Longest comment gets pinned! 📌📌

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Credits: @Omgcloudyxxx
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The longest song
It goes on and on
When will this song end?
The longest, longest, longest song
The longest, longest song
(So long!)
The longest, longest, longest song
This is the longest song
It's the longest song
It goes on and on
You can sing this song forever
The longest song
It goes on and on
When will this song end?
This is the longest, longest, longest song
The longest, longest song
(So long!)
The longest, longest, longest song
This is the longest song
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
It's the longest, longest, longest song
The longest, longest song
The longest, longest, longest song
This is the longest song
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
Goes on and on
Goes on and goes on
And goes on and goes on and
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on!
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on!
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on!
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and onThe longest song
It goes on and on
When will this song end?
The longest, longest, longest song
The longest, longest song
(So long!)
The longest, longest, longest song
This is the longest song
It's the longest song
It goes on and on
You can sing this song forever
The longest song
It goes on and on
When will this song end?
This is the longest, longest, longest song
The longest, longest song
(So long!)
The longest, longest, longest song
This is the longest song
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
It's the longest, longest, longest song
The longest, longest song
The longest, longest, longest song
This is the longest song
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
Goes on and on
Goes on and goes on
And goes on and goes on and
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on!
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on!
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on!
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and onThe longest song
It goes on and on
When will this song end?
The longest, longest, longest song
The longest, longest song
(So long!)
The longest, longest, longest song
This is the longest song
It's the longest song
It goes on and on
You can sing this song forever
The longest song
It goes on and on
When will this song end?
This is the longest, longest, longest song
The longest, longest song
(So long!)
The longest, longest, longest song
This is the longest song
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
It's the longest, longest, longest song
The longest, longest song
The longest, longest, longest song
This is the longest song
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
Goes on and on
Goes on and goes on
And goes on and goes on and
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on!
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on!
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on!
On and on, it goes on and on
Goes on and on
It goes on and on


Part 2. I couldn't talk to her because she was working. I realized we are in same class . I tried to get her attention but she didnt remember me . Next day. I spend time at recces looking to get her attention . I cant even get her attention 😪. I realized, she was never even me bestie because i never had a time to talk next month, i get switched desks. I sit by her . I finally get her attention and she was sassy. 😄next day she remembers me . We play and play and play but now she found a group of friends and be's one of them. Im sad and happy for her. Next day she tells teacher that she needs to switch spots. She said "i want to switch with nerd. I get scared.. i never been like this i said to my self "im going to get revenge." Next day im sick my plan went wrong .


I had a bestie and l loved her.. but next day i couldn't find her and then ... 😪 she never came back . I never found her in elementary school. 10 years later im in middle school then i found a person similar. But i ignored it. Next day she was my bestie❤️‍🩹


Colors have long played a crucial role in shaping human culture, art, and psychology, influencing how we perceive the world and how we express ourselves. The visible spectrum of light, which humans can perceive, includes a broad range of hues, each with its own unique qualities and associations. From the calming blue of a clear sky to the vibrant red of a blooming rose, colors evoke emotional responses and carry deep symbolic meanings across different societies. Ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and the Greeks placed great importance on colors, using them in religious rituals, art, and architecture to convey messages of power, divinity, and harmony. In Egypt, for example, colors like gold and blue were reserved for the gods, with gold symbolizing immortality and blue representing the heavens and creation. In many Asian cultures, red is a symbol of good fortune and joy, often used in wedding ceremonies and festivals, while in Western cultures, it is frequently associated with passion and intensity. These cultural associations have evolved over centuries, but the power of color to influence mood, communication, and even behavior remains deeply ingrained in the human experience.

