Bulk Feverfew and Yellow Chamomile for Sale. Chamomile Wholesaler, Supplier, Exporter, Provider.

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Chamomile For Sale
Scientific Name:
1- Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Sch.Bip.
2- Cota tinctoria (L.) J.Gay
3- Matricaria chamomilla L.
4- Anthemis arvensis L.
5- Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All.
1- Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.) Bernh.
2- Anthemis tinctoria L.
3- Anthemis vulgaris L.
4- Anthemis chevalieri Sennen
5- Anthemis nobilis L.
English Name:
1- Feverfew
2- Yellow Chamomile
3- Chamomile
4- Corn Chamomile
5- Roman chamomile
Other Names in English:
1- Common Feverfew, Feather-Leaved Tansy, Featherfew.
2- Dyer’S Chamomile, Golden Chamomile, Golden Marguerite.
3- Blue Chamomile, Common Chamomile, Crown Mayweed, German Chamomile, Hungarian Chamomile, Matricaria, Scented Chamomile, Scented Mayweed, Sweet False Chamomile.
4- Field Chamomile.
5- English chamomile, Russian chamomile, Noble chamomile.
Family: Asteraceae
Plant parts: Flowers
Cultivation mode: Wild collectionCultivated
In manufacturing: Pharmaceutical, Beverages, Cosmetic, Soap, Skin care, Hair care, Shampoo, Perfumery, Extract, Oil, Mouthwash, Dyeing, Hair color.
In food: Tea.
Chamomile wholesaler, supplier and exporter.
ACPFOOD is where you can buy Chamomile. Since we purchase high quality products directly from farmers, we provide and sell bulk Chamomile with the best quality to wholesalers and retailers and you can buy it from us with the best price.
To order this product, please contact us.
What’sApp: +44 7399 317546

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