Testing Wetsuits to See Which Is Best: Roka Vs. Sumarpo

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I recently got a new wetsuit from Sumarpo and decided to put it to the test against my Roka wetsuit.

My Ironman is a month away and want to put up the best possible time, and wearing the best possible wetsuit that makes me the fastest is the goal.

If I'm able to gain seconds, if not minutes in a different wetsuit, that could be a big difference overall.

I decided this would be a good test to see which one was faster and if I have a clear winner between the ROKA wetsuit and the Sumarpo wetsuit.

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If you find that you are putting on the Sumarpo suit correctly, and it is still rubbing, do you think placing a waterproof bandage on that part of your neck would help to protect the area, so you can still use the suit?
