Baby Yoda visits HEB during Covid-19

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Our daughter cosplays Baby Yoda and desperately wanted to go to the store because she's over being locked inside for the past week and wanted her juicy juice and chicky nuggies.
It just so happened that last night The majority of San Antonio became unemployed, including Baby Yoda's father, while the other half is busting ass trying to keep all the shelves stocked at HEB for the selfish hoarders. So Baby Yoda (Kara) and I went out to bring some smiles to those that needed it and get her treats while keeping protected with her mask/gloves.
It just so happened that last night The majority of San Antonio became unemployed, including Baby Yoda's father, while the other half is busting ass trying to keep all the shelves stocked at HEB for the selfish hoarders. So Baby Yoda (Kara) and I went out to bring some smiles to those that needed it and get her treats while keeping protected with her mask/gloves.