The perfect response when she says 'I'll let you know'

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I'm 30 and cant believe I'm still dealing with this shit


She's indirectly telling you she's not interested, but wants you to keep chasing to boost her ego with free attention and validation


It's best to move on. A woman that's genuinely interested in you won't feel the need to play games or waste time. Unless she's naturally flakey and immature to everyone (including her friends and family), we all know most women can be indecisive and unsure of themselves. However, if she really likes you, she'll make time for you and will even adjust her schedule accordingly if needed.


I look at it like this: If someone is giving you vague, non-committal answers like this, then they either aren't interested, or they don't respect your time (or just completely flakey). Attraction and effort has to be a two way street. If they won't commit to plans, then you do absolutely nothing. You could try to play it cool if you wanted, but you don't owe them anything.


I would just walk away and find someone else who is going to be willing to be serious.


I just got the “I’ll let you know” text from the girl that I like after two dates. I’m pulling back from her because I’m tired


When women say to me "I'll let you know". I quickly respond with, "FORGET IT" The reason why I respond like that is because #1- they clearly are NOT interested and #2-it makes no sense to waste each other's times and energy. #MoveOn


Anything outside of a clear-cut Yes means no. Don't waste your time, move on.


Whenever I tried setting up a specific date and she's vague and says she'll let me know I say "ok" and I leave it at that. If she then comes back to me the day before I tell her I've already made other plans (often true) and to not wait so long next time. If she's vague, I consider the date not set until she commits, so I have no trouble making plans with other people. She'll just have to wait.


It takes confidence and guts to ask someone out, so give yourself a pat on the back when you ask someone to spend time with you.

I have had "ill let you know" response.

I say "ok thanks, let me know" ... then I just take it as a "no", and never reach out to her again.

I don't understand why people can't just say yes or no thanks. That would be better all round...


I think it's warm test man that the first thing you should do is leave never talk to her again be done with it


i can't have standards when i'm in extreme scarcity
how do you work on self esteem when everything you tried failed


I usually avoid all this. I say "sounds good" and I never reach out again. Saves me a lot of time and energy.


Not confusing at all.

It's simple.... There's no one busier than someone who's not interested.

Move on. Done.


Why is it the vice-chairman when a woman is wishy-washy is just give her a chance but women if a if a man is wishy-washy with a woman she doesn't give him a chance


Had this happen to me a week ago, so i didn't contact her & let her get back to me, she didn't so now i move on. I agree with the bonus option, have standards & if they can't meet those they are not what you are looking for anyway.


It’s a clear 100% no. I’ll let you know means he’s the back up man


Maybe means no. A great response would be to not care and say "ok I still have time to do x". Or make it sound like you're going to call another woman. Yes I think asking puts her on the record so you know to stop giving her attention.


I've learned to ask her out as soon as possible to get her on the record so I don't have to keep wondering and playing her flirt bombing games. I know most of the time the answer will not be a yea either a no or maybe so it's good to get it out of the way.


Guys! Never let woman take control over you and your life. IF she plays game of letting you wait your response MUST be like "Finally! You aren't the only important target I focus on..."
