An ABANDONED Fire Station Where NOTHING Has Been Done For OVER EIGHT Years

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I was given a new job, to trim a heavily overgrown 160m long Beech hedge on a disused fire station that has been empty for over 20 years, and the last time the hedge was cleaned, mowed and trimmed was about 8 years ago.
I took two helpers to do the job as the order was 70km away and I wanted to finish the job in two days at the most.
When I arrived at the place I started the work with hedge trimming and my assistant with a chain saw cut the hedge from the top, as the branches were very thick, while the second assistant carried everything in a pile, which would later with the help of a chipper to crush everything in the trailer, as the nearest recycling dump was 35 km away, so I wanted to put as much as possible in the trailer. During the day we managed to finish cutting the hedge and fill one trailer.
In the following days me and another helper continued cleaning the area, once a tree branch hit me on the nose and made a small scratch and a little later my helper hit me in the face with a branch without noticing me. Then I started cleaning the asphalt from weeds and moss while my colleague was filling the trailer, when the trailer was full I had to leave to unload everything and my assistant started cutting the grass with a trimmer. All in all this work took us 4 days and 4 full trailers.
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You and George from Quick Cuts have the same work ethic….do it all and do it well! Enjoyed this video and I hope you had a good rest afterwards…you deserved it. 👏👏👏🇨🇦


Massive job Kustorez! You know what I really appreciate about you is that even if you have assistants, you do all the tasks too. You dont give harder jobs to them. You are busy doing all the same tasks and working so hard yourself.


Охрененнааая РАБОТА!!!!
Вот просто нет слов ребята 💪💪💪💪 МОЛОДЦЫ!!!! Работа очень тяжелая выполнена 💪💪💪👍👍👍👍


Four days?!?! You must’ve been soooo ready to be finished! Hope you got paid well for that beast! Amazing work!


Невероятная работа!! Ни каждый бы взялся!!!! Похоже, что для вас, ребята, нет ничего невозможного! Особенно удивила очистка лопатой площади от травы и мха! Отличная физическая форма!!!!


you overlooked a couple of trees growing at the front/blue door. And a few little trees in the middle of the lawn. Sometimes its those little things that make your work pop...and give it a wow factor.


YOU GUYS are AMAZING . A months worth of work in four days, in my eyes. Another outstanding cleanup . Thank You. Be Safe, ❤😊


Mercy! What an incredibly massive undertaking! I am glad to see you had assistance on this job. Well done! The property looks more tidy and cleaner now. 😊
I forgot to add that at 58:38 is the brightest, clearest and most beautiful rainbow that I have ever seen! ❤🌈


Chapeau meine Herren, für diese knallharte Knüppelarbeit. Meinen allerhöchsten Respekt.


Какой большой объем работ😮 я устала даже наблюдая как спиливают, таскают, измельчают, сгребают, чистят дороги 🙈
Крепкого вам здоровья, берегите себя! ❤


I sometimes tell other lawn channels to watch you on how to trim hedges, they are bush butchers lol. You are a master!❤👍🇺🇸


I am 77 and recovering from a back injury. Someday you will look back with no regrets that you gave all you could to working when you were able. Well done!


That was the most complete rainbow I've ever seen in my life, and I'm 68 years old. Awesome job.


Вы сделали такую огромную работу! Надеюсь, что и зарплата будет достойная.


Das war also ein Video, das ich noch lange nicht sehen werde. Ich habe noch nie eine so hohe Hecke gesehen. Sie mussten die Galeeren in Ordnung bringen!!! Ich bewundere Sie sehr dafür, dass Sie es geschafft haben, obwohl es vier Tage gedauert hat. Acht Jahre sind sofort erkennbar und diese Äste waren keine Äste mehr, sondern fast Bäume!!! Vielen Dank für das außergewöhnliche Erlebnis und ich wünsche Ihnen ein angenehmes und vor allem erholsames Wochenende. Aufpassen!!!💯💯💯👍👍👍🌿🍁🍂


Just finished watching this abandoned fire house episode. Man you guys work hard. You always leave it looking so much better. My back ached from just watching.
Have a good weekend. See you next time. 🌞


Сегодня дома мы чистили деревья в саду. Очень устали, потому что сад запущен. А у вас такой об, ем большой😮. Молодцы


Guten tag .Bonjour de France . Quel travail énorme ! Bravo Monsieur Kustorez pour votre courage et sérieux . Très bon travail comme d'habitude . C'est encourageant de vous regarder travailler . Bravo !


You guys have worked really hard clening up that old site. Just when i thought you had finished you start more. Fantastic


Üdvözöllek! Ti nagyon tudtok dolgozni! Ez sem volt könnyű munka, de csodát tettetek! Gratulálok! 🤗👌👏👏🇭🇺