The psychological effects of colors are another area of fascination. Colors have the ability to alter our emotions and perceptions in both subtle and profound ways. The field of color psychology studies how different hues can impact human behavior, productivity, and well-being. For instance, warm colors like red, orange, and yellow are known to evoke feelings of warmth, excitement, and energy. Red, in particular, has been shown to increase heart rates and is often associated with feelings of urgency or intensity. This is why it is frequently used in marketing and advertising to capture attention and stimulate action. In contrast, cool colors like blue, green, and purple tend to have a calming effect, promoting relaxation and focus. Blue, for example, is often used in office spaces and hospitals due to its ability to reduce stress and create a sense of tranquility. The choice of color in interior design, branding, and even clothing can significantly affect how people feel in a given space or situation. As a result, understanding the psychological impact of color has become a valuable tool in fields like marketing, art therapy, and design.

In the world of art, color has always been a fundamental element, used by artists to convey emotion, perspective, and narrative. The use of color in painting, for example, can dramatically alter the mood of a piece and the viewer’s interpretation. During the Renaissance, artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo used color to enhance realism, depth, and the representation of light and shadow, with an emphasis on natural tones and gradations. Later, movements like Impressionism and Fauvism took a different approach, using bold, vibrant colors to evoke emotion and focus less on realistic representation. Artists like Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh used color to capture fleeting moments, emotions, and the effects of light, often using exaggerated or unconventional color palettes to express their inner worlds. The abstract expressionists of the 20th century, such as Mark Rothko and Jackson Pollock, went even further, using color not just as a descriptive tool but as the subject itself, where large fields of color conveyed pure emotion and energy. Color, in these cases, became the primary language through which artists communicated, transcending form and narrative to evoke an emotional response from the viewer.

The science behind color perception adds yet another layer of complexity to our understanding of this phenomenon. Color is not an inherent property of objects but rather the result of how our brains interpret different wavelengths of light. When light strikes an object, certain wavelengths are absorbed, and others are reflected. The reflected light enters our eyes, where it is detected by specialized cells called cones, which are sensitive to different parts of the light spectrum. Humans typically have three types of cones, each responsive to a different range of wavelengths—short (blue), medium (green), and long (red)—which combine to give us the full spectrum of visible colors. Some people have variations in their cone cells, leading to color blindness, where certain colors are perceived differently or not at all. The study of color perception extends beyond the human experience, as animals perceive color in vastly different ways. For example, many birds and insects can see ultraviolet light, a wavelength invisible to humans, which they use to find food or navigate. Meanwhile, some mammals, like dogs, have fewer color receptors and see the world in a more limited range of hues, primarily in shades of blue and yellow. This diversity in color perception across species highlights how color plays a unique role in survival, communication, and behavior in the natural world.

Cultural interpretations of color also vary widely, influenced by geography, history, and societal values. In Western cultures, for example, the color white is often associated with purity, innocence, and new beginnings, making it a popular choice for wedding dresses. However, in many Eastern cultures, white is the color of mourning and is worn at funerals as a symbol of death and rebirth. Similarly, black in the West is often seen as a color of mourning, power, and formality, while in some African cultures, it can be a symbol of maturity and spiritual wisdom. The color green has contrasting meanings as well: in Islamic cultures, it is considered a sacred color, symbolizing paradise and fertility, while in Western cultures, it is commonly associated with nature, health, and envy. These cultural interpretations of color have deep historical roots, shaped by religion, art, and local traditions. As globalization spreads cultural influences across borders, the meanings of colors continue to evolve, blending ancient symbolism with modern interpretations.

In fashion, color is an essential tool for personal expression and creativity. The colors we choose to wear can say a lot about our personalities, moods, and even social status. Throughout history, certain colors have been associated with wealth and power, often due to the rarity and expense of the dyes used to produce them. In ancient Rome, purple was a symbol of imperial authority, reserved exclusively for the emperor, as the dye was incredibly difficult to obtain and expensive to produce. Today, fashion designers use color to create mood, make statements, and convey the identity of their brand. The fashion industry is highly attuned to the psychological and emotional power of color, with seasonal color trends often reflecting broader cultural moods. For instance, neutral tones like beige, gray, and soft pastels may dominate during periods of uncertainty, providing a sense of comfort and calm, while bold, vibrant colors may emerge in more optimistic times, reflecting a collective sense of confidence and creativity. Personal preferences for certain colors in clothing can also be influenced by a variety of factors, including skin tone, cultural background, and individual personality traits, making fashion one of the most accessible forms of color expression.


