Keeping Guinea Fowl with Chickens 9 Things You Must Know

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Today we are going to be talking about the Guinea Hen and everything you need to know raising them with chickens.

You will learn:
-How to raise them with chickens
-Their intelligence level
-Mothering skills
-Disadvantages of raising guinea fowl and more!

Stay tuned!

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I have raised x6 keets with silkies of the same age. They all stick together, with the silkies thinking they are guinea fowl 😂 they are the funniest most endearing birds, I just love them ❤️


I just LOVE my Guinea Fowl! I have 4 that I was able to coop train. My Guineas have been raised with my ducks since day 1 as keets. My ducks and chickens and Guinea all live together in harmony! I've fed all my birds chicken feed and they're all doing great. I have 1 male and 3 female. They get along great with all the things on the farm. They're the coolest birds I own!! LOVE my Jerry and Phyllis girls 😂 They even went Rouge and hatched 10 babies this year... only one survived


I bought 13 of them and kept them in my backyard in town while I prepared things around my little farm outside of town. Once they got their adult voices it was shocking how loud they were and for a couple weeks you could hear them all over town. They followed us around like puppies and once they had a proper home on the farm they were great predator alarms and just cool critters to have around


We had these guys growing up. We had a large farm and all the chickens and guineas were free range. They seems to get along, but preferred to keep to their own kind if given the choice. They really are LOUD. Our neighbors had given them to us telling us they were good at spotting snakes, and perhaps they were, but they spotted everything else, too, and wouldn't stop screaming. I still love them, but you need A LOT of land to make them work. They were louder than the roosters and called more often. One would start and the whole flock joins in, so it isn't ever just one calling; it's always a screaming party.


Spring of 2022 I had 4 wild guinea keets show up at my place they took up with me follow me around like pup dogs go out the gate when I do when they get tired of roaming around they come back to gate and head back around hen house . One in particular considers me his brother I throw bits of bread to him and he catches it in the air like a dog would with treats . They been sitting on eggs thru this extreme Texas heat and 4th of July weekend hatch over a dozen little ones . The noise don’t bother me I hope it bothers my neighbors cause they are stupider than these birds ever have been I suspect they showed up here due to my chickens and probably knew there’d be food . I’m disabled and use a golf cart to get around my property on they follow me everywhere. I call em the goof troops . Funniest birds I ever seen


It was really fun to watch your video on guinea fowl! Thank you for putting this out! I have a small flock of guineas for several years I started out with 12, knowing I would end up with five or six because as soon as the female sat on nest, I knew that raccoons would get them so yes, I have a small flock of all males. When they were small Keats, I rang a cowbell every time I fed them to habituate them to the noise. They are about five years old and free range as far as a half a mile away, but if they are in hearing distance when I ring that cowbell, they start making a noise and come running because they know they’ll get their corn. I have them primarily to keep ticks off of my property, but they are a joy to watch. They are very wild, but they do come home 2 to 3 times a day to eat and drink I would never be without guinea fowl. So many health problems could be solved if county parks would put a flock of guineas in the park to kill ticks and small snakes they take care of themselves that’s for sure.


Ive had guineas most of my life so the noise never really bothered me, i feed them very little storebought feed, they are pefectly capable of fending for themselves if they have enough land, they also dont dig holes or scratch like chickens, They get along pretty well with chickens and can handle the heat in my part of Texas.


More than keeping the Guineas I loved the way you put through this video and the script you took on. Was laughing all the way how you described them. Sounds like fun keeping them, and I think I for sure will.


I'm seriously gonna throttle he one that has the 'every thing is OK' alarm outside my bedroom window at 5 AM.


My grandmother would get a pair of guinea fowl as chicks, and they would be the guards of the whole flock. Had several sets of them over a decade. Not for if you have close neighbors, because they are noisy. My grandma had several acres in her yard, and then the guineas would also forage with the chickens on the edge of the woods where we used to live. Dinosaur running around. They are very independent.


Great video, lots of good info. Our G-F & chickens get on really well. They are housed together & come back each afternoon. We don’t find the G-F noisy unless they are warning us of something. The G-F have done an amazing job of managing ticks through the La Niña we just went through in SE Australia. Love the G-F!!!


We have four guinea fowl and four chickens. Everything said in the video is accurate. Our guineas stay home pretty well, but do roam to the neighbor's house where they were originally from. However, they are well acclimated. to their new surroundings. That is probably because we treat them like pets and sit out in the yard with them. They also do well with our chickens, pit bull, and cats. I do put them in the coop, however when the weather is really bad. I didn't know anything about them until ours moved in. One recently had babies in the brush but because we watch them so closely I had kept an eye on the nest. We had 100 percent survival of all the keets. But like the video said, they are not good mothers so we kept them in a box in a heated bathroom until they could be adopted out. They are well worth there trouble of keeping them.


I just recently bought me some guineas to keep with my chickens


Phenomenal! Thank you for this educational video


My guineas and chickens were together from the start they loved each other the guineas taught one roo to fly. Theit names were George, Lester and their band of goons.


One time I thought my lawnmower was going to hell because I heard this grinding noise. I was relieved that one of our hens decided to panic over the lawnmower even though I was almost done with the lawn lol. They always make me laugh and aren't loud at night.


Great video!

Absolutley rolling - "and do other suicidal thungs". 😂😂😂


love love love my gamebird

they are so smart and loyal


How can you tell the difference male and female


These Guinea fowl eat a lot of ticks. That's what great about them.
