15 Shocking Pink Creatures

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From the elusive pink dolphin to the most elaborate pink chickens, these are 15 SHOCKING Pink Creatures !

Pink-Faced Bald Uakari (oo-wakari) -- They’re known as Red Faced Uakaris, too. These small monkeys are found only in the Amazon River basin and have shaggy, long coats that vary from orange to reddish brown. They’re especially known for their distinctive bald heads and bright pink skull-like faces … although the coloring can range from pink to deep red. Uakaris with brighter, redder faces indicate they’re healthy and have a better chance of attracting a mate. Do you think their faces are closer to hot pink or deep red?

Pink Dolphins -- The Amazon River Dolphin is the largest river dolphin species in the world, measuring over 8 feet long and weighing more than 400 pounds. Also called the Boto, the animals are noted for their unique pink coloration … and for having a flexible neck, allowing it to move its head right and left. Did you know these dolphins are known to feed on over 50 species of fish, including catfish and piranha. Even though its eyesight is good, the pink river dolphin targets their prey through echolocation, similar to bats. It’s found swimming throughout the Orinoco and Amazon River basins.

Pink Land Iguanas -- If you want to see one of these creatures in the pink flesh, you’ve got quite a jaunt ahead of you. They’re only found in the Volcan Wolf region on Isabela Island … That’s located in the Galapagos Archipelago, around 600 miles west of Ecuador in the Pacific Ocean. The area is well known as the home of many unusual animals, such as this pink iguana, of which there are thought to be less than 100 existing today. It’s so rare, it’s actually been recognized as its own species.

Pink Dragon Millipede -- To be exact, it’s a shocking pink dragon millipede, discovered in Thailand in 2007. Just over an inch long, researchers correlate the creature’s visually arresting coloration to its toxicity. Many times in nature, animals have bright colors or patterns to warn potential predators to warn off predators. That seems to be the case with this millipede; it’s known to produce hydrogen cyanide to protect it from predators.

Pink Elephants -- People claim to have seen them … usually after over-indulging in some adult beverages. But in 2016, a pink elephant appeared in real life … although it was really a baby albino African elephant. It was spotted in South Africa’s Kruger National Park, with its mother as they drank from a river. African albino elephants are considered a very rare phenomenon … more so even that their smaller Asian counterparts, where the condition is more common, albeit still rare.

Pink Poultry -- Several chickens were spotted clucking around the waterfront of Portland, Oregon in 2015. Maybe that doesn’t seem unusual, until you realize the chickens were pink. It wasn’t the result of a bad hangover … the chickens really were pink, and attracted the attention of the city’s animal services department. The officials took the birds to a coop, to prevent them wandering into nearby traffic. While seeking the bird's owner, there were many rumors how the chickens got their unique coloration … including the theory that the eggs were injected with dye, giving the birds that strange appearance. When the owner finally showed up, he spilled the beans … Bruce Whitman used a mix of beet juice, food dye and Kool-Aid to color the animals. He said he placed the sleeping birds in a tree by the waterfront around 1 am the previous morning … figuring they’d be discovered after the sun rose … which it did and they were. Whitman said he pulled the stunt just to make people smile. By the time whitman retrieved the birds, they’d become media darlings on Animal Services Facebook page attracting thousands of likes and comments. What do you think about Mr Whitman’s stunt … did it put a smile on your face … or was it a fowl thing to do?

Pink Hippos -- No, it’s not a cartoon animal. A pink hippo was spotted -- so to speak -- at the Masai Mara Reserve in Kenya in 2015 … It’s not an albino, though. The coloration is caused by a condition known as leucism (luke-ism), which causes a partial loss of several types of pigment. That’s in contrast to albinism, which is caused by a reduced production of melanin only … that results in the characteristic white hair and pink eyes of an albino. Leucistic animals have a risk of severe sunburn, and can become more visible to predators due to their bright coloring. Hippos are an exception, though … they’re massive enough to defend themselves, and their sweat contains an oily substance they use as sunscreen!

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Pink Panther? He had his own show dammit


1:35: Wild slugma appeared!
8:15: Wild slowpoke appeared!


I saw a pink mantis in my garden yesterday, that mantis is a rare creature


You forgot one of the pink animals on your list.



"Its so rare, it is its very own species". Rareness has nothing to with whether an animal is its own species. A group is a species if it cannot breed with animals outside the group.


"15 shocking pink creatures"


Almost a million subscribers and this video has less than 500 views after an hour. That's crazy...


0:49 I put my hand in one of these, lets just say it wasn't the most comfortable thing I did


actually the pink flamingos are pink because not animal cruelty but their diet you see their diet mostly consist of shrimp but because of the reason why they're there color of their feathers they're not born with it in fact they would have to eat a little bit of shrimp in order to get their pink colors so therefore it is because of their diet that they are pink not because of something they were born with


cool if the pink dolphin eat piranhas then what about barracudas


As an avid reef keeper this video just made me sick with the nudibranch and the bubble tip harmless anemone. The lies.


Spiderguana, Spiderguana. Does whatever a spider can!


I think it's face is the stuff of my nightmares.


Oh, see I tried to tell them I really did see a pink elephant!!


You forgot to include Rosie O'donnell"s snatch.


I thought pink sheep would be one of them


This dude seriously just referenced pink flamingos I’m so done


I had a pink chick before.... Snake ate it....


pink PIGS do not have much PIGment XD


Pink chicken, regular or extra crispy.
