FIRST slave owner in the Colonies - Anthony Johnson - Forgotten History

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Anthony Johnson was a man known for achieving wealth in the early 17th-century Colony of Virginia. Born in Angola, he was one of the first African Americans whose right to own a slave for life was recognized by the Virginia courts. Held as an indentured servant in 1621, he earned his freedom after several years, and was granted land by the colony. He later became a tobacco farmer in Maryland. He attained great wealth after completing his term as an indentured servant, and has been referred to as "'the black patriarch' of the first community of Negro property owners in America." Hosted by Colin D. Heaton. The Forgotten History Channel is a 10th Legion Pictures Production.
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I'm Black American and a history buff. I'd known about Black owners for years. Anthony was from Africa, where slavery was normal among warring Tribes or kingdoms. Enslaving other Blacks was normal to him. Yet, White people owned White people. I always said the battle isn't about race. That's a distraction. The war has always been about the Haves and Have Nots. The Haves, which are the minority, but have the money to brainwash the Have Nots to fight among each other on divisive issues. Like religion, race, and sexual orientation. Update: 8 days later; YouTube, won't let me respond to individuals anymore. Bottom dollar, I never said racism isn't a major problem. I basically stated. The people that control everything (The Haves) use racism and other divisive tools to keep the masses (you and me) confused and divided. Also, I am a Black American. ADOS/FBA all the way. One of my Black ancestors' name was Tony. He came to America in 1807 as a slave. Thank you all for the good debating and open minds.


History is Not forgotten. It is strategically erased


I taught high school US history for 35 years. I taught about Anthony Johnson every year.


Forgotten and hidden. All your videos need to be mandatory learning in all American schools. Keep up the great work!


If this were taught in public schools in the US, maybe people wouldn't be so damn ignorant of the history of slavery and would change their notions regarding the subject.


What people just don't seem to realize is that slavery took place centuries before the first residence were in North America.


I cannot tell you HOW MANY times I have invoked this mans name over the years to ignorant people who love to bait. It's shut multiple conversations down (means they knew of him but chose to ignore it), and started some amazing ones up. Thanks for highlighting him, and I haven't even watched the video yet. It's hard to get his story wrong so hopefully there will be no edits to this comment😆
I edit anyway😁This was well done, however the only thing I would clarify at the end is not that he was 'probably the first black slave owner in the country' as a result of speculation but that he was the 'first documented slave owner in our young nations newly formed court system, he was also a black man.' with certainty.


The truth will always make it’s way out, sometimes ignorant people will hinder it and ignorance will enslave people.


It wasn’t forgotten, it was deliberately hidden!


The moral of this story: Never Ever take history lessons from stinckin Hollywood!!


I'm a descendant of John Punch. He was the first ever official slave of the thirteen colonies. His owner was Hugh Gwyn. Anthony Johnson was one of the first slave owners, but he wasn't the first.
John Punch was an indentured servant who ran away with two white indentured servants. All were caught. They had time added to their indentured servitude, but John Punch had life added to his. Even you said in your video that he had "one of the first men" indentured for life. John Punch was THE first. Bonus fact: He probably was from what is now Cameroon because of Y chromosome DNA (he was married to a white woman & had a son. The son married a white woman and had a son. Unbroken line of sons, and most descendants of his are white, like I am).


I actually went to DOD schools from kindergarten until I graduated, overseas, and was so baffled why Black Americans who were so angry about African Slaves when I was taught that Black Americans, this gentleman included, were allowed by our US Courts to also own African Slaves and became wealthy while doing so.


I'm 44 years old, and as a graduate of home schooling we knew this years ago. We were not tied down by the public school indoctrination of a false narrative. And as a Blackfoot, we knew about the different indigenous tribes of North America owning slaves. We also knew that Black people owned black, white, Chinese and native American slaves. As well as the whites and native Americans owned other races. Unfortunately slavery is a part of human history since the beginning of time. And it STILL exists today in many parts of the world. The sad part is we will never be able to rid of slavery. Whether its through human trafficking or sex slaves. Just means we need more prayer in our lives.


History is rarely complementary but should never be covered up no matter who it shows in a harsh light.


Libs' heads exploding LOL. Thanks for the upload :)


I’m a white retired teacher with a BA In African and African American history, and I am continually amazed at how little most black students are taught. And to be taught by a white woman, well, you can imagine.


Isn't it strange that almost no one talks about that? Probably because it doesn't fit the narrative that suits some people. I'm glad there are people brave enough to tell the truth. Thank you!


One of grandfathers was Aleck Garrett. The census reads the he was born in 1817, where he is listed as a mulatto. He was land owner in Virginia; at some point, he married Ann Taylor and moved to Georgia, Alabama, and finally Louisiana. The census shows that Aleck was a land owner, and that he owned as many as twelve (12) people. The family belief is that some of their children (particularly my great grandfather) may have passed as white because my family still owns a lot of land that was once held by Aleck. Assuming that most people of Black ancestry have ties to slavery, I have always found it odd that is no mentioning of slavery in my family. After finding out about Aleck, I now know why. Apparently, the fact that he was a land and property owner was not a point of pride in our family, and therefore it was not discussed. It simply omitted and forgotten.


Correction: Anthony Johnson was sold to the Portuguese slave traders by the black Africans who captured and first enslaved him. Slavery was practiced in Africa long before the Portuguese arrived to take slaves to America.


I would laugh my ass off if they started including this in history classes during black history month.
