Teemo but I'm a Mega Tank who Blinds you

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Teemo but I'm a Mega Tank who Blinds you
League of Legends season 11 Teemo Gameplay!

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It's funny how very aware Zwag is toward his enemies' positioning on map, but he seems often oblivious on his own teammates'


This game is pretty much an example of what I like to call "True Teemo Trap, " paired with another instance I like to call the "Team-V-1 conundrum." The "True Teemo Trap" is in reference not to Teemo's shrooms themselves, but to the effect they have on the enemy team.

You see, nobody likes Teemo shrooms, and a good Teemo will try to ensure that his shrooms are often placed in high-traffic areas (such as the Jungle or contested objectives). To prevent this, a lot of people tend to buy sweepers, when facing off against Teemo. The "trap" however, is when too many people on the enemy team buy sweepers (such as those games when the *entire* enemy team buys sweepers). If they do, they won't have the same level of vision as Teemo's team, and thus will be more likely to walk into traps laid by the rest of Teemo's team (such as a Rengar in a bush or the like). Sure, the enemy team can buy Pink Wards, to mitigate their lack of regular wards, but that's a constant deduction of money from their pockets, and each time said ward is taken out, it's a plus to the pockets of Teemo's team.

The other instance, which I call the "4v1 conundrum, " is when a split-push build (or similar) is powerful enough to provoke the enemy team to have to constantly 3v1, 4v1, or even 5v1, whoever is split-pushing. In this case, Teemo's pretty much a prime example, where they pretty much *have* to send a small army after Zwag, in order to properly deal with him. On top of that, they can only truly engage against Zwag when both Zilean *and* Tryndamere have their "last chance at life" ults available and active. The "conundrum" that arises? If they have to burn all their resources to kill one person on Zwag's team, they have little left over for the other four, thus allowing the rest of Zwag's team a much higher chance of victory, should they play safe and play smart. After all, you can 4v1 in League, but you can't easily 20V5.

As such, I feel like this game pretty much generated a perfect storm, where both of these traits combined to force the enemy team to sacrifice their map presence en masse. They couldn't properly ward, since most of them bought sweepers, and could only mitigate their lack of wards with Pink Wards. They couldn't properly engage against Zwag's team once grouped, because they constantly spent their strongest engage on Zwag. Kha'Zix rage-quitting wasn't exactly helping matters, but if Zwag's team was sticking together and playing smart, it probably wouldn't have mattered too much if the bug stayed.


Legend has it that TC Zwag is somewhere in the Rift looking for that legendary last hit cannon minion.


Zwag : "I just took a whapping zero dmg from draven"
Tip: A good way to get people to keep playing is to tell them to ff. No ones likes being told what to do, so they will keep playing.


“Did Zwag get the first 6 CS?”
Yes, he got all 6!
Win Streak: 1


"Somebody might hit it and get annoyed"

^Peak Teemo gameplay


Zwag I watch your vids while I go for quest cape on oldschool runescape, 5 to go, thank you for keeping me sane


“Did Zwag place a ward before 6 minutes?”
Yes!!! 3 minutes early! 1:51
Win Streak: 2


That is literally me playing Tryn. I remember this game from earlier. Later you build thorn mail. Game took forever to end. I was wondering how or why this teemo I was playing was so good. Hahaha


I guess the only thing more rage-inducing than a Teemo is a Teemo that's standing there laughing at you.


Man you put yourself in such a bad spot just to get that 6th minion for Kyle, what a lad


Lol you said "is it your turn buddy " 🤣 😂


I think what I like listening most for are the dramatic "my cannon" anytime one passes you by. i laugh literally every time haha. that being said i love the content. :)


I suscribed his channel to improve my english, and now I get a deep impression on "my minions" and "my cannon"


Zwag: I need to blind the Tryndamere not the Zilean
Also Zwag: Immediately flash blinds the Zilean and dies to Tryndamere


23:55 that naut literally had one job and failed lmao


Zwag first Q 2:27
Zwag last Q 36:17
Total Q casted 60
Sadly there's no 69th Q


I don’t play league anymore but I enjoy Zwag playing


Would this build work better with a riftmaker instead of the sunderer?


The most attractive thing you've got is commentary of what is going on in the game. And i like how you don't perma spam TAB button for microseconds that's ruin the micro. You pay attention to details and safe situations.
