Poland's Dilemma: Eurofighter Typhoon vs F-15EX Eagle II

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Poland is looking for a heavyweight air superiority fighter and is deciding between the Eurofighter Typhoon and the F-15EX Eagle II.

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I love the F-15 as they were the first aircraft i worked around at my first base. The EX is such a major leap in abilities. If a local manufacturing center can be established it would be the ultimate option.

The Typhoon is also a powerful fighter. And with a local supplier and manufacturing partners it would be a better option.


POLAND in 10 years will be superpower , Poland is the shield of Europe. , good bless POLAND. greeting from CANADA.


For air policing Poland's eastern borders the Eurofighter Typhoon is the better choice. First of all it only needs 300ft to takeoff vs 900ft for the F15EX. Same picture for landing with 700ft for the Typhoon and 3600ft for the F15EX. Furthermore the Typhoon has a much better climb-rate with 62600ft/m vs 50.000ft/m for the F15. The Typhoons are just as interoperable with the F35´s as The F15, so no difference there. The fuel economy is much better for Typhoons. The Eurofighter is slightly more expensive per unit at 117m$ vs 94m$ for the F15EX with the EPAWSS. Both are excellent fighters, but for the purpose of establishing air superiority in combination with a F35 backbone, I believe the Eurofighter is a mature but still more modern platform that would integrate better with the Polish requirements and logistics.


The new fighter chosen by Poland must offer what the existing F-16 and F-35 cannot offer. The F-15 EX seem to be the better option.


Hello. I am from Poland. From our perspective both fighters would not be probably buy. Poland has 48 F-16's, will have 32 F-35, will have korean FA-50, so should buy more F-16's or more F-35.


Poland has got F-16s and soon will have F-35s. It's only natural to pick F-15 as an air superiority fighter.


As I understand things, both are great interceptors. I think the EX is more formidable as an strike aircraft and has the best weapon integration. I would choose the EX because it can use any of the US's deep magazine of weapons and would integrate with the other American fighters. I think knowing the history of the Strike eagle (Which the EX got all the capability's of.) makes this a no brainier for me. But if they just want the most capable air to air interceptor maybe the Typhoon is a good choice too


Poland have choice between American and European-NATO armaments for fighters, it's good to adopt European-NATO based missiles and rockets over American but American missiles & rockets are more widely available due to Japan, S.Korea, Australia, Canada etc.. are major users due to this, Japan and S.Korea license producing them so can get armaments cheap & quick.


Eurofighter allows the use of SAAB / BAE / MBDA weapons that are very good - Storm Shadow, Brimstone, Meteor and RBS15 are fantastic weapons


I think Poland wants to strengthen its partnership with the US.
The F-15 is the likely choice.


A french would probably say the Rafale beats them both and Poland should buy them. But when it comes to F-15EX vs. Typhoon i would say there is not one that is objectively better. They both have advantages that balance out their disadavantages i believe. But there is one thing, i dont think the US would export their brand new Aim-260 yet because the States have a habbit to keep their best stuff for themselfes. So the Polish F-15EX would be stuck with Aim-120D i assume, i dont think it can carry Meteor nor will it likely be adapted to use them. The Typhoon can carry Meteor and it would be part of a Typhoon deal. A Typhoon with Meteor would be one heck of a better asset in Air Superiority role over the F-15EX with Aim-120D.


In the end it'll all come down to what Poland deems is more important to it's strategy. I think the Eagle II has more going for it tactically, but the Typhoon makes more sense logistically.
I'm leaning a bit more towards the Typhoon, but either way Poland is going to get a really amazing fighter regardless of which they choose.


Seems like they have two pretty good fighters, both good options honestly.


Hey, just a small comment on the Polish air force arsenal. Aside from the f16 and soon to come f35, Poland is also buying the korean FA-50, we are going to have around a dozen of them coming in the next few years. But overall you have made a great and entertaining video. Thanks.


If they were smart, Poland would take the Typhoon. Period


Having stealth covered with the F-35, the EX is the perfect weapons platform to support it.


The F-15 Eagle platform has been one of the most successful ever fielded. The F-15 Eagle II puts even that monster to shame. Longer range, better systems, greater capabilities. Merely HAVING them will cause any enemy to hesitate to commit/expose their air assets to that thing’s prowess.💯

However, if it’s my strategy, I’d pick the Typhoon. Here’s why:

1. The extra range on the EX is nice, but not really necessary.

2. Having an open source code is a HUGE advantage, operation-wise.

3. It can use a larger suite of weapons, which will aid both procurement and costs.

4. Given their other air attack assets, the Typhoon offers more upside for air superiority/defense.

5. While both are runway queens, I’d bet the Typhoon is a bit more rugged than F-15EX. Given Poland’s proximity to their biggest threat, this should be considered.🧐

Strictly my opinion, and the decision should be decided based on the strategy of defense, or attack. If they want to be more offensive, that means more American weapons. The F-15EX might be better for a more offensive approach.🤷🏾‍♂️


the typhoon is also proven in action in saudi arabia where it has carried out thousands of strike missions, the saudis like them so much they have ordered another 64!, it is easy to work on and very reliable!


You gotta go with the F-15EX because of the 30, 000 pounds weight capability of armaments, very long range, variety of weapons including hypersonic missiles. It could work with stealthy drones and F-35s to target enemy aircraft and SAMs.


There was zero mention as to whether Poland would get the AESA radar with their typhoon. Kinda the biggest question regarding what their typhoon will come with. Moreover, maybe a mention of how a typhoon armed with Meteor has a longer stick for killing manoeuvring targets than anything else on the planet right now
