Expository Preaching Part 3 - Results are for the Pulpit - A Puritan's Mind
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In light of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, and with a desire to continue seeing true, biblical reformation and spiritual awakening in our own day, these short exhortations focus on Expository Preaching. The link between biblical preaching of the word and the Reformation is vital. Without godly ministers who know how to commune with the Living God, prepare a righteous study and formulate a precise and God-glorifying sermon, there will be no spiritual revival. Ministers are instructed to, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth," (2 Tim. 2:15). This includes being able and skilled to rightly apply the work of hermeneutics to the act of preaching in homiletics. Ministers are heralds, sent by God to preach His Word to Christ's people. There is never an excuse for a minister to be boring or tiresome when preaching the word of God which is living and active. Ministers must be skilled in this area of their commission if they are going to fulfill their office as a herald sent by God. May the Lord bless you through this study to be a better workman for the glory of Jesus Christ.