as a radial one. Therefore, rather than describing the universe with a Cartesian coordinate system, we describe it with a 4-dimensional spherical coordinate system – 3 angular coordinates, φ1, φ2, φ3, and one radial coordinate in time, t. We live on the 3-dimensional surface of a 4-dimensional bubble which is expanding radially in time. Thus, the Big Bang represents t=0, the beginning of time.

The crucial point is that the expansion of the universe is not homogeneous in all directions. The expansion rate at one point on the bubble’s surface may differ slightly from another point near it. The universe is only roughly spherical in 4 dimensions, the same way that the Earth is only roughly spherical in 3 dimensions. The same way we observe local mountains and valleys on the surface of Earth, we observe local “mountains” and “valleys” on the surface of the universe bubble. The inhomogeneity of the expansion of the universe has given rise to natural curvature of spacetime. This natural curvature causes the phenomenon of “dark matter”.

“Valleys” in spacetime pull matter in, similarly to the warping of spacetime of massive objects. So “dark matter” is really “valleys” in spacetime that are expanding slower than the regions surrounding it. These valleys tend to pull matter in and create planets, stars, and galaxies – regions of space with higher-than-average densities of mass. Conversely, “mountains” in spacetime will repel matter away, an “anti-gravitational” effect, which gives rise to cosmic voids in space where we observe no matter.

Each point on the surface of the universe bubble traces out a time arrow in 4-dimensional space, perpendicular to the surface. These time arrows are not parallel to each other since the universe is not flat. This causes points to have nonzero relative velocity away from each other. It is generally accepted that the universe is expanding faster than observable energy can explain, and this is expansion is believe to be still accelerating. The “missing” energy required to explain these observations has given rise to the theory of dark energy. The time dilation caused by non-parallel time arrows can be proposed as an explanation for dark energy. Alternatively, dark energy is real energy coming from potential energy gradients caused by non-parallel time arrows.

As a sanity check, we can calculate the expansion rate of the universe based on the universe bubble model. Since the radius of the universe bubble is expanding at the speed of light in the time direction, it increases at 1 light second per second. Therefore, the “circumference” of the 3-dimensional surface increases by 2π light seconds per second, or about 1.88*10^6 km/s. This expansion is distributed equally across the 3-dimensional surface, so the actual observed expansion rate is proportional to the distance from the observer. At present, the age of the universe is estimated to be 13.8 billion years, so the radius of the universe bubble is 13.8 billion light years, or about 4233 megaparsecs (3.26 million light years to 1 Mpc). Thus, we can calculate the expansion rate of the universe, per megaparsec from the observer, as:

Expansion rate =


These both dark matter and dark energy kinda like cursed energy u know what it is if u have watched jujutsu kaisen


I think the gravitational laws do need to be revised.


Dark energy is a simply a force so strong that the universe expand's 20× the speed of light, 68% of the entire universe is dark energy, and the universe expand's forever even if it's empty


We recently got a huge boost in our knowledge of dark matter! In the discovery of a dark matter star!
We found a star that we thought was orbiting a black hole but it turned out that there was nothing there. And I don’t mean a black hole kind of nothing I mean, literally nothing! No gravitational lensing was spotted and there was no accretion from the incredibly close orbit of the star!


Been thinking more on this. And I recall hearing this supposed (dark matter) but according to my theory it's not matter but anyhow it makes up a good majority of the observable universe. Well when I view images of the universe the majority is dark


Like a stars constant battle to balance it's forces a galaxy does the same in a way I think. But cold push in. And galaxy wants to fly apart but balances stable


Quran 81:15-16
I swear by those that are invisible, that move, that sweep.


If it ain’t fuckin with you don’t fuck with it


Dark energy is explained by this and dark matter or missing matter in galaxies is also explained because galaxies are also surrounded by empty space full of cold pushing in on it not holding together from within.


Because scientists made it up to make their current system work


It's not matter but a side effect of colds natural effect. No matter needed. Lol


a supermassive black hole sits in the center of a galaxy and that nebulas just orbit it (the ones in the event horizon gets in and create quasars.) so movement of stars in galaxies cannot be an example


Umm actually Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter that is thought to make up approximately 27% of the total mass-energy content of the universe. It does not emit, absorb, or reflect light, hence the term "dark." Dark matter is invisible and does not interact with electromagnetic forces, making it extremely difficult to detect with telescopes.

The existence of dark matter is inferred from its gravitational effects on visible matter, such as stars, galaxies, and galaxy clusters. Observations of the rotational speeds of galaxies, gravitational lensing, and the large-scale structure of the universe all point to the presence of additional mass that cannot be accounted for by visible matter alone.

Despite extensive efforts to detect dark matter directly, its exact nature remains unknown. Various theoretical particles have been proposed as candidates for dark matter, such as weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) and axions, but none have been conclusively detected.

The study of dark matter is a major area of research in astrophysics and cosmology, as understanding its nature is crucial for a more complete understanding of the universe and its evolution.🤓👆


It is more likely that we do not understand gravity than the existence of magical, invisible, unobserved, undetected matter that binds the universe together.


\[ D(x, y, z, t) = \Phi(\rho, \Lambda, \psi) \]

- \( D(x, y, z, t) \) represents the dark matter density or effect at spatial coordinates \((x, y, z)\) and time \(t\).
- \(\Phi\) is a function that describes how dark matter interacts with the universe.
- \(\rho\) represents the mass density of dark matter.
- \(\Lambda\) is the cosmological constant, reflecting the influence of dark energy.
- \(\psi\) is a potential function representing the gravitational effects of dark matter.


They denied the Aether and now they can accept they were wrong...


Dark matter could be that thing that came out in a video of something black/dark sucking the suns rays/energy then leaves in a blink of a eye 👁️


Does this matter collide with normal matter?
