Place Value Chart – Numerals and Words

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Topic Description
The concepts learned are extensions of patterns and representations throughout the grades. The skills applied through comparing and ordering numbers to 1,000,000 are foundational to the other number and operations activities in the grade level. Pattern sequences and rounding are developed as well as exploring factors and multiples.

Learning Targets
• I can count in 100s, 1000s, 10000s and 100000s
• I can recognise number notation and the respective value and place value of each digit
• I can read and write numbers up to 1,000,000 in numerals and in words
• I can compare and order numbers within 1,000,000
• I can identify patterns in number sequences
• I can solve for a missing number given a set of clues
• I can round a number to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10000 and 100000
• I can list the factors of a given whole number up to 100
• I can find the common factors of two given whole numbers
• I can list the nth multiple of a whole number
• I can find the common multiples of two given whole numbers
• I can identify the prime and composite numbers.

Ensure pupils understand and are able to:
• Decompose numbers into place value components.
• Represent numbers to 1,00,000 on a place value mat.
• Represent these numbers in numeral form, place value form, expanded form and block form.
• Sequence numbers in this range.
• Compare numbers in this range.
• Round numbers in this range.
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