Put a Finger Down… STRICT PARENTS Edition 👪

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Put a Finger Down Strict Parents Edition 👪
Do you have strict parents? Let’s see how many fingers you put down in this fun “Put a Finger Down” challenge!
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Yall are SO lucky. It’s hard to have someone control every little thing you do. Every single thought. Having to be monitored like you’re a criminal. Not being able to spend time with friends and watching them have fun without you. Missing out on life. Not being able to make your own decisions. It’s really hard out here.


Lets see.. my parents are rlly strict...

My parents;

-have a strict bedtime, even in weekends (10:30pm, but im literally 15 u know-)
-have screentime (5 hours per day)
-need to finish hw before doing anything fun
-need to ask permission to hangout with friends (but not virtually tho)
-detailed plan on where im going
-strict rules in keeping ur room clean
-family time scheldule
-straight home after school

8.. oh lord


0 fingers. Yay no strict parent at all😊


3 fingers down my parents let me drink soda everyday


lol I only put down the tracking one but that’s for safety


I have one down my parents are cool like that ❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊


0:15 My parents make me sleep at 9 (Monday to Saturday) My parents wants me to go play/holiday on Sunday but they let me sleep at 10:00 or 11:00
0:17 No, My parents don’t mind if I watch TV and ipads for KumonHomework)
0:23 No, my IPad is not limited. It is for homework/games.
0:28 My sister does, but maybe not
0:35 I don’t have chores or anything, mom/dad does it
0:40 My dad allow, but mom doesn’t (1/2 parents)
0:46 It’s germs, but on 24/07/24 yeah
0:53 yeah
0:59 Do homework for Kumon iPads
1:05 “IPad location yes, [Find My!]”
1:12 Not allowed.
1:16 I don’t have curfews
1:21 I don’t have another young sibling, I am the only minor. (not including cousin)
1:28 I would say so.
1:36 No, On Sunday we get to play
1:41 Oh yeah yeah.
1:45 I don’t like so veggies, but I have to leave the table.
1:52 Tyla dance, my mom saw it and said it was cute tho
1:59 Some.
2:06 no
2:09 yýe
2:15 Lots of, but only at parties/Sundays
2:19 I don’t have allowance
2:29 My parents already know invitations
2:33 no
2:42 No
2:44 NO, Only my teachers in 2nd grade does that.
2:52 Ok yýe
2:54 Yeah cameras
3:03 No, Everyone knows
3:07 YÝe
3:14 Nope, no.
3:18 Nope, paảents
3:24 Time outs
3:30 Nope, Im a boy


That's just going to write a camera in my room to my mom at


I only put six fingers down. I guess my parents are not so strict.


bedtime on weekends, ask permission to hang out with friends, i don't know if im not allowed to have social media accounts because i never ask my parents for them, check browser history, i dont want to use makeup


When im still in childhood my mom and dad will only play with me when weekend night because they always work work work and also clean the rooms and floors first also treat my lil brothers first in my childhood but in my childhood when my mom and dad goes to work on weekdays i was only 5 yrs back then so i can take care of my lil brothers so my mom & dad got me 2 nannys for my brothers to take care of them now im 12 yrs . By the way i only got 2 fingers down, my parents are not rlly strict 😊😊😊


I have 0 finger down

Edits : Changing from 1 to 0 Fingers down


Why mom says it's not history.The best mom and dad in the world


I only put 1 finger down. So happy that I don’t have strict parents 😃


Or the bigger my mom left me but sometimes I don't like the party.She always laughing


5 fingers down, oh well.. leneint parents i have
