Special Revival Hour Choruses

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Thursday Revival Hour Choruses
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Soul steering and life edifying songs. My soul is blessed.


God bless you sister for that day you sang l was revived in conjunction with the message from our Pastor


Very typical of the old time chorus. This is the fountain of living waters. I love those spiritual tones.❤


This is what makes our church different from other churches before


We should try and be lively most times during our praise and worship this aspect of coming to the Church sitting down and clapping hands during our days of our fellowship is not really the best actually is not bad any way is still good but once in a while the Church should be lively. I don't see any thing wrong if hot praises and worship are sang at least during our Thursday revival service it might not be hot all the time at least some time we can just sing normal praise and worship. To me the Church should be lively when I mean the Church being lively am not supporting rascality and madness in the name of praise or dance as it is been done in other places the claim the are praising God but yet there is no moderation in what the are doing even the Bible encourage us to praise God with understanding many people claim to be praising God yet the don't understand what the are doing. I enjoy watching Deeper Praises from other nations of the world like America and Europe even if the don't used drum or dance much during their Chorus or praise time at least the are always lively. Have never seen their congregation sitting down to sing when Choruses or praise is going on never there are always standing whether on Monday or Thursday and their mode of praising God is always nice you talk of those singing and those playing the instrument during Chorus or praise time in fact is wonderful I believe we should try and adapt such method here in our Country. If it happened to be we can be singing Choruses during our Monday Bible Study then praise and worship during Thursday revival service when am taking about praise and worship not the one every body sit down clapping hands from the beginning to the end no body stand up to dance move or shake body that one is limited to Choruses when am talking about praise it should be a joyful moment people should express themselves through dance, singing, jumping and rejoicing then the instrumentalist give us coded beat. The Church should also inculcate discipline by ensuring that moderation is maintain to avoid people taking some things to the extreme or crossing their boundaries..In Campus Church that is how we operate we set aside Monday Bible study for Choruses then Thursday revival service for praises the only time we don't sing praise during our Thursday revival service is when we have a special service like prayers or holy ghost service that is when we intend to bring in Choruses but during our normal service we sing praise and is always a joyful and wonderful moment in God's present we should also try and be singing new songs am not saying the Church should neglect the old songs especially the songs that centers on holiness and purity we cannot do without it we still need it but at least we should also try and be raising new songs not all new songs but the good once and the once that should be as in Church not all gospel songs are meant for Church.. Our praise and Chorus section should not only be lively during our GCK even in our normal days of fellowship let us make it lively it might not be every time but at least once in a while just as I made mention of our Thursday revival service. We should understand that during most of our fellowship days we do have visitors and some of them might not be used to all these sitting down and clapping of hands some of them enjoy to be in a lively place at least if the come and see the mode and way we praise God even if we don't used drum or bring in the dance of the world into the Church at least with moderation and the people being lively during that time the will be happy and the will like to come back again. Not every one likes all the crazy noise or madness people makes in Church these days in the name of praising God the are people that still try to maintain moderation when praising God whether singing dancing name it... Ibelieve God will help us and things will change for good not bad is good we are balance.
