[Angular 6 + Spring Boot] #16 Putting it all together 1

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Create Java web applications with Angular 6 and Spring Boot

In this episode we are going to take all the concepts from the previous episodes (components, services, http) and create the notebook management features of the NoteIt app.

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I need to say thank you for all of your tutorials, they've really helped me understand how to make a clean, and well structured app : )


Than you so much for sharing with us this tutoriels, it was so benefic for me.


Hey, I've been following your tutorial for spring 101 and this one. i want to give just one comment about this tutorial, each time you copy paste some code I find myself copying it from GitHub then having to delete all things that will be written afterward. it might be very helpful for those who are going to follow the tutorial to put the base code and the final one at the same time. But good job anyway =)


Irrelevant question, is it possible to access the database with h2-console? In any other project I worked with Spring Boot I was able to go to h2-console. But on this project it's just says "Whitelabel Error Page"


first of all thanks for all your tutorials, they are very helpfull.
i got this error (TS2322: Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'string'.), could you please suggest me a solution?
Details: notebook.ts(2, 3) The expected type comes from property 'id' which is declared here on type Notebook.

Best Regards


Hello, I really enjoy your angular videos. I am a bit curious. I wrote my method to postNewNotebook, but instead of this.http.post<Notebook> I just put Observable<any> and it is also correct. Probably should I avoid this approach, because we not telling our post request and Observable what exacly data will come from database?


the update and delete functions didn't work for me . I had to add this line " @Column(name = "id", columnDefinition = "BINARY(16)")
"in nootebook.class ... for more details check the link below ...


Hello RC. First of all, I wanted to thank you for great tutorial series. It makes learning a lot easier and faster.
I wanted to ask you question about model classes and viewModel classes.
For example: when you are creating logic to handle feedback component you are using FeedbackViewModel interface and when creating function postNotebook() you are using model class notebook.ts. Could you explain me the difference of usage of those two approaches?


Salut. Am nevoie de ceva sfaturi de la tine si as aprecia daca mi le-ai oferi.
Sunt la inceput de drum in programarea Java. In trecut am mai facut ceva site-uri statice in HTML, CSS SI putin JS (2014-2015) dar a fost mai mult o joaca, apoi in 2017 am urmat un curs de java la scoala informala de it Bucuresti. Dupa terminarea cursului nu am reusit sa ma angajez pentru ca am avut cateva probleme personale (2 decese in familie) dar am fost la cateva interviuri si raspunsul a fost unul negativ. M-am inscris si la cursurile celor de la Luxoft pentru Java 7 avansati ca sa inteleg mai bine Java care va avea loc in decembrie anul acesta. Practic este o continuare, daca ii pot spune asa, a cursului de la Scoala Informala de IT.
Si te rog sa imi spui ce as putea face in continuare ca sa am sanse mai usoare sa ma angajez ca junior Java.
Multumesc anticipat pentru raspuns si imi cer scuze pentru textul acesta atat de lung :)


promise in updateNotebook would be more clean, like: Promise.then(() => {})
Or is it just me?