Here is the Declaration of Independence:
In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.

He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.

He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.

He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.

He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.

He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.

He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:

For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:

For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:

For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:

For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences:

For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies: plz pin it is as long as yt will let me comment


me: Worlds longest word (aka a chemical) 💀


I I am a little bit of a little bit nervous about the situation but I am going to be in the hospital for a couple of days and I am not going anywhere I will see if you want to come over here or not but if not I’ll come down and get it I will come down and see you guys and I will be there in a little bit I will be there in a few minutes I love you guys so much and I hope you have a good day and I will talk to you soon bye love you bye love you bye love you guys bye love you bye love mom bye see you bye love you bye see you guys love mom and miss mom and miss video call you soon as you can I hope you’re feeling good bye see your dad and dad and dad bye see the boys 👦 are in my house 🏠 and I hope you guys love you guys have a good day bye love you guys bye see you’re welcome to the house 🏡 is that what 🙀 you do I will be careful bye ✌️ I will see if you’re busy I will see the house 🏡 bye ✋ I hope 🤞🏼 your dad 👨🏽 love 🥰 dad 👨🏽 love 🥰 and bye ✋ I miss him so you can get home 🏡 and then I’m just saying hi 👋 bye ✋ you are the most amazing 😻 you have the sweetest soul I know you have my best dreams are the most wonderful dreams I will never 👎 have the sweetest smile 😃 love 🥰 to be you

Are the love 🥰 and love 🥰 that comes through you always and I always will have my best to you my baby I hope 🤞🏼 you’re happy 😊 love 🥰 always baby I miss my love 😍 love 🥰 your baby I hope 🤞🏼 he and you too and have you too have an extra night my heart ♥️ heart ♥️ and love 🥰 and miss him and always love 🥰 your heart ♥️ heart ♥️ love 🥰 to your dad 👨🏽 always have lots more love 🥰 and always have lots and I miss your sweet dreams 😴 and I’m glad 😌 love 🥰 to all the people that you have to talk with and love 🥰 your family so very happy 😆 happy 😆 love 🧡 and prayers always my friend always and I 😅will miss him always too I can’t believe he will come to see me and my little boy 👦 and he is my forever ♾️ best and always and I will forever ♾️ forever ♾️ forever ♾️ and ever forever ♾️ and I will love 🧡 and miss my son 👶 forever ♾️ always my forever ♾️ baby I always hope you have always be so sweet 🥹 love 🥰 to see each one ☝️ happy 😆 and forever ♾️ love 🥰 to the best of all the good 😊 and you and always happy 😊 and happy 😊 and happy 😊 and you are so sweet 🥹 heart 💓 heart ♥️ and love 🧡 to the universe love 🧡 to be with your heart ♥️ always happy 😊 I will miss him and you have fun 😅 thank you for always and forever ♾️ always and I will miss seeing each other’s love 🥰 to

Be blessed 🥹 always and I will see more always iii hope that you’re so so very sweet love 🥰 to all my best and love 🥰 and best to him I will be praying 🤲🏼 and hoping and wishing him well in your future as he will get to meet him soon 🔜 love 🥰 to hear 👂 you have an excellent morning I will talk with your family I hope 🤞🏼 to talk soon 🔜 and have an excellent evening I hope 🤞🏼 your week and a great 😊 love 🥰 to all your families happy 😊 day love 🥰 to everyone happy 😊 day 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 happy 😊 birthday 🎂 too to all and you all happy 😊 and I have an extra week of ❤ ❤I ❤don’t ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ know if I can get a hold of you but I’m sure 👍 if you’re still in my area and want me can drop it in my room if you’d prefer and we will chat 💬 later or tomorrow night when you are in my office.


