Rare Disease Day Webinar: How to effectively approach media to boost your Rare Disease Day campaign

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Would you like to know how to work with media to get your message heard by your target audience?

Media coverage can help develop your communication and raise awareness of your Rare Disease Day events. This webinar will outline the importance of traditional media and help you to better understand what journalists need to run your story for Rare Disease Day. Our national partner organisations, from India, Croatia and Argentina, will offer tips and tactics to grab the attention of journalists.
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Saluto tutti, ho beurofibromatosi tipo 2 e sono sorda. Seguirò se verrà sottotitolato 8incontro, intanto fate un buon lavoro corale, Cinzia


I have been suffering from Fabry disease since my childhood, but I discovered it recently due to the inadequate conditions in my country. Please help. Thanks
