Member of the Original Worldwide Church of God?

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If you are searching for an assembly with strong family values and with an uncompromising stand on the Bible look no further. Our Roots Are The Same As Herbert W. Armstrong. We believe in both the Old and New testaments and teach the true Name of the Heavenly Father, Yahweh. We also proclaim the Son, who was originally named Yahshua, a name that means “Yahweh is salvation.” The Savior’s mission is reflected in His Name–to bring the message of salvation to earth. We look to our Savior for salvation, realizing that only through Him do we find redemption and forgiveness of sins. We also observe the seven annual Feast days, along with the seventh-day Sabbath. If you earnestly desire a refuge from this world and man’s traditions, we welcome you here.

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If you’re a member of the original Worldwide Church of god or one of it’s breakaway groups? We have some eye-opening information to share. We are Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry, and our roots are the very same as the group started by Herbert W. Armstrong. But we’ve gone even further into the Scriptures. As for basic truth we also observe the Sabbath and biblical Feast days. We were quite puzzled to hear him once claim that his church was the only one keeping the biblical Feasts. Our predecessors had been observing the Bible’s holy days since the 1930s. We also wondered why the Worldwide and now the various splinter groups choose the term “Eternal” in speaking of the Heavenly Father. We then realized that they also recognize the problematic origins of the title Lord. And that brings us to the sacred Name. More and more students of Scripture are catching up with scholarship, archaeology, and even Hollywood in recognizing the truth of the Father’s revealed, personal Name Yahweh. Mr. Armstrong used the Name Yahweh early in his radio broadcast. No one in Scripture called Yahweh by the nameless term God, which became popular only in the seventh century CE. His personal Name Yahweh is found 6,823 times in the Bible’s source manuscripts and is the only Name by which we are saved, Acts 4:12. You have come a long way and now we invite you go further, dig deeper and learn greater salvational truth, such as the proper Biblical calendar to follow for the Feasts, important keys to prophecy in the Sabbaticals and Jubilees, as well as understanding that Bible prophecy always centers on Jerusalem, not the European Union. You came into more truth once. Now we invite you to look at YRM. It will open your eyes to even greater knowledge.

This is Alan Mansager, Blessings to you and your family.

Please watch: "This Is Yahweh's Restoration Ministry - A HEBREW ROOTS, Messianic, Torah Observant, Congregation"
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