Hi my name is Maya why do I need to make a long time so I'm going to make the word longest coming I'm just going to talk about whatever I can but I'm thinking about what I want to do whatever I like to do I have seven siblings I'm the middle child when love each other but sometimes we argue sometimes I go out since I'm ready 17 years old I have my own apartment but sometimes I came to visit my parents and my siblings sometimes they pregnant hug me or they just ignore me and I like doing gymnastics since I was 5 years old I already know how to do a backflip I always practice even though I'm 17 I still doing it cuz being a gymnastic is my dream and it's also my favorite hobby and I like singing but I don't want to be a singer I want to be a gymnastics where did I and why did I like want to be a gymnastics because I watch TV when I was like four I watch TV of the people winning gymnastics so I decided to focus on dreamthat I wanted to be a gymnastic and I know how to do a lot of tricks 😁 and sometimes when I was 9 years old I play soccer until I broke my leg that's why I wanted to be a gymnastics and my mom always said that soccer games for boys but I didn't believe her but I just quit being a soccer player and actually be a gymnastics and I love making tiktok but I never posted I think people are going to hate me so I just drove them and I have friends I have bf he's 19 and we never argued strong and we have a strong relationship many people have tried blocking it but nobody has and my story doesn't end here I used to get booty when I was a little kids because people said that I was ugly but my mom said that I never was ugly since I grew up I didn't look that ugly no more and everybody wanted to be my friends I don't know why and also I love riding and writing I like when it's silence peaceful quiet and I'm not a crazy teenager I'm not like that my birthday is in 2 weeks what time is it happy cuz we're going to I'm going to throw a party for my birthday but not that crazy cuz I already said that I'm not a crazy teenage I've been riding for already 20 minutes but I'm just going to keep saying things keep saying and sing and sing and sing and sing and sing and sing and sing and sing and sing and sing and sing I don't know why I'm singing in my head I'm going to talk about my life cuz I'm a little bit insecure so I'm just going to keep talking and keep talking and also I hope please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please I think that's enough please I think that's not enough end up my hands are hurting but I never give up like I never and I will never never give up like I never give up I you in my dream never give up never give up people believe me but I don't care cuz I have my own life at least I tried writing I've been writing for like give me 30 minutes already and I also love my family even though we're not rich we love who are we and I love who am I and I'm still not done cuz I've been waiting for a long long long long long long ride and writing and writing and writing and since I was in Middle School I always have straight A's never got b c d f none of does any five dead get some of those my parents would remind me for like 2 days cuz my parents have straight A's they used to tell me back in the old days that they never got b c d f you're my parents are not strict they just want the best for me so I don't like being dumb no offense cuz I know nobody's done people was born differently there wasn't born like us they not like us they're not like us no offense no offense because I'm not a rude girl I'm a nice girl but sometimes when I'm mad I'm like a lion 🦁 I hope you enjoy my sorry


