Gentiles and Torah Study - Gefet with Rabbanit Yael Shimoni

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Gefet- Gemara, Perushim, and Tosafot, an in-depth Iyun gemara shiur
The gemara prohibits a Gentile from studying Torah beyond the seven Noahide laws -- but Meiri offers a unique read of this sugya which leads to a very different conclusion. Join us as we dive into the positions of the Rishonim and their ramifications for interfaith dialogue and learning.
Gefet Ep 103
for Sanhedrin 59
Gefet with Rabbanit Yael Shimoni and Shalhevet Schwartz is in collaboration with Yeshivat Drisha.
The gemara prohibits a Gentile from studying Torah beyond the seven Noahide laws -- but Meiri offers a unique read of this sugya which leads to a very different conclusion. Join us as we dive into the positions of the Rishonim and their ramifications for interfaith dialogue and learning.
Gefet Ep 103
for Sanhedrin 59
Gefet with Rabbanit Yael Shimoni and Shalhevet Schwartz is in collaboration with Yeshivat Drisha.