Google Maps to GPX

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Using this simple hack, you can create routes in Google Maps & convert them to a GPX file.

#googlemapstogpx #mapstogpx #motorcycleadventures

Friends, there is a super simple way to draw your bucket list rides in Google Maps, then convert them to a GPX (which is a file format that can you used in any GPS app and on any navigation device).

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As of Feb 21, 2022, this is working.


Thanks! Here are some tips:

The start and end points can't be the same. If making a loop, use slightly different points to start and end the route.

Use up to ten waypoints to create the route as shown in the video. Do not use the dots on the Google Map to move the routes as any over ten won't be used when the route is converted to GPX and the route will be wherever Google Maps would take you for the shortest distance.

If you need more than ten waypoints to force Google Maps to select the roads you want, create the route in segments of ten waypoints and export each to a separate GPX file.


Thanks so much for putting this up! you have made my life so much easier when route planning. Best, Jonathan


Thanks for this video. I'm looking for a free way to add routes for my bike rides in Strava and this is perfect. They let you customize routes this way in the premium version, but aint nobody got cash for that! This workaround lets you add maps as a ride and then just save the ride as a route! Perfect!!


I made my route in Google Maps. Used that website you suggested to export to GPX. I uploaded it to my Garmin and the route that the Garmin would take me is NOT the same.


Hi Jon. Thanks for this! However when I went to MapsToGPS it said "The map link is invalid, it does not contain any direction information. Please attempt to copy the link again." Any advice?


Thanks for the great video. I truly appreciate it. I have a Garmin Zumo 595 and I've tried Harley Davidson Ride Planner, it works great on my cell phone but not on my Garmin. It only gives straight lines from point to point. I tried Rever, created a route and when I loaded it into Basecamp it worked well but then when I transferred it my Garmin it changed about 50% of my created route. I like the layout of Rever because they have "Butler Motorcycle Maps" integrated into their platform as well as various BDR routes. How can I use Butler or know the BDR or integrate it with google maps? Thanks for your help.


I get the following after clicking lets go: "WARNING
count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable
Please go back and check your Maps link" Any advice?


Is it a how to add Google maps to GPX or a tour? How about sticking to the how to.


Please make a video on animation of gpx route


Whatever route I create and copy to Maps to GPX, it returns this message: "failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 429 Too Many Requests
Please go back and check your Maps link." I get this even if I create a link that is a 2 mile drive on a straight road. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


What is the reason for exporting the route to another device? Isn't it easier to just send the route to your phone and use Google Maps to guide you on the route? I've made routes, just in the way that you have shown and then just followed the route on Google Maps. (Yes, I know you'd have to download a map if you're somewhere with poor data coverage.) interest to know


will this gpx file work in the Harley GTS
