You CAN Get David Gilmour Tones #4 | The Wall Live Big Muff

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I think a lot of you missed the tone I'm aiming here :)


That was incredible, mate. Wicked tone…you nailed it.


Excellent sound and tone! You nailed it!!


This is much better than the last video I saw from you, nailed the tone


You've Got it down man!! Phenomenol


This is my absolute favorite of Gilmour’s tones. I have the same pedals, except for the compressor and delay. Comp is a Boss CS-2 and delay is a Boss DD-6. I also use a TS9 TubeScreamer in front of the Green Russian to smoothen out a bit of the fuzz’s low end. I use an amp simulator (Scuffham S-Gear) with my combo amp (Blackstar ID Core 40) as both my audio interface for input and output. The one thing I’ve been wrestling with is that my Strat is an HSS configuration (humbucker at the bridge). I’ve been thinking of swapping it out for Seymour Duncan’s SSL-5 single coil. The thing is I use the humbucker for other tones.


Man that’s beautiful. I told my guitar teacher way back when that I wanted to learn this solo. And it’s like he had a massive brain fart or something and thought me a rhythm to some other song and I kept wondering wtf? But I kept practicing what he gave me too and just said nvm. Let’s try marooned.... and he listened to it one time and said I have no clue how he’s making that sound I can’t do this one. When I was 11 and knew what he was talking about was an octave peddle and even told him it was and he still said I have no idea what that is let’s try something else and it was at that point I practiced more playing by ear and stopped going there after about 6 months and started learning the songs I wanted to learn on my own by ear and a couple years later my dad got me a Boss ME-70 peddle board and lone behold it had an octave changer built in to the delay/wah/volume peddle and I learned marooned like I wanted to and my dad bought me a custom cherry burst 50th anniversary American Deluxe Stratocaster and from there I started learning many other David Gilmore masterpieces. And started writing my own versions of them and even some of my own songs but mostly just improvising to random backing tracks and I can’t say I’ve ever gotten into anything as rewarding as playing guitar. And sometimes I pound a bass, or half ass play a piano and drums and sing even though I kinda really suck at it. Music is just so much fun and those occasions where you know you nailed it and hope people heard you make playing all the more special. I wanted those DG20 pickups but decided I don’t want to change anything on my guitar since it’s kind of rare but lately I’ve been looking into Charvel San Dimas’ with the humbuckers and Floyd Rose but seriously can’t find the one I’m looking for. I have shops set up to call me when a hot red one comes in and they call me and say it’s not hot red but it’s this and I keep telling them I want a specific one and can wait till it comes in because for whatever reason very little shops stock Charvel despite the fact it’s the greatest sounding super strat ever made and almost always tell me it’s because they don’t like the way the neck feels, as if since they sell shit they’re the arbiters of equipment. I can easily buy one on line but I remember what it felt like walking into guitar center for strings and spotting what’s now my 50th anniversary strat and why it’s so special too me because I just happened to find it and it’s got a super super rare cherry burst body that was not standard and had to be custom ordered and being a 50th anniversary strat it was made in 2004. The very year I began playing.... When I find the Charvel I’m looking for it will be the same feeling because my other favorite guitarist was Gary Moore and a lot of his best live performances were on a hot red Charvel San Dimas and I’ve never been able to get into playing his stuff because he either uses a Gibson and I’m not a fan of those and I can’t get nearly the same feel from a Fender Stratocaster for obvious reasons. When I find that Charvel it’s going to open up an entirely new chapter of guitar playing for me and that’s worth being patient and instead of online dating meet your new girl the old fashion way by chance. I’m what you would call old school. Even though I’m 29.... I just have more respect for past human beings and not really any for this so called “future” of human beings.... There’s no real sense of accomplishment anymore or even how easy it is to learn now days with all these YouTube channels and the internet have made the adventures of learning the way too easy. And they don’t even realize that because they never had to learn something by ear without watching someone play every note and copying that instead. And not putting any of their own style into it and as far as sounds go it’s the same thing. Not talking shit to you because you just showed which equipment will work but not spend 45 minutes and 15 ads explains how you dialed everything in. It’s really basically the same thing as ricers. Race Inspired Cosmetic Enhancements.... Call me a dinosaur but learning this stuff isn’t supposed to be so easy anyone can do it. Sure, great for sales, but then so many people are playing the same exact notes with the same exact equipment and making the same exact sounds and the vast majority don’t know what good really sounds like and just have the same reactions to November Rain or Eruption no matter if it’s played right or not and don’t give the ones who do any credit for actually being better at it. And that’s not right because it’s no big deal to not sound perfect you learn as you go but when you do sound perfect and don’t get any recognition for your efforts to some it’s just not worth it anymore when someone who can barely play rhythm guitar gets 1st place in the talent show over someone else who’s spent the last 3 years perfecting eruption because to people who don’t know the difference in skills between the 2 are vast and because they are more familiar with strumming assume that’s the more talented style they screw over someone who’s put 10X the soul into what they just played. God I’ll end this ridiculous comment my bad. It’s just I never “converse” with anyone about shit like this because my wife damn sure ain’t no player and my dad wishes he could and likes hearing me play but through no fault of his own has no clue what I’m even talking about so why bother possibly make him feel stupid for no good reason? I just play for him. But haven’t played in over 10 months though on the count I don’t have enough free time and my back really went out bad last May and unless I have some Percocet to dull the pain out enough I just cannot move the way I need to or even get my mind off how bad it hurts to stand with a 15 pound hunk of wood and wires across my chest.... So I’ve just been listening and even creating my next adventure in my mind so when I do feel like playing I can try to play things a little bit different. Have a nice day. Sorry this was such a long ass comment.


Super Cool bro 👍..whats that yellow band?


Awesome. Just have to stop and take that in. We'll done.


The audio does not match the video. Is that correct?


Finalmente uno che sa suonare la chitarra....


Well played man. Just an idea ...try backing off the flanger so its not 'over' saturated. I find using a chorus pedal gets pretty close too (in place of a flanger). Just ideas, and i maybe wrong, but you do you. Nice playing ✌️


You do not need all of those effects to get davids tone. You way overdid this


Hate to break this to you, there’s been hundreds and hundreds of people that that have gotten his guitar tone before you. It’s old news really
