Regeneration and the Nature of Grace

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Even When: by StoneBridge Worship

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Ugh, I wish I could have watched this live!


This was the most in depth unbiased discussion about regeneration that I've ever heard.


Commenting before I hear the whole thing just to show support. You guys are awesome, keep doing what you’re doing!


I like this program because it presents every position and try to discuss it the best way possible. I am a calvinism when it comes to soteriology, but I respect those who are honest in regards their position without trying to misrepresent their opponents. I saw this episode here and I think I should clarify two things: One in regards to the definition of irresistible grace because I think it was not stated clearly. The term is defined by that saving grace that is directed by God to save those who He chose, then that grace is irresistible. Surely we know that there is resistance against God when that saving grace is not operating. Man resist general revelation, that is explained in Romans 1. Man resist the preaching they hear from the preachers when regeneration is not being worked in their hearts. Now, why is Stephen accusing those men of resisting the Holy Spirit? Because by default, the spoken word is inspired by the Spirit. So when the Spirit is not working over that preaching, resistance will remain up in the heart. The same can be said when man contemplates the creation, which is a work of the Spirit as well. When they reject to give thanks to God, they are resisting the Spirit who caused the creation. So, that is the first thing. The second is regarding the account of Lydia's conversion. Somebody might want to claim there was a prevenient grace that works prior to regeneration, although the bible does not give any statement on that. However, even if there is such thing, it will applied to those who are chosen because, based upon what Romans 8:29-30 states, God predestines those who He foreknew. Therefore any circumstance or contingency that happens prior to conversion is a mean for the same goal: the effective and without delay or failure salvation of those who God determined. You can call all those circumstances and contingencies by the name of "previnient grace" and it is still just the path for regeneration on the time God intended to make it happen. The main point in these grace points is to point out that God does not attempt, but makes it happen as it was thought.


Guys, seriously, whatever happened tonight with the sound, please continue with that plan!! 💪🏻🙏🏻🤙🏻


This show was very engaging. I loved that you didn't have all the answers! It's a topic I know little about. I do hope you'll do a follow-up! A few years ago when I was thinking/praying about how to pray scripture for those who don't know Jesus yet, I came across John 6:44 and so have been praying "Father draw____ to Jesus." I've found myself praying this for Believers thinking can't we all benefit from being drawn to Jesus? My thought after listening to y'all was about the idea I got from Heiser's Unseen Realm - God is such a risk taker! Maybe there is more risk in this issue than we might think. Also, I wondered how much prayer has to do with people coming to know or being prepared to know Jesus.


Growing up in a typical baptist church decisional regeneration hand up walk the isle, plunk em and dunk em 2 days later, only to find out 95% of new “” believers “” wander off in a few months never to be seen again . I agree with the approach reformed churches take, waiting to see fruits to baptize a new believer, having given testimony and so on . That should be done in any church regardless of soteriology imo .


A word to Josh: try putting Louis Berkhoff on the shelf.. get into Herman Ridderbos as a biblical theology from a Reformed perspective and a redemptive history interpretation. You won't go back to Berkhof after. I had Berkoff as the text of my Systematic theology class because my professor was trained at Westminister Seminary, but after I left I discovered Ridderbos' Paul and other books. It changed my Calvinism and later lead me to reject most Systemattic Theology. I' think your correct in holding a Luthern type of view on regeneration though the bible only uses the word "regeneration " twice. You might get ordained in a Calvinist church if you use Ridderbos explanations on the NT.


Watched this as a simple man maybe you could recommend a beginners version explaining what you guys are talking about


Also for the Ephesians argument look at Ephesians 2:12 it’s talking about the same group speaking they were lost and without hope I watched “beyond the fundamentals “ use this exegesis against a calvanist sonny Hernandez in a. Debate and he very clearly had him tripping over his feet, mic drop moment for him when he brought Ephesians 2 in the same context ( which it is ), people usually just focus on the “ in him “ to rebuttal the calvanist stance which is good but this as well was very convincing non calvanist argument . I will add I’m on the fence soteriology wise as well and have no biases, but this was clearly ahh 😧 moment for Sonny ( the calvanist ) trying to affirm Ephesians 1 from the reformed perspective.


Why dont you guys try to get Dr. Ben Witherington III on to talk about these kind of issues from a grounded Wesleyan perspective. Having had both NT Wright and Scot McKnight on might influence him to come on.
On Ephesians 2...I think seeing it as a reference to regeneration is an old Calvinist view....not held by more modern Calvinists (Biblical rather than Systematic) like Herman Ridderbos who see that as redemptive history.
I wouldn't label Pelagus a heretic...Augustine misrepresented him. The revivalist Charles Finney was probably more representative of an evangelical Pelagian..though he essentially revised Jonathan Edwards (A hyper calvinist) which confuses people's categories. Heresy should be limited to the doctrine of the Trinity perhaps.


Jesus kinda defines eternal life in John 17:3 as knowing the Father and the Son.
This definition is not really "regeneration" per se so John 20 might not refer to regeneration as well.
I'm not sure where else "eternal life" has been defined in the bible.


Calvinists are the proud ones. God loves them more. Provisionist believe God loves everyone the same.


Calvinism always uses certain verses to prove their views while ignoring or dancing around other verses that seem to contradict their views.

Calvinism seems to work with select verses but if you read the entire Bible it doesn't fit the overall theme.


Read the book "The Foundation of Augustinian-Calvinism" by Ken Wilson, to understand the origin of the doctrine. Augustine was attempting to explain how infants could become the "elect" through water baptism. Since the child had not come to faith, it must be based on the will of another. It could have nothing to do with the will of the child.


Isn’t Paul a historical example of election?
Jesus literally slapped him off a donkey because he wanted Paul.
Yet Paul got slapped off the donkey to be brought into the fullness of Christ to spread the message of salvation to the rest of the world.
