Guy Says He Just Wants To Be Friends But Acts Differently?

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If he says he doesn't want a relationship, you best believe it. You can either be just friends with him or move on. If a man likes you more than a friend, you'll know it. He won't leave his woman single for another man to jump in on her.


It's unfair manipulation. I hate when guys do this.. Thanx for the insight ☺️


This is exactly right- BE WEARY of this behavior!! He isn't ready or something... you deserve outright love


I hate when guys play games like this. They act like they romantically like you, then pull back and say they wanna be just friends. I dont understand how people can act all interested then just say they want to remain friends.


this make sense
my first crush did this to me
I didn't even know that this was a form of manipulation
I finally let go of him

I found someone who loves me for who I am


My friend did this to me, unfortunately, my feelings were getting so deep I had no choice but to let him go(cut him off my life). I blame myself, because even though he was acting one way, what he actually said was that he just wanted to be friends, I should have listened to what he said, and only to what he said. Overall, I leaned my lesson.


Thank you so much. I've been struggling with my friend about this for months. You are a life saver.


Thanks, I needed this. His words and actions were not congruent. I saw him about 8 times. We went for a walk last night holding hands, then we drove to the beach, watched the water, and I drank a few wines. He sang to me. Went back to his house and cuddled watching TV. I went to go kiss him and he said something about being friends and I can have a kiss when I leave. I was (am) falling for him. He pulled this a few weeks ago but since we started up again, I thought he changed his mind. Nope! Listen to what they say girls!! I told him today that I couldn't see him anymore as I was developing feelings and knew they were not going to be returned. Told him I was deleting him out of my phone. I haven't heard another word. hmmmm


I'm in this situation-ship. One thing I'll take away from your advice is to not. get. sucked. in.


Is it wrong for a guy who loves a girl to want both the friendship and the relationship too? The best relationships are friends first then lovers right?


I’ve dealt with this with a girl so I’m understanding this in that type of situation


He's doing it. It's confusing and costing me hundreds of dollars. He wants to be friends. I don't have sex with my friends. A friend is someone you gossip about then takeout with later. A friend is in my circle. Someone who is friends with my other friends. He just wants to be friends and have sex. I saw this behavior in a few men so I make him come here. I'm not going to his house to meet his dog, roommate or sister. I'm not going to be uncomfortable in his court for my own safety.
Furthermore I have just been up front with him and he still wants to have his cake and eat it too.


Thankyou very much for your Answers to the Theme he just wants to be Friends. The actuell stand of things are now that he has blocked me. Didnt tell me the reason why, didnt Finish the Friendship by telling me bye bye to my Face. Two Options fall into my Head. Either he just wants to keep me warm anytime he happens to be in the near...or he did like me and didnt want to hurt my feelings and perhaps he likes me himself and couldnt end it with a finality. But i tend to feel perhaps it was the first Option as i am hurt by his actions at the Moment and like him still. Were both in a certain Group together too. That means when he or i post Things, both of us get to see these Posts. At the Moment hes inclined to posting memes with underlying meanings....but meanings that can also be applied to everyone. So i think hes looking for other victims that will let themselves get used and discarded from him.
Im just observing this Person from a Distance at the Moment and looking how things evolve.


What about a guy who says he wants you to be his g/f, wants to spend lots of time with you but doesnt text or checks in on you to say hi or anything?


Exactly, I had a guy try to pull this, sent me pics of his falice (unwarranted) one night. Then said he wanted to take me out as friends after 3 times of me avoiding his invitation. He told me he wouldn't date me. So I just sent him his pics back. Politely 🤗. Friends and sex don't mix. Play games elsewhere.


So ive met this Guy online. We started writing to each other. He s going through a Divorce at the Moment and doesnt trust Women because of what his Wife did to him. He told me he just wants to be Friends, hed rather the women come and go in his Life. Perhaps later a Relationship.
By me and him we write a lot since last Sunday. If i dont write him he gets annoyed because theres no Message from me. Hed like to visit me and Break bread and converse he said.
So where does this leave me in his Life? He knows i think that i like him. We both enjoy the conversations that we have online till we can meet up personally.
What do you think? Can you analize an answer for me?


What if he says he wants to be friends then after like 2 months of ignoring me every time someone asks what he thinks if me because what he is doing is uncalled for and there is no reason for if says his opinion is too mean and then acts like he hates your guts


The guy im friends with told me he’s not comfortable with being in a relationship bc of his past gf’s but he acts like hes my boyfriend and he was my first kiss but he says he wan’ts to just be friends? Idk what to do because i like him ALOT


Maybe i want to form a real connection first lol


So I have a question or can I ask you a question so this is about a guy friend that I have he claims that he is gay but we have hung out side of school 2 times and he is generally a nice guy so one day I was talking to him saying that we should do a Christmas gift exchange but I was joking a few weeks later before Christmas he got me a gift and I got him one also a few days later we went out we went to like 4 or 5 places then we went to lunch we paid for our meal together but he was acting more weirder than usual he doesn't talk to me or hangout with as a friend we mess around alot and we talk on the phone 24/7 I think but im not sure if he likes me more than a friend I am always there for him and vise versa .