am going to do it. I have made up my mind. These are the first few words of the new… the best … the Longest Text In The Entire History Of The Known Universe! This Has To Have Over 35, 000 words the beat the current world record set by that person who made that flaming chicken handbooky thingy. I might just be saying random things the whole time I type in this so you might get confused a lot. I just discovered something terrible. autocorrect is on!! no!!! this has to be crazy, so I will have to break all the English language rules and the basic knowledge of the average human being. I am not an average human being, however I am special. no no no, not THAT kind of special ;). Why do people send that wink face! it always gives me nightmares! it can make a completely normal sentence creepy. imagine you are going to a friend’s house, so you text this: [ see you soon 🙂 ] seems normal, right? But what is you add the word semi to that colon? (Is that right? or is it the other way around) what is you add a lorry to that briquettes? (Semi-truck to that coal-on) anyway, back to the point: [ see you soon 😉 ]THAT IS JUST SO CREEPY! is that really your friend, or is it a creepy stalker watching your every move? Or even worse, is it your friend who is a creepy stalker? maybe you thought it was your friend, but it was actually your fri end (let me explain: you are happily in McDonalds, getting fat while eating yummy food and some random dude walks up and blots out the sun (he looks like a regular here) you can’t see anything else than him, so you can’t try to avoid eye contact. he finishes eating his cheeseburger (more like horseburgher(I learned that word from the merchant of Venice(which is a good play(if you can understand it(I can cause I got a special book with all the words in readable English written on the side of the page(which is kinda funny because Shakespeare was supposed to be a good poet but no-one can understand him(and he’s racist in act 2 scene1 of the play and sits down beside you, like you are old pals (you’ve never met him before but he looks like he could be in some weird cult) he clears his throat and asks you a very personal question. “can i have some French fries?” (I don’t know why there called French fries when I’ve never seen a French person eat fries! all they eat it is stuff like baguettes and crêpes and rats named ratty-two-ee which is a really fun game on the PlayStation 2) And you think {bubbly cloud thinking bubble} sigh. I remember that i was just about to eat one of my fries when I noticed something mushy and moist and [insert gross color like green or brown] on the end of one of my fries! now I can give it to this NERD!! ” (yes he is a nerd because all he does all day is watch the extended editions of the hobbit, lord of the rings and star wars and eat fat cakes (what the heck is a fat cake? I think it might be like a Twinkie or something)and twinkies(wow so is doesn’t really matter which is which because he eats both(i may have just done that so I didn’t have to Google what a fat cake is (right now I am typing on my iPhone 3gs anyway, which has a broken antenna so i can’t get internet anyway (it’s actually a really funny story that i’ll tell you sometime)))and sit in his man cave with his friend named Joe (an ACTUAL friend, not a fri end)and all Joe does is watch sports like football with bob and all bob does is gamble ferociously (don’t ask(it means he buys all those bags of chips that say “win a free monkey or something if you find a banana in your bag*”(if there is a little star it means there is fine print so I always check the back of the package) *flips over the package* okay, it says: “one of our workers accidentally threw a banana in the packing machine and we don’t want to get sued so we did this promotion thing” cool. Oh wow, this is salt and vinegar! my favourite! i hate cheese and onion.))and that’s pretty much his life, he lives in Jamaica with Naruto and his friends) so you give him that gross fri end he throws up all over you and me and the worker behind the counter who was still making an onion, and THAT is the story of the fri end, not a friend who somehow remembered your name and your phone number / email so he could text you saying he would come to your house soon. *finally takes a breath after typing a few hundred words about fri-ends* so what now? i know, i know, you think i ramble too much and use too many brackets (i don’t) but now i am going to talk about my amAZEing day. first i woke up, ate choco pops for breakfast even tho i always hate it when people say that cause i get jealous and super hungry. then i… umm… yea! that was my day. you know that other person i mentioned before? that flaming chicken person? WELL. i will steal something from that person but do it better. i will… drum roll please … *a drum roll was just playing in the background* that drumroll was so long i forget what i was talking about. *scrolls up to see what he was writing about* oh yea! i will make my own FLAMING CHICKEN HANDBOOK! what things do i like? instead of flaming it could be rainbow, instead of chicken it could be fluffysheep and instead of handbook it could be handbook (not very creative, i know) but the total complete name is now to rainbow fluffysheep handbook! to make life easier for you guys, instead of taking random rules out of book willy nilly, i will take them out using my favourite numbers! so, section 5040 of the rainbow fluffysheep handbook states that the king of all oddly coloured farm animals (thats me!) is allowed to tell you any part out of this book randomly or if it is his one of his favorite numbers! 5040 is a great number because it is divisible by 60 integers which i don’t know. i’m tired. it is 10:41 and i am getting sleepy… hey hey hey! an intruder! remember that from pokepals rulers of time and darkness or something like that! with piplup and sunflora and chimchar! whaoh piplup is really hard to write on a tiny qwerty keyboard! try it! i realised that asdf is actually written in order on the qwerty keyboard! (just in case you didn’t know, asdf is an amazing short video clips cartoony thing on youtube i first learned bout on flipnote hatena, which is now shut down 😦 ) what if one day they get rid of the qwerty keyboard completely! i will type it out for you just in case one day they get rid of it. qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm. there u go. Goodbye. I’m back! i decided that i should tell you about fonts. i always used the same font for my whole life, called arial. the reason is probably because it is on the top of the list in alphabetical order, and i was too lazy to scroll all the way down.


@omgcloudyxxx (credits but it doesn’t work)
