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Once you've been skating long enough, you start to notice some patterns in the different types of skateparks. These are 10 types of skateparks every skate has seen.

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"scroll back up to smash that like button yurrr" -Tony Hawk


"ten skateparks that every skater hates" *shows every skaters favourite park*


I just did my first perfect ollie last night it felt so good


When I was a kid, the only "skate park", that was accessible to me was barely a skate park. It was a damaged concrete surface, which had one wooden ramp and one rail, which was not screwed into the ground and tended to fall over whenever touched.

Additionally, the "skate park" was also used by the town to store cut off branches from trees until they were picked up and brought somewhere, so the ground was always full of branches and whatnot. It was really awful to skate and dropping in from the ramp was basically all you could realistically do.


I was heartbroken when I found out my home town park got destroyed it was probably my favorite small skatepark and I don’t think I’ll ever find a park that can give me the same amount of joy that 1 did not saying all parks suck now but the mellow chill session without too much commitment I don’t think I’ll find that feeling again


"types of skateparks every skater hates" - *proceeds to list every style of skatepark in existence*


My local skatepark Is one of them 5000!! Also I'm early


I once searched up where the nearest skatepark to me is. The park wasn’t new to me and I never saw a skatepark there. After searching around, I found a concrete circle on the ground surrounded by grass. It had a path leading up a hill to a sign explaining the safety measures of the “skatepark”. That was literally the skatepark, they didn’t even try


My skatepark was built back in the 80s. It has so much graffiti that you can’t even see the concrete, the biggest problem is the ramps haven’t been fixed in YEARS. Some ramps you can’t even ride because it might as well be gravel.


my favorite skateparks are those who are build under a bridge or a roof (not indoor) because you can go there whenever you want even if its raining or snowing


The two skateparks in my city are almost completely different

One is a very smooth ground but has nothing on it besides two ramps and a manual pad

The other one is very cracky and is filled with stuff but both of them have trees close to them so both of them are covered in leaves most of the time
And it rains all the time and the closest indoor park is a 2 hour drive

Edit: I am aware that I can bring a broom, I mostly walk/skate to the skateparks anyways. I’m a idiot but not that much of one


The modern skatepark at 07:43 is „Landhausplatz“ in Innsbruck, Austria.
I’ve been there September 2021 - cool spot tbh. But I really hated the cracks and at parts the concrete is really rough and takes away speed.
Also I hurt my ankle really bad over there lol

As of skatepark preference a skatepark over no skatepark. Where I come from we have quite a few shitty ones - so I’m happy as long as it‘s skate-able


The park i go to is 18 years old, its still pretty fresh and has no graffitti


Had a pretty cool DIY close to my home. The DIY was used a lot by the skating community and a local massive skatepark decided to buy the place and they remodeled it to make it a real skatepark that was free for use. The skatepark was really cool, it included features you would only find in skatepark created by the community, but it was made by professional. That shit was pretty awesome 😁


Unfortunately I live in Paris so the closest thing I have to a backyard skatepark is a tech deck ramp


"10 TYPES OF SKATEPARKS EVERY SKATER HATES!", 4:42 "DIY skate parks are definitely my favourite type of skate park". OKay bro if u love them so much why say every skater hates them???


The local skaters in my city started the 24th st diy. Which is their own diy skatepark on old unused tennis courts that were side by side. They had ramps, kickers, rails, curbs and other stuff. But the city tore it down due to safety concerns but they ended up rebuilding it using 2 of the 4 courts and it was made using the help of contractors, well known skaters in the area that made the first diy and other volunteers. It ended being something really amazing and the city closes down the street for special events.


I’m relatively new to skating in fact I’m waiting for my new board to arrive in a couple weeks (stupid Amazon 1 day after prime expires) and I’m addicted to your content


It would be cool if they just built a massive skatepark in the middle of town


i have a theory of how a 2 ft spine transfer ends up going to vert. i'm used to hearing that the designers were going for the shallow end of the pool type feel which is a good cop out ill admit. the real reason is more like, they don't skate, they found a transition radius that worked on say a 6ft quarter. they use their auto cad or other architect software and just scale it down and you end up with a harsh bank. these can be fun but when the whole park is a half clam shell that is way to wide in diameter to carve mostly because of the harsh transitions, a spine transfer in the middle and another straight harsh bank on the other side. the middle is about 3.5 ft and the sides are shorter. pretty much your options are skate the thing like your doing wall rides the whole time or get a really short board with tiny wheels. if you think this would be a bunch of fun im telling you guys if i brought you there you would be bummed. if anyone can explain what happened in the design phase here if different then my theory please tell me so i can learn from it. then you have the white collar guy that thinks he can do anything a pro can and usually messes all the way up and is to arrogant to admit they messed up and the pros are more qualified. i hate that guy lol
