The HORRORS of 'BUT'-itis!

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This dreadful disease is running rampant in our churches today! But there is a cure. Acts 16:30-31! Also there is a vaccine. Memorize Ephesians 2:8-9.
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You can't live or love your sin if God really saved us. Jesus said, "If we don't have fruit, He didn't save us. And will be cast into he'll. When saved, Jesus gives us new Godly desires to obey him. Limewe wpuld obey our earthy father you can't be saved (by God ) and live like the ones fittit for destruction. He says, if ye love me keep my commandments. Who is my mother and who is my brother? Those who obey the father and Jesus's brotgers, mother, and sisters. We can't live like everyone in the world. We were bpught with a price. Precious blood of Jesus.
