⭐️ Barre chord strength-training exercise (guitar practice tip)

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In this lesson, I'll teach you how to play barre chords using an strength-training exercise I personally used when I first started playing guitar. This technique doesn't allow you to magically avoid hard work, but it does give you a repeatable process & structure that you can use, over time, to slowly build your muscles to be able to play the chords that have stumped you for so long.

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it works!! i did this exercise everyday for 2 weeks and now i can play a barre chord perfectly!


Do you know what I love most about your videos? You're GENUINELY encouraging. It completely comes off as "hey dude - you can do this!" Awesome work.


You are the only person that ever addressed this subject with ease


Bought a guitar just after Christmas... at 57yrs of age...to while away the winter nights in the motorhome in the UK

Got it back to van and thought i'd made a big mistake!!!...

Then I stumbled upon your tube channel... "sweet home Alabama"...

After the finger-tip pain .. and bum notes ...stuck with it and practice every day.. now all calloused up ;) and clean notes on about 9 or ten chords..

Never thought I'd ever be able to play a bar chord though ...

but with your Malibu I found I could get that Bb/C ... after "improvising" on a failed F from another song...

I can now bar to 5th string... but have to use the side of finger.. and I just can't reach that 6th with my short fingers at that angle and fret anything else...

I'd bought an entry level Yamaha F310.. and have since fitted new strings after snapping "e" whilst messing with GAD-DAD...

I've considered looking for something with a narrower neck.. but then I'd have a fat finger syndrome issue... I think

Any suggestions ?

Great channel with clear and succinct step by step lessons... a pleasure to watch and follow

Kind regards

John T


I've watched two of your videos - this one and the one on slap strumming - and they are both pure gold. Thank you! You have a wonderfully empathetic teaching style and lots of great tips. The only tip I would add for barre chords is that thumb placement really matters - you want the thumb under the middle of the neck, to maximize the force your barring finger exerts.


This is hands down the most useful advice I've seen or heard on practicing barre chords. Minor chords with a root on the 6th are no longer a problem for me. Keep up the good work.


The amazing thing is that this is just common sense that all guitar teachers should know and should be teaching. I'm a beginner and I decided to try the same thing. I gave up on trying to build up finger strength by barring all six strings and sound like shit but hope it will start getting better over the months. Slowly increasing number of strings sounds better to the ear as well as slowly building up strength at same time. Starting from the 5th fret is a good idea that did not occur to me but makes sense also. Just shows how important it is to find a good teacher.


I’ve been playing sloppy barre chords where the 5th string doesn’t ring out for way too long, these exercises have been helping a lot! Thank you!


This is what I needed. My hand was just not conditioned enough. Little by little I can feel and hear the difference.


I’m gonna start doing this exercise

Wish me luck!!


I started out just trying to barre the first fret, not even trying to form a full chord. At first it seemed completely impossible. After doing the exercises for a couple of weeks, I’m finally able to get all the strings to ring out! Doing the exercises really works, so keep at it and keep your hopes up!


The encouragement you give is the best part here. Yeah it takes a bit of discomfort but nothing worth learning is supposed to be easy!


Thank you! I found you by random chance, and incorporated this exercise into my daily practice. Three weeks later (I had an injury, not related to your exercise) I decided to try the F barre, and it rang out perfectly on my nylon-strung guitar! The next day, it also rang out beautifully on my metal-strung guitar! I never thought I'd master a barre chord, but you made it possible. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


I'm literally trying this right now and it's helping. My problem was I wasn't applying enough pressure on the barre but when I do it sounds great. Great advice dude.


The most helpful exercise I've come across for getting to grips with barre cords.


I've been playing for quite a while and I havent been able to play a lot of songs that i wanted to because I can't do barre chords
So I just played fingerstyle and learned how to play river flows in you
This video really gave me that encouragement


I never knew I could practice like this. I’m going to use this exercise now. Hopefully I’ll be able to barre by the end of the year.


I started on my RiffBandz finger strengthener yesterday And They Work‼️but this barre chord excises are gawd sent 🙏🏾 starting tonight‼️


I’ve been playing for a year now and this is the most valuable lesson in guitar I’ve ever known even though I know how to play bar chords


That middle finger bolster works so well instantly! whoooo!
