Russian particle КА, частица КА, let's in Russian

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Some little Russian words can be really tricky! Сегодня расскажу в частице "ка"! I'll tell you about the Russian particle ка, there are two ways to use it and I'll tell you about both of them and give you lots of examples! So enlarge your Russian vocabulary listening to Russian native speaker!
Study English and Russian with AR!
Hey, there! I am Antonia Romaker and I teach two languages on this channel - Russian and English! You can learn both with me or just one, it's up to you! Just keep learning and watching the videos and I will make sure that you enjoy the ride!
Study English and Russian with AR!
Hey, there! I am Antonia Romaker and I teach two languages on this channel - Russian and English! You can learn both with me or just one, it's up to you! Just keep learning and watching the videos and I will make sure that you enjoy the ride!
Russian particle КА, частица КА, let's in Russian
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