The Mimic: Jealousy - Chihiro's Path

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Original Soundtrack by Ampient.

Owned by the Mimic

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Chihiro. The saddest backstory after Rin and Mio.. All she wanted were parent figures :(
This soundtrack is absolutely stunning. It screams out “jealousy” and “anger” and “depression” all in one. Tysm for this, CT Studios!! ✨


Chihiro’s Path:

Alone, yet again, was the little girl. She watched as all the other girls strolled through the park with their mothers. She watched how they giggled, how they hugged and how much fun they had together.

Chihiro couldn’t help but feel a sense of emptiness but also a longing for that motherly love, so later that day, she prayed and prayed for the thing she wanted most, a mother.
Closing her eyes, she hoped for a miracle.

As the girl opened her eyes, she was startled to find a tall, slender and shadowy figure with white eyes that gleamed with an otherworldly radiance and teeth as sharp as a shark’s contently smiling at her. Chihiro’s prayers have been answered.

In disbelief, she sat there and could only watch as the shadowy figure walked over to kneel down next to her, yet felt at ease at the figure’s presence.

This was the mother she always wanted, the mother she never had, until now. And so, a day later, Chihiro proudly paraded through the park, clutching the hand of her newfound mother, their connection radiating love and fulfillment.

Smiling triumphantly and gazing at her mother, she heard whispering coming from the people around. Some parents swiftly drew their children closer to them upon sight of Chihiro and her mother, as if there was danger looming ahead. Others only stared in disgust.

Confused at first, she was unable to grasp what was amiss. But as her realization deepened, she began to connect the dots. With each passing moment, clarity dawned upon her and she began to finally understand.

Her mother wasn’t normal.
All the other mothers had silky hair, so why didn’t hers? All the other mothers had kind and welcoming faces with normal eyes and teeth, why didn’t hers? All the other mothers were human, so why wasn’t hers?

Overcome with pure hate and jealousy, it seemed this was the beginning of Chihiro’s path.


All Cihiro wanted was a mother figure, the fact that she was so overwhelmed with her feelings of jealousy over the other children that she ended up praying to the wrong god (or in this case beast, [Jealousy]), it makes me sad. Somehow she is still happy even in the game but she is, well, corrupted. She's so cute tho. ❤


my heart breaks for Chihiro. i love the soundtrack tho. it’s beautiful


this is maybe the most perfect ost i have been hear


I feel bad for her.. All Chihiro wanted was a loving mother and some attention. She doesn't deserve this😔


I think it would be cool if we were able to find a book to read Chihiro’s story somewhere in the playground, and it would play the little video. Something like Rin & Mio’s story.
There could be a readable book in every chapter


this sound track is honestly so beautiful
poor Chihiro though


The Mimic is the best game on Roblox I love the lore and the gameplay just everything about it


i love the mimic somehow like it just got sucked into my brain the moment i saw its thumbnail


Who agree the mimic should have a series?


Hope during the Halloween event, these models will get revamped. These models include shaku doll model, kazeko, hanzu, fleshbags, futaomote, nagemi, taiyo, kabocha, shinigami, aka manto and shiniachi.




The soothing sound is just so calming but just knowing what happened too poor Chiro……


"She fills me with Jealousy" 般若


I feel so bad for Chihiro :( she just wanted a good parent


The mimic next April fool's update: The mimir.

The mimir is a horror game with monsters chasing you while they are sleeping, if you die your teammates will see you sleeping or dead. Play the mimir NOW

Tags: sleep, parody, APRIL FOOL-

Goofy sound effects

Control: "farting sound"
Jealousy: " water sound"

Kintoru: 💀

Game modes:

Monkey sound effect + VERY LOUD SLEEPING NOISE

Witch trials: " breaking and falling bones"
Halloween trials: "💀"
Christmas trials: "❄️"
Nightmare circus: "🤡"

Guys hope for the best Mucdich might put this idea in the game.


Chihiro is so friendly in book 2 chapter 2.


I feel like Kusunoki and Chihiro have the saddest backstory Edit: Well actually Futaomote and Hiachi instead of Chihiro


So I valued this game dearly. According to my ideology, there are probably going to be 4 books based on the 4 rampaged beasts from Book 1. Now here is the reason why I believe that. It is because both Book 1 and Book 2 have been named and designed accordingly to the name, number and aura of the 4 rampaged beasts and the 2 future books will also probably be designed comprising the same characteristics of the other 2 rampaged beats *Rage* and *Rebirth*. Considering all this information, our answer to the next future books ( basically books 3 and 4 ) would probably be:
Book 3 = Rage
Book 4 = Rebirth.

My theory of understanding this game:
So I believe that Book 1 (Control) has introduced us to a story of 4 rampaged beasts and will continue to introduce us to new books incorporating the main purpose of the anecdote of the 4 beasts and their power. In my visions or imagination, there will be different stories communicated through each book about all 4 rampaged beasts. The main notion of the creator ( basically MUCDICH ) is to convey one simple message through this game which is for people to acknowledge and realize the 4 basic elements of pure evil:
Explanation or justification for element number 1, *control*:
Taking Sama as a sample, we find an example of the hunger or starvation of pure evil for power or control over one certain speciality that they treasure. In such a condition they start to possess or occupy such negative leverage that they use to achieve their dreams by cooperating with illegal and u fair acts. Let us take Sama ( Kinturou ) as an example. Sama's heart desired to rule her mighty empire and to get powerful but she probably realized that she couldn't so she used unfair strategies, procedures and techniques to take over the influential Masachige family and transform them into puppets just so she could gain power.

Description of element number 2 *jealousy*:
OK! So here comes the emotional part, we all notice something diverse in another that we expected we would have had but we couldn't, so we work unfairly with people to obtain that specific detail. This can occur in 2 conditions or realizations,
(A) When we realize we do have the power to steal that desired consequence.
(B) When we realize that we do not have the power to embezzle that wished development.
Here we have Chihiro as an example. Chihiro got envious of other children who had been blessed with parents, guardians, families and friends because she did not those features in her exuberance. So, she coped with the evil demon and spread evil in despair in her village just to get revenge on those that had something she didn't but wanted to have.
( The explanations\descriptions of the next 2 remaining components or elements do not demonstrate any significant example since the creator did not share any precise story)

The portrayal of the third special element *rage*:
This kind of evil is very strong, dangerous and catastrophic. One is incensed to be furious under many different circumstances. Though the outcome we can get is basically revenge.

Last but not least *rebirth*:
Rebirth itself describes when pure evil is awakened after a long duration or period of being destroyed and when it spreads darkness, evil and ignorance one by one through its sufferers and gains power or *control*.

So hopefully Mucdich you be prosperous to formulate and compose fascinating stories for the other leftover books and my feedback is a 100% positive.
