Capricho Arabe (F. Tárrega) - Alexandra Whittingham

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20 Year old British Guitarist Alexandra Whittingham plays Capricho Arabe by Francisco Tárrega.
Filmed in the Church of St Pierre in Martignac, South-West France.

Instagram: @alexaguitarist |

Video Production by Craig Morgan.
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Alexandra, my son is two and he is always asking me to turn this video on. He says, "turn on another pretty." Then he smiles and says "pretty" while you play.

I thought you might like to read that.

Thank you for bringing us pure joy.


Could be something more global than one amazing english artist playing a spanish melody inspired on arabian culture into a french catholic church? Just Perfect.


My wife is a really incredible guitarist and can memorize pieces on the
instrument very quickly... So once, when we were teens, I had had a
particularly bad day and couldn't sleep that night. So, knowing how much
I love classical music, she learned this piece and sat next to my bed
playing it all night until I fell asleep. I can't listen to it without
getting a little teary-eyed now.


This is my favorite piece in classical guitar and Alexandra's recording is by far my favorite of them all.

If you're familiar with this piece (played by all the greats) Alexandra's phrasing will still catch you off guard.

If you're anything like me, you'll wonder why it was ever played another way.


Capricho árabe es una composición para guitarra clásica escrita por el compositor español Francisco Tárrega en 1892, tras un largo viaje por Andalucía y el norte de África.1​ Estuvo dedicada a su amigo, el musicólogo y compositor Tomás Bretón.

Ha sido interpretada y grabada en innumerables ocasiones por la mayor parte de los guitarristas clásicos, como Andrés Segovia y Narciso Yepes.

El día 20 de diciembre de 1915, en la ciudad de Castellón, durante el entierro de Tárrega, tres bandas de música se dispusieron alrededor del féretro del compositor e interpretaron solemnemente el Capricho Árabe. Los que presenciaron el acto, lo recordaron como uno de los instantes más emotivos de sus vidas.


I cannot understand why anybody would dislike this. This is flawless talent that I could only dream about.


Veo que casi todos los comentarios se centran en la hermosa interpretación del “Capricho árabe” que nos regala la bella Alexandra Whittingham. Es algo que me parece justo y merecido. Sin embargo apenas se menciona a su genial compositor, el castellonense Francisco Tárrega (1852-1909), que nos ha legado un precioso ramillete de joyas, tan inspiradas y admirables como este maravilloso “capricho”. Afortunadamente recibe el reconocimiento absoluto de todos los amantes de la guitarra clásica y, muy especialmente, de los mejores guitarristas.


This church is only a few miles from where i currently live in France.When all this Covid is over i am going to visit and sit at that same door.


This is the video that inspired me to start classical guitar lessons and opened the door to a deeper understanding of and appreciation for music. How can any art make you sad and happy at the same time?


I used to play this many years ago. That is why I know how you may feel when doing it. Congrats. Best wishes from Almeria, south Spain


You’re phrasing is by far the best I’ve heard. The drop D minor passages are as if an orchestra is playing. So many other guitar players just rush through that too fast with little dynamics. To me, this is how this piece should be played.


Alexandra, such beautiful playing! You are so incredibly talented. I'm an old rocker from the 70s and have just started taking classical guitar lessons. I can't imagine ever playing like this. You're so young, you must have started at an early age. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us.


I've got this recording as my music when travelling in Spain, my country and it fits beautifully with the landscape. You put your soul in it and everyone can feel that.... absolutely beautifully emotional.


Have never heard or seen a more beautiful rendition! What a inspiring young women to a world in such need of joy! Thank you!


Lost count as of how many nights this is the last thing I heard.
The best I've ever heard doing capricho àrabe.🌹💐.


Whittingham? That cannot be a common name.
When I was young, I had a band - the Bass-player was a very gifted musician named Graham Whittingham. He was the best friend I ever had.
At the time I was learning to play Tarrega .. what a small world this is. It is clear that the dynamics of expression seems to run in your family. Thank you!


Играть не глядя на гриф-высший пилотаж.Браво.


The talent alone that is required to play this is awe
But the ability to infuse true soul and spirit into it in the way you do is exceedingly rare. Playing music isn't just about playing the right notes at the right time. To truly play music is to let the piece become an extension of your emotions and let the true spirit of the music pour out.

This was a deeply emotional piece


This should be sent to the next Voyager Mission


Asombroso. Que limpio es el sonido. Se nota su extensa dedicación y por supuesto su gran talento.
