Kinder Felie de lapte
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Prajitura aceasta este atat de buna si frageda, extrem de usor de facut, incat nu mai are rost sa o cumpar din magazine
.Ingrediente blat pentru o tava de 42x 32 cm
120 g faina
100g zahar
40 ml ulei
40g cacao
5 oua
1 lingura vanilie
Ingrediente crema
280 g crema de branza
100 ml lapte condensat
200 ml smantana pentru frisca
1 lingura vanilie
optional-2 linguri de zahar pudra
alte arome, dupa preferinta: lamaie, portocala
Incepem cu pregatirea blatului.
Mixam 100g zahar cu 5 oua pana isi tripleaza volumul. Adaugam 40 ml ulei, 40g cacao, mixand usor dupa fiecare. Se adauga si lingura de vanilie.Faina se cerne deasupra compozitiei si se amesteca cu o spatula, folosind miscari largi, de sus in jos.Asezam compozitia rezultata intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt, nivelam bine prajitura pentru a se coace uniform. Blatul se coace in cuptor preincalzit la 180 C pentru 20 min sau pana cand trece testul cu scobitoarea.
Pentru crema amestecam toate ingredientele. Crema de branza se mixeaza cu laptele condensat pana se omogenizeaza. Se adauga smantana pentru frisca (Dorna am folosit) si se continua mixarea pana devine ferma. Optional, in functie de gust, se mai pot adauga 2 linguri de zahar pudra.Dupa racirea completa a blatului, il taiem in 2. Punem prima jumatate de blat intr-o tava acoperita cu folie alimentara, adaugam toata crema si o nivelam.
Punem si al 2lea blat, apasand cu mana pentru a se lipi de crema.
Acoperim prajitura cu folia alimentara, tragand de ea la capete, pentru a se fixa bine crema.
Se lasa la rece cateva ore. Eu am taiat prajitura in 3 etape: dupa 3h, dupa 6h, a2 a zi, dupa ce fusese lasata peste noapte in frigider.Variantele 2 si 3 au fost cele mai bune. Crema se intareste, chiar daca nu are gelatina, blatul se inmoaie usor de la crema,. Prajitura este extrem de fina si pufoasa.
Daca m-ati urmarit pana aici, va puteti abona la canalul meu de Youtube pentru a primi la timp ultimele videoclipuri adaugate.
English kinder milk slice recipe
ingredients for a 42x 42 cm tray
120 g flour
100g sugar
40 ml oil
40g cocoa
5 eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla
Cream ingredient
280 g cream cheese
100 ml condensed milk
200 ml whipped cream
1 tablespoon vanilla
optional-2 tablespoons powdered sugar
other flavors, according to preference: lemon, orange
We start by preparing the chocolate biscuit cake. Mix 100g sugar with 5 eggs until it triples in volume. Add 40 ml of oil, 40g of cocoa, mixing lightly after each one. Add a tablespoon of vanilla.
Sift the flour over the composition and mix with a spatula, using wide movements, from top to bottom.Place the resulting batter in a tray lined with parchment paper, level the cake well to bake evenly. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 20 minutes (check also with a toothpick to see if it is done).
For the cream, mix all the ingredients. The cream cheese is mixed with condensed milk until smooth. Add the whipping cream and continue mixing until it becomes firm. Optionally, depending on the taste, you can add 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar.After the biscuit cake has cooled completely, cut it into 2.
Put the first half in a tray covered with foil, add all the cream and level it. Cover with the second biscuit cake, pressing with the hand to stick to the cream.Cover the cake with cling film, pulling it to the edges, to fix the cream well.Leave to cool for a few hours.
I cut the cake in 3 stages: after 3h, after 6h, a2 the day, after it had been left overnight in the refrigerator.It is perfect to serve after 6 hours, at least.
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Much appreciated.
Prajitura aceasta este atat de buna si frageda, extrem de usor de facut, incat nu mai are rost sa o cumpar din magazine
.Ingrediente blat pentru o tava de 42x 32 cm
120 g faina
100g zahar
40 ml ulei
40g cacao
5 oua
1 lingura vanilie
Ingrediente crema
280 g crema de branza
100 ml lapte condensat
200 ml smantana pentru frisca
1 lingura vanilie
optional-2 linguri de zahar pudra
alte arome, dupa preferinta: lamaie, portocala
Incepem cu pregatirea blatului.
Mixam 100g zahar cu 5 oua pana isi tripleaza volumul. Adaugam 40 ml ulei, 40g cacao, mixand usor dupa fiecare. Se adauga si lingura de vanilie.Faina se cerne deasupra compozitiei si se amesteca cu o spatula, folosind miscari largi, de sus in jos.Asezam compozitia rezultata intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt, nivelam bine prajitura pentru a se coace uniform. Blatul se coace in cuptor preincalzit la 180 C pentru 20 min sau pana cand trece testul cu scobitoarea.
Pentru crema amestecam toate ingredientele. Crema de branza se mixeaza cu laptele condensat pana se omogenizeaza. Se adauga smantana pentru frisca (Dorna am folosit) si se continua mixarea pana devine ferma. Optional, in functie de gust, se mai pot adauga 2 linguri de zahar pudra.Dupa racirea completa a blatului, il taiem in 2. Punem prima jumatate de blat intr-o tava acoperita cu folie alimentara, adaugam toata crema si o nivelam.
Punem si al 2lea blat, apasand cu mana pentru a se lipi de crema.
Acoperim prajitura cu folia alimentara, tragand de ea la capete, pentru a se fixa bine crema.
Se lasa la rece cateva ore. Eu am taiat prajitura in 3 etape: dupa 3h, dupa 6h, a2 a zi, dupa ce fusese lasata peste noapte in frigider.Variantele 2 si 3 au fost cele mai bune. Crema se intareste, chiar daca nu are gelatina, blatul se inmoaie usor de la crema,. Prajitura este extrem de fina si pufoasa.
Daca m-ati urmarit pana aici, va puteti abona la canalul meu de Youtube pentru a primi la timp ultimele videoclipuri adaugate.
English kinder milk slice recipe
ingredients for a 42x 42 cm tray
120 g flour
100g sugar
40 ml oil
40g cocoa
5 eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla
Cream ingredient
280 g cream cheese
100 ml condensed milk
200 ml whipped cream
1 tablespoon vanilla
optional-2 tablespoons powdered sugar
other flavors, according to preference: lemon, orange
We start by preparing the chocolate biscuit cake. Mix 100g sugar with 5 eggs until it triples in volume. Add 40 ml of oil, 40g of cocoa, mixing lightly after each one. Add a tablespoon of vanilla.
Sift the flour over the composition and mix with a spatula, using wide movements, from top to bottom.Place the resulting batter in a tray lined with parchment paper, level the cake well to bake evenly. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 20 minutes (check also with a toothpick to see if it is done).
For the cream, mix all the ingredients. The cream cheese is mixed with condensed milk until smooth. Add the whipping cream and continue mixing until it becomes firm. Optionally, depending on the taste, you can add 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar.After the biscuit cake has cooled completely, cut it into 2.
Put the first half in a tray covered with foil, add all the cream and level it. Cover with the second biscuit cake, pressing with the hand to stick to the cream.Cover the cake with cling film, pulling it to the edges, to fix the cream well.Leave to cool for a few hours.
I cut the cake in 3 stages: after 3h, after 6h, a2 the day, after it had been left overnight in the refrigerator.It is perfect to serve after 6 hours, at least.
Thanks for watching! If you like my videos, please subscribe to my Channel to receive the latest videos.
Much appreciated.